Suggestion and Policy

I had a fake review not too long ago
SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 6130 reads
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Fourth, fifth, and sixth.

I just bought VIP again for the first time in over 2 years. I cancelled VIP long ago due to TER policies I took issue with.

If this is in fact a new capability, to submit reviews under an alias, I won't just cancel my VIP with TER. I will leave.

This is utterly unacceptable.

A` See my TER Reviews 7620 reads
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I went from UTR to establishing myself via my TER reviews. I have worked my ass off to maintain my reputation and keep my clients happy.

I do not have a lot of reviews, but the reviews I have were earned fair and square. I know the guys who wrote and submitted them. I did not ask for the reviews, and frankly at this point if I don't get another review it would be fine with me.

TER is known all over the world for one reason and one reason ONLY. TER houses reviews. That is the functionality of this site. The Survey about the boards and the board participation of TER's end users speaks for itself....people come here to establish their own validity in the hobby community and to seek out ladies who are legitimate.

There have been times when I have had potential clients pm my established clients to ask them specific questions about me. That is fine I welcome the back channeling that goes on, as should any other well known established, legitimate provider.

There is almost nothing as annoying as waking up to a fake review. It is a total pain in the ass to have it on our profiles and can be a MAJOR pain in the ass to get it removed. I wish TER would stop giving 14 days of free VIP over a review. It baffles my mind as to why this practice is allowed. A minor can log onto TER find a provider, write a review, and get 14 days of VIP.

(BTW) That alone was one of the contributing factors of why many ladies such as myself are now locking up our sites, we DO NOT WANT KIDDIES SURFING.

What has me very confused and seems to be EXTREMELY counter productive to the mission statement of this site is the new capability of writing reviews under an alias. How is this decision an added value to the experience of the site? How does this functionality make the job of reviewing the reviews any easier?

I am very opposed to this concept and as much as I do understand this is a hobby, I think the impression this gives a paying member of this site is that our money is worthless. We pay to be here because we trust the ability to at least be able to somehow check and double check the validity of a review. How is this site going to be able to continue with its current monopolization of the market if we continue to see false profile status'.....fake reviews....and now a potential client has no way to ask the person who has submitted a review anything about the provider.

I would like to see the ability to write and submit reviews under an alias removed, it is a counterproductive measure.

ranilane702 See my TER Reviews 6389 reads
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If ladies offering incentives for reviews is frowned upon, I don't understand why gents are provided free VIP for writing reviews.  It eecourages dishonesty, as does the ability to review under an alias.  A lot of ladies pay for VIP, too and for what now?  What good will it be if men are busy reviewing us under aliases and we can't even research who they are?  Pointless.  


TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 5566 reads
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EdrienneCole See my TER Reviews 6771 reads
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And even though it was a registered username and had other reviews attached to it, I could tell by the Juicy Details this person had never seen me.  I PM'd the reviewer asking *very politely* to remind me of who he was... and was never answered.  I PM'd/emailed all his other reviewed ladies and NONE of them could remember seeing him... and one outright said she KNEW her review by him was fake but that since it wasn't "bad", she'd let it stay up.  (Just as shady as the fake review, IMO) His review of me wasn't "bad" either, but if the ladies cannot tell who is reviewing them to be sure they are not fakes - this opens up a whole big can of worms and paves the way in gold (or non-paid VIP status) for shysters.

If this fake review had been written under an alias, tracking down the fake reviewer would have been even more difficult - if not impossible!

The only way TER can maintain any credibility is to have reviews that are accurate - as determined by the reviewer.  Reviews do not need to be flattering to the ladies, but the ladies DO need to be able to verify that they did indeed see whomever it is that is reviewing them... Without checks and balances, the whole thing is a house of cards and becomes nothing more than another cesspool of inaccuracy and misdirection.

Fake pictures are found out and the abuser "outed" (by stage name).  Fake/aliased reviewers should be dealt with the same way.  Both are a "danger" to the community and reduce the credibility of TER.  

And a major DITTO for offering free/extended VIP for reviews (and Problem Reports while we're at it).  Why would a client pay for a service he can easily scam and get for free?  The only one's who are incentivized to pay for VIP are the ladies - so they can verify that their reviews are accurate (as in, they DID see the gent) and can screen potential clients (if that's part of the particular lady's methods).  We can't write reviews, fake or otherwise, and get credit.

