Suggestion and Policy

Suggestion - Reviewer "mini-profile"
maven 1 Reviews 4466 reads
1 / 6

I think a lot of the "mileage" different people get is dependant on the chemistry between the Reviewer & Provider.It would be really nice to know if a certain provider "favors" a certain type of Reviewer.  I mean, we all have our preferences.  It would really be nice for me to be able to see if that provider likes blondes for instance.I think it would be really nice if we could get reviewers to fill in a form with a few choices:1. Reviewer Hair Color & Length2. Reviewer body type (slim, average, muscular, stocky, heavy)3. Reviewer race (Caucasion, Latin, etc.)I think that maintains our anonymity as reviewers, while providing us with just that little extra insight as to why a certain provider got a 9 performance, and another one got a 4.If these could be worked into the system I think it would make an already good system downright excellent.

Staff 3517 reads
2 / 6

A user profile/likes page sounds kind of fun. what does everyone think?

greywolf 17 Reviews 2537 reads
3 / 6

Assuming that I understand the initial message, I personally don't think that having the reviewer add those physical characteristics will really accomplish much at all.  While there may be certain providers who wouldn't particularly enjoy seeing a guy who was (fill in your own blank), there's a whole lot more that goes into determining chemistry than height, weight, ethnicty, etc.  And contrary to what maven stated, I think it could be detrimental to the reviewer's anonimity. Just my .02--others may disagree.

MartinLuther 1877 reads
4 / 6

Though I do not make any attempt to hide either my name ormy handle her on TER from providers, I feel there are manygentlemen who do.  It may be that one reviewer is theonly stocky-blonde-asian that that provider has ever seen.(me too) in the population at large there remains anonymitybut within the community of TER and even more so the providersrecent clientele, he could be "outed" easily.And there are just as many reasons why reviewers who writegood reviews may wish to remain anonymous as a person postinga negative review.For instance, when everything about a session points to a 10,but he comments on body odor or some other singular flaw......Lustman -- You are what you eat, I must be a pussy!

Coach 5 Reviews 2955 reads
5 / 6

Although it might be interesting, it's not a good idea.  Registered users can list a more descriptive profile now if they want, but I want to remain anonomous.

maven 1 Reviews 2582 reads
6 / 6

It just seems if we had a way of knowing a little more abouta providers "preferences" it would be very educational.For instance, a provider may dislike caucasions.If we could see at a glance that all latinos got 9s and 10sfor service, and asians got 5s and 6s, and caucasions got4s and 5s... I think you see the idea.Everyone has the preferences.It would be nice to give up the tiniest little bit of anonymity (on a completely optional basis!) for a little more possibly relevant detail.And since reviews are posted well after the provider would have seen them... I think the anonymity is preserved there as well.-Maven

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