Suggestion and Policy

Opps...guess it was not TER! My bad - eomred_smile
Snownfire 25 Reviews 8636 reads


there members about a no show list seriously.

Recently mdfun posted an incident of a no show.

Right now you can only mention it on the discussion board.  Which, in a day or two, moves to the back page.  So there is no permanent record of the no show.

Imagine if no shows were tracked like reviews are.  Then we would be better able to see a Lady's record.  Certainly would help.

The same thing happened to me with in Columbus Ohio recently.

Set up an appointment a couple of days ahead of time. Kellie said to call back the day of the appointment at a certain hour for directions.

I called an no answer.  I called every 10 minutes for a half-hour.  Even sent her a numeric page.

On the last call I was told that the mail box was full.  Maybe more guys were being stood up that night.

Posted this on the Ohio board and all Kellie said was that I should have kept calling.  With a full mail box keep calling.  And after 40 minutes keep calling?  What a pitiful answer that was.

Yet that exchange is now on a back page so the next person checking out Kellie's Girls will have no clue about the no call return.

When I tried to enter a review I was told that there were not enough graphic details.  Yeah, what do you expect from a no show.

I think it is about time that TER review and change its policy on no show reviews.  Or start another section where no shows can be listed.

any other ideas?


Can you imagine the malicious nightmare this could create?!?  Let's say I develop a dislike for a certain provider.  I tell the world what a bitch she is when she failed to show up!!!  Is it true?!?  Who knows!!!

TER has enough to deal with the he said/she said aspects of reviews to open up an even bigger can of worms.

BTW - since when does TER have an "Ohio" board?!?  Yunno, the one you reported kelliesfriends transgression to, and received the unsatisfactory reply!

the hobbyist.  Although I could be mistaken on this.

Knowing who the no shows are would certainly help.

A person could post the details about the no show and the provider could provide a response.  The view could then make up his mind as to the reliability of the provider.

Certainly if a provider's name only shows up once or twice you would know that it is not a regular problem.  But if her name shows up a lot then it is buyer beware.

TER protects both hobbyest and provider!!!

I've had my share of disappointing no shows!!!  Most provided a reasonable excuse, and made good, but yes, some were absolute flakes!!!

Again, what you are suggesting opens a huge can of worms, which any member (like a rival provider or agency using a secondary ID) can permanently impact the reputation of a provider.  

JMHO, TER has enough he said/she said conflict to deal with in the reviews, let alone tracking no shows!!!

-- Modified on 12/30/2007 1:23:21 PM

If you go ahead and try to argue them, the ump is going to toss you out.

I myself got "no showed" three times within three months about two plus years ago.

To this day I have no idea why, none of the three gals ever called me back to explain. As you might suspect, I was mightily PO'ed about the whole situation.

I could conjecture for ever about why they didn't show but what's the point?  I found other gals and now I'm a happy camper.

If, however, I could have written up the no-shows, I might have damaged these women's careers (Two have since retired and one still works to this day and gets fine reviews.)

I agree with TER that allowing "no shows" to become a review would open up too many cans of worms.

The best cure for a "no show" is to just move on.

It does seem to me that technology can be used to make the task simpler.  I mean a couple of weeks ago they wanted to know if we wanted sports scores to show up here.  So obviously they have some time on their hands if they can do that.

I think if we had a genuine brainstorming session online that there would be some workable ideas put forth.

I really don't know why everyone is protecting the no shows so much.

If the hobbyist membership adopted a uniform subject header and used it on the regional boards to alert of a NCNS (NoCallNoShow) the "search messages" feature would serendipitously create a list of incidences for every provider who commonly did this.

subject: Trixxxy, ID=123456, NCNS.

Message: I was stood up by Trixxxy last night after waiting 2 hours blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.....

 TER has long held a policy of NOT creating a definitive "blacklist", and probably will never change this policy.
The aforementioned using of a standardized "subject" line in a regional board posting that the discussion board's search engine can use to create a list from would however give savvy hobbyists the very list you and countless others have pleaded for.

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