How long can TER sustain itself on just the ladies paying?  And how long will they want to participate, at any level, in a system that not only allows, but encourages, inaccuracy and mis/disinformation to be perpetrated against them?  Ladies live and die by their reputations and while this site does not exist for *primarily* for their benefit, if this site does not offer any sort of protection to them/their reputations, how well can it serve as a beneficial source of accurate info to the gents?

BaltimoreBetty See my TER Reviews 6006 reads
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As it stands, the guys can have more than one TER ID.  That way they can review the different types of ladies they see more discretely.  Now the guys can post reviews using an alias?!?  Yikes!  This is not cool at all.  I am 100% against it.  

In the past several years I have been subject to 3 fakes reviews.  Believe me, the numbers weren't bad at all.  The reviews were actually flattering and nice.  But I knew the reviews were total BS.  The one guy even admitted to his review being a fake after I pm'd him everyday for a week telling him I would not stop until he admitted he posted a fake review.  

If TER allows the guys to use an alias when writing reviews, it will take away the validity of this site.  I hope they promptly remove this new feature.

curt23 13 Reviews 3061 reads
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This especially hurts the ladies with only a few reviews. Each of their reviews is only as good as the history of the reviewer, with an alias no history. As a client my trust of this whole site is built on being able to check not only a ladies reviews but who reviewed them. This new feature if allowed to stay could destroy the basic trust of the whole system.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 4835 reads
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Yes you can.......when VIP you can make aliases and with that you're given the choice of being able to use it for reviews or general purposes. So even though you're using an legitimate VIP acct you can use one of your aliases to post your review.

A` See my TER Reviews 4871 reads
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Go into My TER.....then into your alias'.....scroll down to the bottom....there is a drop down box slightly to the "review".....and proceed with authoring a review under an alias.

Its bullshit!

anotherViewPoint 4814 reads
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I can't post why the feature was enabled. If you think about considering recent history you can figure out why. It is best to handle this stuff in the back channel on why it was created.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 4949 reads
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A guy posted a thread on the general board bragging about stealing the donation back from a woman who he felt cheated him (he only got one pop and was angry that she turned him down for a second).

The TER community roasted him for it - but there was also a flurry of back channeling to find out who he was in real life based on the women he had reviewed so that he could be blacklisted and prevented from repeating the same behavior with other women.

Those days are soon to be behind us now.

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 5784 reads
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This is total BS, if I have no way of knowing an alias reviewer's history of reviews. Come on TER adm. think about it.

pwilley 59 Reviews 6043 reads
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There are so many illogical things going on with TER lately that I'm completely baffled and wondering if ownership has changed resulting on a seemingly completely new direction.  It used to be a place where you could place some credence in reviews, post a comment on the local boards without fear of getting jumped on, a place where there was a sense of commrodery(sp).  Just doesn't seem that way anymore and now with alias posting of reviews I'm afraid that we are seeing the beginning of the end.  But it has been fun while it lasted.

A` See my TER Reviews 5833 reads
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Hidden I think you were around in 08 (if my memory serves me correctly) when that dude from Atlanta was posting extremely fucked up reviews with him saying he choked girls till they turned blue if they refused to have rough anal sex with him.....and he sneaked in a bareback session and "she never knew it"....

I don't think there has ever been a train wreck that long and that upsetting on was air apparent that he was eventually going to kill a provider.....he had at least 40 reviews and every last one of them was fucked up.

This new feature is a hugeeeeeeeeee safety risk for the ladies.....and NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE.

shhdonttell1967 3 Reviews 6559 reads
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I don't mind the incentive of free 14 days of VIP for writing reviews.

It really wouldn't matter much to me as it is chump change compared to the cost of seeing a provider.
If they eliminated the incentive it wouldn't really bother me either.

I feel a better idea would be to not allow free VIP until after 3 months of paid VIP with a maximum of 6 months of free VIP per year. That should eliminate any kiddies from surfing or posting on the boards.

I would expect that it would be rare for most clients to write more than 10-20 reviews/year.

If they have enough disposable income to see dozens of ladies a month then saving a few bucks on their TER membership seems like a waste of time IMO.

I also think an account should be summarily banned if the reviews are found to be faked. It is abuse and a clear violation of the TER Terms of Service.

Claudius42310 13 Reviews 4382 reads
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scoed 8 Reviews 6120 reads
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TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 3699 reads
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LE or a someone girl's pimp or a 17 y/o etc (I've had someone admit they were 17 calling to see me and they were well aware I don't see anyone a day under 27).  Allowing a vip member to use an alias to post a review is the worst idea ever...... clearly not to benefit the ladies AT ALL.

