Suggestion and Policy

Potential Message Board Improvements
tttuuuvvv 44 Reviews 3854 reads

Two Suggestions:

On the newly evolving message boards, it would be great if you had:

1.  The ability to view an entire thread at once.  You select the headline you want, then select "View Entire Thread" and all the responses come up at once rather than having to select them one by one.

2.  The ability to search on the Discussion Boards.

TBD has both of those features which are very useful.

Thanks for considering.

Staff2098 reads

This is your lucky day, we have had both feature for a while now.  

If you would like to "view all" messages in a thread, hit the "view all" button at the bottom of your screen when looking at a message.

If you would like to "find a message" click on "find message" in the forum view (the one with all threads showing.

Have fun!

-- Staff

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