Suggestion and Policy

Policy on Withdrawn Reviews
2sense 3590 reads

It has been pointed out on the San Diego board that reviews are taken down if the provider indicates that she doesn't want to be reviewed on TER. For those providers who both advertise on the Web and refuse to be reviewed by TER, it would seem fair to have a new category listing indicating the names and web sites of these 'refuseniks'. This would permit TER users to use their own discretion in avoiding them.

Staff1616 reads

At the moment, unless a provider is a ripoff, we respect their right not to want reviews posted about them. We don't delete the reviews from the database, we just make them unavailable to the public.  One day we might make a section similar to what your talking about.  Any ideas?

-- Staff

Was looking for info on a provider that I know has been reviewed here only now all reviews have evaporated.  She still has ads on a number of sites so that can't be the reason her reviews were taken down. I can only guess that she has requested the reviews taken down, which seems to be a trend.  My question is, what are you going to do when the trickle becomes a flood and the vast majority of providers ask not to be reviewed?  What good will your site be then?

Staff1953 reads

Actually Threewide, most of the time when a provider asks to be taken down, they ask to be put back with a week or so.  A good review on TER is worth a lot of business.  When we take them down, all that business goes away.  

Don't worry about it becoming a trend.

-- Staff

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