Posted By: another_reason
How would anyone that relies on reviews ( ie both men and women) know that a reviewer is not LE?
Say an alias submits a few reviews. There is nom posting history or anything to go with that.
It's lulling both the men and women into a false sense of security!
This is a freaking bomb waiting to explode.
The current system allows the men and women to at least do a little searching.
Doesn't anyone else think this is a major security risk?

Deep_Thinker 5616 reads
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I think many providers are taking a very narrow minded view with this policy and only thinking about it from their own end.

First of all, the 14 day free VIP credit has nothing to do with this new policy.

If you take away the 14 day VIP credit, what incentive does one have to write a review?

How well do you think your business will do if nobody writes reviews for you?

Do you really expect every guy to pay for a VIP membership if he wants to read your reviews?

How many providers pay for their own full VIP membership? NOT MANY

Given the traffic of TER, any kiddies surfing is very minuscule and that is just a convenient excuse. While I don't like any kids coming to this site, at some point parents should take responsibility for their own kids.

Like I have previously stated on the GD Board I like the new policy and I hope TER keeps it that way. It would a shame to change it now due to the desires of a few local opponents when you compare the entire TER membership base.

Many providers routinely claim that their business can do just fine without TER or reviews, the truth is many dread that day should it ever come. If any provider or hobbyist is not happy with the new policy, nothing is stopping you from delisting your account and moving on. You do so at your own peril and TER will do just as well without you.

Remember TER was created by a hobbyist for hobbyists, the entire site was not designed to be a providers website. For that there is the Providers Only board.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 6025 reads
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How can anyone know a review is legit with an alias handle? TER is not a perfect system but it was the best as far as reviews go. Both providers and hobbyists alike have no idea if the reviewer under an alias handle is a seasoned reviewer or a newbie with no history.

It hampers our research and I see no value in it. I too hope  reviews under an alias will be short lived for all the valid points you have made in your OP.

scoed 8 Reviews 5823 reads
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Also note nearly all the ladies are not happy. If more hobbyist speak against it then for it and nearly 100% if not 100% think it is a bad idea, maybe there is reason for it. This site was designed for hobbyists, and if you look you will see that it hurts hobbyist the most.

Here is how:

1. Look I need to get a feel for a reviewer before I can give him any creditably. Aliases prevent that. How am I going to determine if the reviewers and my tastes match if he uses an alias?

2. I get the most accurate information through back-channeling and again alias prevent that.

3. Fact is aliases are already used as a weapon to unduly attack people on the boards, I am 100% certain it will also be used to do so with reviews as well. Providers and hobbyists alike have reason to fear this, good or otherwise.

4. Providers often will know who wrote the review and still go after him, or they may guess wrong and go after the wrong client and hurt him.

5. It will make tracing bogus reviewers much harder. There is a guy who may or may not be legit that only reviews ladies from one agency In my state. I don't trust his reviews as I think but have no prof he may be associated with the agency. Now he can just use aliases to cover things like that up. This new policy makes fake reviews much easier to hide. both good and bad.

I really think this makes thinks harder for those that really screen the ladies and don't take reviews at face value. It weakens the quality of the reviews and there over all usefulness to the hobbyist. The reviews are the life blood of the site, please don't weaken there usefulness by keeping the aliased reviews.

A` See my TER Reviews 4660 reads
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but in all honesty you have not stopped to think that this entire new feature disregards the basic mission statement of this site.....which is to establish providers via reviews that are written by ESTABLISHED hobbyist.

If a lady has 300 reviews ALL written by alias' how is that helping anyone? How is it helping to keep the ladies safe and how is it helping a guy to make a decision to see someone or not? He has no one to pm to ask specific questions.........

I am glad this is a boys club site....but keep in mind....the hobby consists of ladies and gents....if there are no ladies here the boards will die.  We have seen it over and over again...the ladies were asked to stfu and we did and the boards became a wasteland of ads.

Alias = fake reviews

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 3994 reads
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No I don't think ladies can just start making up their own reviews or reviewing other girls because at least I don't think the reviewers true identity is hidden to the staff when they submit the review(s).

" Will this substantially dilute the utility of the reviews that are there right now (the subjectivity of ratings has already been debated ad nauseum)?"  ---- Probably. I can see it coming.

Posted By: KurtEZ1
Guess I missed the email on this new little feature.

There's a thread here on the General Board that discusses the pro's and con's of this (example pro:  protects reviewer from reprisals against less than flattering reviews; example con:  less accountability for the aliased reviewer):

I was not aware that the threat of "provider reprisal" was such that it warranted this level of protection for the reviewer (which seems to be the prevailing reason for this feature).

