Suggestion and Policy

I still think that it's bizarre that the first reviewer fills in the providers profile....
lopaw 29 Reviews 327 reads

...and not the provider doing it herself.
It has been explained to me why it is that way, but I still think that it is very weird.

Since providers can update these, why not reduce or eliminate the "I Don't Know" items by asking (or even requiring) them to review/update/certify their profile page before placing a post on the ad board?

If the information is out there anyway, wouldn't everyone only benefit by it being accurate

...and not the provider doing it herself.
It has been explained to me why it is that way, but I still think that it is very weird.

Even if every item was marked YMMV by the provider at least the provider herself would have furnished that information.

Can you please share why it is that way or a link that explains it...I have been curious about that and not able to find the answer.

I have no idea if it is written down anywhere, and I suspect that if it is written down it is buried deep somewhere where it isn't easily found.

As for "why" it is that way..... I was told that it is a way to eliminate providers from lying on their profiles. There might be more reasons, I don't know. Seems kinda ridiculous to me, but there ya go.

...I have no idea if it's stated anywhere. You are correct some things appear to be buried in obscure places. The White List FAQ's is an excellent example. I imagine not wanting providers to lie on their profile could be a consideration but one other possibility is the primary function of TER. It's a review site. Started to guard against the scams, robs, B & S, etc that does happen. Everything starts with the review initiated by the monger. He or she isn't expected to consult the provider about the review.  

Take into account it may not be a good one. He/she is recounting his (I'm going to stick with the masculine pronoun from here on out. It's grammatically correct.) experience. He writes the review including all the requested information as determined by TER. He is therefore the only one that can fill in the profile. Until he writes a review no profile exists. It doesn't exist because though TER has provider ads it isn't an ad site. The White List exist though TER isn't a verification site. There are discussion boards though TER isn't a discussion/message board site. The review is the thing. It is the engine that pulls the train.

Providers are not left out of the process though. Once a review exits she can communicate with TER admin to have incorrect information corrected either by Problem Reports or Contact Us. TER can be a useful tool for the provider but the review is the thing.

P411 exists as a place for providers to create their profile. It does verify monger and provider.  Eros, Slixa, and BackPage exit for providers to put their information. TER exists for reviews.

Actually IMHO most of what you stated gives credence to the provider writing her own profile identity. Most of the info there is basic & factual, such as hair color and ethnicity, which should be entered in by the provider. Any glaring discrepancies there can be flagged by the reviewers in their reviews ( the use of "their" here avoids assigning only one gender). The other "after the fact" details, such as "was she on time?",  or "were her photos accurate?", etc. can be made available only to reviewers, not to the provider who creates her account.

I guess I have just seen too much incomplete or incorrect basic info in many of the profiles that I read, that I seriously question their credibility. I usually just bypass the profiles here on TER and check out the providers personal site...if she has one. If she doesn't, you have to take the info in her profile with a grain of salt and a leap of faith.

...doesn't know about TER? She will have no profile? Should the fact she has no profile on TER mean she can't be reviewed? The review by the client starts the process.  

The reviewers see a provider after whatever method they used to find her. They come to TER and post a review. It requires a profile it's up to them to create it.

Any discussion about inaccuracies in the profile will always come back to let "the provider write (sic) her own profile identity". That won't solve the problem and the questions above remain.

Problem Reports and Contact Us are the vehicle for correction and accuracy once the profile exists. If the provider doesn't take care of it at that point that is squarely on her.

I agree don't make TER your one and only research source but that goes with anything you are considering doing. Take the time to research using many sources. The Newbie board has countless discussions giving this advice.

edited for spelling


-- Modified on 12/7/2014 11:53:00 PM

...I realized my previous response may have sounded like I was defending the TER way to the very end, Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead etc.

That is not how I meant it. In my first response I was merely postulating the reason TER has the reviewer create the profile was because from the first TER is/was a review site. The reviewers were the contributors. I'm not sure that any of the other things TER now has ie provider ads, discussion boards, and white listing were around at the start.

My second post I found myself defensive and once I realized it I wondered why?

I am fine with the providers creating their profile if they so choose. Providers that join TER and don't already have reviews thus also a profile can create their profile. The requirement that providers have reviews before certain provider benefits kick in can remain in place. Any provider that has no reviews and no profile will have theirs created by their first reviewer.  

I'm still not sure that will solve the inaccuracy problem.  As I stated earlier Problem Reports and Contact Us are available yet the problem exists.

if providers had to review/modify/certify their profiles whenever they place an ad on TER -- doing so would provide a higher degree in credibility for that particular subgroup, and would provide a LOT of benefit in return for very little effort.

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