Suggestion and Policy

sebastiandark 2 Reviews 1359 reads

If a provider is removed, can you all list the “why” behind it?

Steve_Trevor134 reads

Sometimes a provider will delist because of inaccurate reviews (e.g. saying she offers FS or even BBFS when she doesn’t), stalking by clients (so she goes UTR), and other personal reasons. IMO that kind of info is private and shouldn’t be published without the provider’s permission.  

I can understand and appreciate that. However if they’re removed for poor behavior/practices, do you think that should be shared?

Steve_Trevor153 reads

There’s many reasons a provider could be delisted for behavior / practices. A common example is stating a no-review policy.  What constitutes “poor”?  That’s open to interpretation.  

I think there’s a reason TER doesn’t allow discussion of delisted providers “except for rip offs, ROBs etc.”.  If a provider is delisted, I take them off my list unless it’s someone I’ve already met.

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