Suggestion and Policy

providers who commit review fraud having their profiles labeled as fraudulent instead of removed.
anabangbang 7998 reads

i think it would be more helpful to the hobbyists if ter left their profiles up and labeled them as fraudulent reviews.

most girls that get banned for review fraud claim that they requested to be delisted and that isnt fair to the honest girls who really do request to be delisted.

i think we need to be able to accurately differentiate between the two.

this might be a much stronger deterrent.

There are some local providers who aren't on TER. Are they gone because they requested? Or because they were kicked off? Makes a big difference ...

i know of several cases where hobbyists have written reviews on encounters that didn't happen. in one instance the provider had retired and was 3000 miles away from the alleged date.

removal from the provider profile seems the appropriate remedy in that case. what about leaving the review appear in the reviewers profile if he is not banished?

anabangbang7217 reads

so a provider profile might have a list of reviews.

review - provider fraud
review - hobbyist fraud

i think it would be more effective to let them remain members and since it's ter policy to leave ripoff profiles up,  it would be appropriate to just remove the providers legitimate reviews if they request to be delisted.  

that the provider wants removed from this site or the internet in general....

anabangbang6762 reads

i consider fraud to be a ripoff

what a fraudulent provider wants is to rip people off. when she gets caught, thats her problem to deal with and ter owes her NO CONSIDERATION at that point.

she didnt show anyone any

From the point of view of what's best for this industry, I think it's a great idea. For TER as a business, it's a bit of a legal minefield. Declaring a review "fraudulent" might lead to defamation suits from the providers in question. These would be costly to defend and it's one thing to know the truth, but often more difficult to prove it in court (even on the balance of probability, which is the standard here).

I'd be interested to hear what any lawyers out there have to say about this.

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