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New reviews?
dfwguy 29174 reads

I'm very new to this site so please forgive if this question has been asked. But here it is, I often see new reviews posted for certain providers, but when I go to read the review it is an old review and not new at all and one that I have often already read. Also, sometimes I will see several reviews for a provider, but will check later and see the number of reviews have decreased, curious as to why?

Also, at the risk of sounding like a complete newbie, what does YMMV mean?

Staff26814 reads

The new reviews list is a list of provider who have had new reviews with the last 2 weeks.  Sometimes a review goes up, a problem report is submitted, we take the review down within an hour.  This will cause the provider to still show up in the new list without a new review.

If you see providers with reviews missing, it is because we have removed them for one reason or another.  usually having to do with the users that hav submitted them or new info we have found.

YMMV is Your mileage my Vary..

-- Staff

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