Suggestion and Policy

Staff: Thank you, thank you, thank you !!
OCSIR 219 Reviews 36450 reads

Only a died in the wool TER addict like myself can appreciate the change that was made in the New Review section. I now know which reviews I've looked at as I visit this site for the 12th time each day!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you again.


Good things come to those that wait...

Posted: 11/29/2000 2:05:00 PM

"I'd like an indicator that shows I have already read that review.  This could be accomplished if instead of those grey VIEW and REVIEW buttons, you used hyper-text links (like you do with the reviewer's name).  That way, the browser automatically changes the color of the hyperlink that you have visited."

-- Modified on 5/3/2002 5:34:49 PM

You know I'm just teasing!
(2 happy faces in the subject line)

John.Galt34667 reads

The links you have not visited are red, and the ones you have visited are blue, which is almost the opposite of the scheme in the rest of your site.

I keep thinking the blue ones are new ones. I could get used to it but if you feel like altering the style sheet, that is an idea.

Otherwise, it is a cool addition.

ZedEx32324 reads's a nice addition as is the new porn star board.

Vaginaterian34993 reads

Why not place the cumulative or at least rolling stats of the individual provider on the page.  Rolling stat could equal average of last five reviews, not throwing out highest and lowest.  

What are your thoughts?

Letsdoitagain37427 reads

Additionally, could there be a total for the number of reviews for a provider when the New Review list first comes up?

Hint for users:  Don't delete all of your cookies like I did.  Sigh.

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