Suggestion and Policy

Not when I post, but when I send a PM........
BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 362 reads

...please reread my post, and you will no longer be baffled.  I am not looking for thanks, but acknowledgement.  

   The ladies and gentlemen I pm have reviews, whitelists, and are reviewers.

Hugs and Kisses,

Hello All,

  Maybe it is just me, but if I send a pm to an ISO, I expect a reply, even if I am not the lady the gentleman is looking for. To me, it is just common courtesy.  It does not need to be detailed, but a simple, "Thank you for replying to my post.  I did read your profile/website and you do not fit the profile, of the lady I seek".  

   I receive several pm's a day, and reply to each and every one of them.  

   Just my .02.

Hugs and Kisses,

Panthera12338 reads

or they don't have VIP and therefor no PM.

Why do you feel the need to be thanked every time you post on the board? That's baffling.

...please reread my post, and you will no longer be baffled.  I am not looking for thanks, but acknowledgement.  

   The ladies and gentlemen I pm have reviews, whitelists, and are reviewers.

Hugs and Kisses,

Panthera12275 reads

Maybe they just want to ignore you or they don't have VIP and therefor no PM.

I will restate. I am baffled why you think you are entitled to any replies at all. You have to also consider that not every hobbyist wants to be bothered especially if they are viewing your PM's as solicitations for you or one of your friends.
If you like, I can give you some examples of (scenarios) PM's that I have ignored through the years.

Surely getting ignored or not having replies is eating away at you. That's why I am baffled.

The board is designed so that we can request TER to make certain changes to their software to enhance our hobbying experience.  

You can't really shove courtesy and manners down people's throat....

i agree with Kelly..i get a lot of PM'S..i will always answer the PM'S from ladies with reviews or guys with reviews..i will never answer one from an alias or first time reviewer..they never answer back..i prefer to deal with the "givers" on messaging..not the " takers "...

Posted By: BeautywithBrains
Hello All,  
   Maybe it is just me, but if I send a pm to an ISO, I expect a reply, even if I am not the lady the gentleman is looking for. To me, it is just common courtesy.  It does not need to be detailed, but a simple, "Thank you for replying to my post.  I did read your profile/website and you do not fit the profile, of the lady I seek".    
    I receive several pm's a day, and reply to each and every one of them.  
    Just my .02.  
 Hugs and Kisses,  

So many don't have them... but will bitch if you don't have them.  

Takes a second to say hell no, or hell yes. Not hard. Just like the guys want from us. Many posts about them complaining we don't respond....

Or my favorite....they  respond 8 hours later saying hey want to hook up? WTF, I asked you 8 hours ago!!!

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