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I'm still new, but "view all" can be on overview?
clwb09 5 Reviews 7209 reads

So, I'm checking out the forums.  Sometimes, there's a thread that sounds interesting.  If I want to read all the thread, I have to click the thread once, then click the 'view all' at the bottom.

A suggestion, maybe by the poster's name, off to the right, or somewhere, can there be a "view thread" or "view all" instead of just clicking to view POST only?  Just saves a step when reading, and another step when going back to previous page.

clwb rambler

That 'view all' button at the bottem whem reading a single post in a thread shows ALL posts in the thread.

Wow!!  That'll save my carpel tunnel clicking hand some work!! :)

Yup, it's nice, but it'd be even nicer if you can click on that "before" going into that thread.

Anyway, glad your carpal's can keep tunneling.

I use the "view all" too and do find the additional step of first needing to go into the thread, before being able to click on it, a bit tiresome.

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