Suggestion and Policy

Re: Preggo! Damn it!
WaterBoys 13 Reviews 5999 reads

Maybe make it an 'expecting' date, so it is not a forever characteristic.

That way folks can figure out how far along or how far after provider is.  And it wouldn't require any active macro coding or periodic updating.

I know I'm sounding like a broken record here, but pregnant ladies get priority seating on public transit, why can't pregnant providers get any search criteria in the profile?  They have a tough enough of a time waddling around as it is, give 'em a break and toss 'em at least one field, so hobbyists can find them easier.  The ISO board is usually littered with preggo requests!  They need the business more than anyone else!

whatever, to each his own.

HD, you been around long enough to know how a provider profile is created, and what it takes to change it.  Remember, profiles are fairly permanent,  pregnancy is a temporary, but life changing, condition!!!  Let's say that TER does add a Preggo search option, more than likely, your session will pay for day care.

Maybe make it an 'expecting' date, so it is not a forever characteristic.

That way folks can figure out how far along or how far after provider is.  And it wouldn't require any active macro coding or periodic updating.

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