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How do I get a review review? A what?
clwb09 5 Reviews 6667 reads

I took the plunge, I posted my first review.

How would I go about getting a review of the review?  In other words, is there a "1 of 87 hobbyists found your review helpful" status?

It's interesting also, that I got some private mail, but I can't read it until/unless I am VIP. :(

I'll get there, soon, I hope.

Anyway, just my inquisitive ramblings.  G'day all.

You covered the points I care about, her attitude and demeanor.

You mentioned the most important things, that she didn't match her pic, and that her English wasn't good, the sex acts, etc.

Job well done.

Thanks.  I wasn't sure if I gave too much detail, or not enough, or what.

Glad I did okay.  I'm hoping to be a more regular contributer here.

Red Flags ...
1) web sites are gone
2) no pics -- a nono for independent, maybe ok for incall shop/agency
3) phone number matches no other TER reviews
4) reviewer is brand new to TER
5) 1 review of girl, by TER member with 1 review

While the review hits all the points & is ok,
there are too many red flags for me to see this girl or agency.

Understandable, on both accounts.

While I don't always base my visits on girls that are commonly reviewed here, I try to make sure they are not first-time posters wherever they are posting.  

I saw the number over a period of about a week on the website, and figured maybe it was a small agency (or rather, a manager with several girls??) because each ad with the same number had different pics of different girls.  They all looked okay, and the timing just fit, so I went that route.

Your reply mentions no pics... Do you mean, the review had no pics, or the ad/website had no pics?  Should we link to / include a pic of the girl in the review?

If you base your visits on reviews, (that's what this website is for, right?) then I don't blame you for not visiting this girl.  I still greatly appreciate the feedback on the rewiew, however, so I know if I'm doing my part.

Thanks again.

anabangbang7370 reads

1. whether or not you would repeat / whether or not you would recommend.

2. it sounded like a short session, maybe 30 minutes.  if you paid for an hour, did you have the option to stay the full hour or did she wrap it up early ?

3. you want to clarify gfe.. to most guys that means

a. kissing,
b. daty,
c. bbbj,
d. 2nd cup,

any 3 out of those 4 along with a great attitude

 but you dont mention any of those services being enjoyed so she might have had the gfe attitude, but it wouldnt be considered a gfe session.  this is a gray area so take notice that i said MOST guys define the gfe this way and certainly not all of them and you can choose to define it any which way you want.

you did a great job. mentioning the set-up of the location, the discrepancy in the pics, her attitude.

but did you notice her profile says coco but you called her lulu ?

overall, i'd give you a 2 thumbs up on the review

First, thanks for your response.

Regarding lulu and coco, yes, I did that intentionally. Maybe I wasn't clear for why.

The ad said coco (maybe the 'booking agent') and the girl told me her name was lulu.  I'm not sure which one is better to put on the review.

I've got more questions regarding gfe, but I'll start a new thread for that.

Thanks again,

anabangbang5514 reads

they will only know to look for the name that the ad has.

you were extremely lucky.

most b&s services end up being c&d and / or try to upsell services.

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