Can ladies now create their own reviews (or reviews for other ladies) under aliases?

Will this substantially dilute the utility of the reviews that are there right now (the subjectivity of ratings has already been debated ad nauseum)?

Is the whole review system on a trajectory for being subjective to the point of uselessness?

Will there be two camps of TER users prevailing:  aliased vs. unaliased?

Guess we'll see...


TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 4530 reads
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Yeah well a few guys have been founded to have done fake reviews and are still around so I don't think banning will happen anytime soon.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 4942 reads
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Exactly this can turn into a boys club with only the boys talking to each other and not just in the RO board fast and how boring would that sausage fest be. Unaliased guys do fake or spiteful reviews but now that there is this alias option for VIP members I expect these type of reviews to AT LEAST double.

shhdonttell1967 3 Reviews 5256 reads
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So not to be dense here but if I spend $400/hour for entertainment - 2 hours per session - twice per month = $1600

Would I really worry about a measly $30/month so I can make sure that I will not get (busted by LE, get ripped off, suffer Bait & Switch, endure upselling, etc.) and pretty much make sure that I have a great time with my $1600?

Although the free VIP is a little incentive, most of us on here want what TER provides and that is honest reviews (most of the time at least). I could live without the free VIP incentive - meh.

If you like to live dangerously then by all means! Have fun with your BP providers!

As I mentioned earlier, why not just make a minimum of 3 months paid VIP prior to being eligible for free VIP with reviews?

This makes a lot of sense IMO as in order to do reviews you first have to meet the providers. In order to meet them you should be doing your research first!

I would guess that many TER newbies would have done their homework for at least a month prior to meeting their first provider. Well maybe the smart ones anyways.

I think the main thing that has providers upset here is the new alias reviews.

Alias reviews should not be allowed period!

If alias reviews are continued to be allowed, I'll vote with my credit card and go somewhere else!

Posted By: Deep_Thinker
I think many providers are taking a very narrow minded view with this policy and only thinking about it from their own end.

First of all, the 14 day free VIP credit has nothing to do with this new policy.

If you take away the 14 day VIP credit, what incentive does one have to write a review?

How well do you think your business will do if nobody writes reviews for you?

Do you really expect every guy to pay for a VIP membership if he wants to read your reviews?

How many providers pay for their own full VIP membership? NOT MANY

Given the traffic of TER, any kiddies surfing is very minuscule and that is just a convenient excuse. While I don't like any kids coming to this site, at some point parents should take responsibility for their own kids.

Like I have previously stated on the GD Board I like the new policy and I hope TER keeps it that way. It would a shame to change it now due to the desires of a few local opponents when you compare the entire TER membership base.

Many providers routinely claim that their business can do just fine without TER or reviews, the truth is many dread that day should it ever come. If any provider or hobbyist is not happy with the new policy, nothing is stopping you from delisting your account and moving on. You do so at your own peril and TER will do just as well without you.

Remember TER was created by a hobbyist for hobbyists, the entire site was not designed to be a providers website. For that there is the Providers Only board.

Deep_Thinker 5772 reads
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xyz23 45 Reviews 5004 reads
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I agree that it's a bad idea to allow reviews under a member's alias.
When I first read these threads yesterday and today I thought WTF!!
It makes no sense to allow this. I went to 'submit a review' to check it out and didn't see any way to submit one under an alias. Now I know it's because I don't have any aliases. I have never used one and don't ever intend to.
TER admin Please reconsider.

Edited for new information:
I now see that the alias option for a review is in "Account Manager".  I still think it's a terrible idea.
Still won't use aliases.

-- Modified on 7/4/2011 10:04:31 PM

Claudius42310 13 Reviews 5336 reads
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the method of doing so is to follow the link below.

i agree that this is an undesirable feature. my VIP has just expired.

scoed 8 Reviews 6234 reads
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A faceless review is worthless. I am not paying for them, if faceless reviews (aliased) ever get more 25% of the new reviews I am canceling my VIP.

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 3988 reads
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When I went on tour and said that in my post, it was deleted.  The fake reviews said I did menu items I don't do (greek, swallow), said I where outfits i don't own, and etceteras.  Eventually they were taken down. But not before I had 100+ emails saying things like, "I;ve been waiting for you to offer *XYZ* service and can't wait to see you now....     One review was up for about a month.  I hate to say it, A, but we've been down this same road with TER before and they stood/stand pat.  We aren't even aloud to post it's a fake when it is and easily proven to be.

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