Suggestion and Policy

Re: FYI, paid members still get the same credit for submitting reviews as the non-paying VIPS.
Nikki_Greedy See my TER Reviews 9273 reads

There is a point here...

There should be a higher points scale for "paid" members that would add more time when they post reviews over that of a non-paid member..

It would be an added incentive to become a 'paid' member..

Like it is 15 days added now correct.. So for paid members make it like say 21 days (three weeks).. so two reviews would be a month and a half, but only the month counts and the half rolls over to banking for another review..
This could then be applied or banked for use at the user options..

Many other sites have different levels of 'rewards' for paid membership other than access..

I know you can be a VIP member by submitting reviews, because I've been doing that for years.  But as I understand it, paying for a membership offers no additional benefits, except you don't have to write reviews.  

What if a guy wants to support this site both ways?!

I think a person that pays and writes reviews should enjoy two sets of membership benefits.

How about allowing uber members (those paying members with a certain number of reviews, like a 100 lets say) to assign the #11 instead of just 1 through 10.  How about uber members and their special ladies get gold stars by their alias on the discussion board?  How about custom smileys to emote or icons showing off status?

There is a point here...

There should be a higher points scale for "paid" members that would add more time when they post reviews over that of a non-paid member..

It would be an added incentive to become a 'paid' member..

Like it is 15 days added now correct.. So for paid members make it like say 21 days (three weeks).. so two reviews would be a month and a half, but only the month counts and the half rolls over to banking for another review..
This could then be applied or banked for use at the user options..

Many other sites have different levels of 'rewards' for paid membership other than access..

To avoid fake reviews, no free VIP membership days until after 6, or 9, or 12 months of paid membership, and then they would have acess usage of their "Banked credit days".  

This would eliminate A LOT of fake reviews by the casual fake reviewer, and only leave the Agency fake reviewers.

I was a paid member for my first 2 years I think.

Newbies can already acess most of the site, and gain a lot of info for free.  They can see legitimate providers with basic info and not get ripped off.  

After a "paid newbie" graduates to "Journeyman reviewer" then the different levels of 'rewards' could kick in.


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