Suggestion and Policy

Re: What does the ad cost you?
AlexKingsley See my TER Reviews 6759 reads

Despite my lack of respect for the use of aliases on both sides of this debate, I have to say that I am in agreement with Whats_it_worth. These are discussion boards so why should providers, who are publicly advertising their services on them free of charge, be immune from comment?

I do share the original poster's distaste for the rather dubious business ethics of some ladies on this site. I also dislike to see any provider's weekly ad targeted by the small minority of gentlemen who think it is OK to post disparaging comments about her rates, appearance etc. However, I strongly feel that maintaining as much freedom of speech as possible takes priority over protecting peoples' feelings from getting hurt or protecting businesses from competition. We are all adults here and I think most potential clients are smart enough to make up their own minds. Ladies who are on a continual drive for self-promotion at the expense of others are probably hurting their businesses more than they are helping them, in my opinion.

provider12345678906148 reads

Providers only get one ad a week. This ad should be able to reflect them and not the baggage of a provider who randomly decides to associate herself with said provider by posting a comment on her ad thread. Whether the comment is "you are so hot" "I wish I was in town the same time as you" etc, it would be nice if TER considered allowing providers to have posts from other providers removed from their ads.

Some of these providers post on other provider's ads for a little attention or to even attempt to create some association for their business. The provider who posted the ad now has no say about any providers attempting to leech off her business or whatever the reason is to post on her ONE and ONLY ad for the week.

It would just be provider friendly if TER allowed providers to request the posts of other providers on their ads to be removed. Instead, the reply is "well the provider isn't breaking the rules by posting a comment on your ad thread." Maybe not, but she is trying to associate herself and I should be able to decide who I am associated with.

Thank you.

As a paying customer of TER, I hope to see this problem improved in the future.

TallCoolDrink8255 reads

becomes a popularity contest of sorts.

I like seeing the guys inane posts under an ad, they do mean something.

Whats_it_worth6383 reads

TER already disallows negative comments made against provider ads.  If you want to advertise with complete control of the media, maybe you should take out a paid ad in one of the many areas that offer it.

Or, what is that weekly ad on TER worth to you?  More than it costs???

Despite my lack of respect for the use of aliases on both sides of this debate, I have to say that I am in agreement with Whats_it_worth. These are discussion boards so why should providers, who are publicly advertising their services on them free of charge, be immune from comment?

I do share the original poster's distaste for the rather dubious business ethics of some ladies on this site. I also dislike to see any provider's weekly ad targeted by the small minority of gentlemen who think it is OK to post disparaging comments about her rates, appearance etc. However, I strongly feel that maintaining as much freedom of speech as possible takes priority over protecting peoples' feelings from getting hurt or protecting businesses from competition. We are all adults here and I think most potential clients are smart enough to make up their own minds. Ladies who are on a continual drive for self-promotion at the expense of others are probably hurting their businesses more than they are helping them, in my opinion.

TallCoolDrink6318 reads

posting things like "you're so hot" or "sorry I missed seeing you" under a ladies ad?

Not that I would ever do such a thing. :)

I totally agree with you about disparaging comments of any kind, that's just out of place.

provider12345678906098 reads

No offense to guys who like to post shills or girls who like them on their ads, but they have got to go!

I used to love shills on my ad posts until recent events in MN and Pheonix. Personally, now I do not want any guy's handle associated with my weekly ad. If he and his TER handle are now under scruitiny, I do not want any association with it because he wanted to post something on my ad that could be taken to mean almost anything!

(The aforementioned applys to ladies posting on other ladies ads as well).

Farfetched? Maybe, but I would rather eer on the safe side and hopes TER would respect that.

No thank you.

I have no issues with that. I take it as a compliment.

provider12345678905980 reads

Any truely professional business would be happy if not ecstatic to receive feedback from its customers. My suggestion is feedback. As a customer who also benefits from TER, I feel it is important to share my feedback. Why wouldn't I? I push new clients this way every day. I reference TER in many different ways inevitably giving TER some sort of business, in addition to paying for the VIP membership myself. So, I have every right to make a suggestion despite a free ad. Do I not?

Again, what business would not want to receive feedback from those who patronize its services? It would be a poor business move to suggest I should just shut up because I have a free ad from them. I am certain TER is professional and understands feedback is helpful, thus the Suggestion and Policy board!

There isn't a way for us to get free VIP for our input or participation and -- in truth:  without us there is no TER just as reviewers are necessary.  It's symbiotic but the advantages lean towards the reviewers for the most part. I had a guy go on a diatribe on my thread once because I put "INDY" instead of "INDIE" and he smacked my one thread for the entire week.

Now the mods are good and getting better, KUDOS for that.  And I do love TER - it's a great advantage to me as someone who tours a lot.  But many of us do pay to use this board to our advantage and we are often vulnerable to suffer from random stupid crap on our threads and fake reviews and other doo doo.

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