Suggestion and Policy

Perhaps so but...
Gr8t8 59 Reviews 1004 reads
1 / 6

I think if the ladies could see who takes the time to Like her photo that this could be the start of a conversation that could lead to dates.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 74 reads
2 / 6

I like the anonymity that comes with the present system because if I like one person's photo, but not another gal's, and I know that gal, then I will end up with a lot of grief from that person.

I suggest that if you like that person's photo enough you contact them and see if things lead to a date.

Gr8t8 59 Reviews 67 reads
3 / 6

I agree with being anonymous to the entire site.Just let the poster of the photo see who likes it

impposter 49 Reviews 69 reads
4 / 6

I'm in the northeast. Sometimes I "like" a photo from the southwest (or elsewhere). It is highly unlikely that I will be arranging to see someone in LA or SD. Neither I nor she need to waste time following up on a simple "like." It will lead to a lot fewer likes!  
The current anonymous "like" system is fine. If it ain't broke, don't break it.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Perhaps so but...
I like the anonymity that comes with the present system because if I like one person's photo, but not another gal's, and I know that gal, then I will end up with a lot of grief from that person.  
 I suggest that if you like that person's photo enough you contact them and see if things lead to a date.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 70 reads
5 / 6

With this clarification, I no longer think this is a terrible idea, like I did when I read your OP. I guess that would be okay but I’m still not sure I see the point?

As far as leading to conversation that leads to appointments, if you’re smitten with someone from the photo board enough to want to meet them; then you contact them somehow and do it. You can tell them or not that you first fell for them on the photo board, up to you. I’m just saying that if they could see that you hit like, I wouldn’t expect them to PM you to say hey let’s get together.  

Or maybe they would? Would like to see some opinions from ladies.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 2 reads
6 / 6

I hit the like button because it promotes them to continue to post. Hit the like button boys.

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