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Anyone else having problem with Netscape and the new boards?
MichaelCA 3093 reads

With the inception of the new designs on the discussion boards, I have been having a problem. I will be reading the headers on the board and go to a message, the screen will clear, the color bar for the title appears and a few lines and then everything else is blank. Attempting to go back or go to another board just gives me a similar problem. It seems to lock up JavaScript. Other browsers at the same time will also loose Javascript function. I have tried using three different versions of Communicator 4.74, 4.76 and the newest 4.77. I have tried using a different computer, in a different building using a different ISP and still have the problem. It is not predicatable when it will happen but it happens everytime. I have to close all browsers, it even locks up any IE browser I have running at the time.

I have not noticed this on any other site, and I spend way too much time cruising the internet for it to be a variety problem.

Anyone else having problems?

Staff2104 reads

Actually the new messageboards almost use no java.  Just about the only part that has any java is the Pmail icon that pops a new window.  

Has anyone else had problems in netscape?


Yes. I have had similar problems in Netscape. The problem happened when there was a long thread on the national board and I viewed the front page of the board (the thread is not on the first page now, I have not yet tried going to the second page to see if it repeats.) The first time the page opened, it was fine. After the second time, the bottom part of the page would not display, and no other pages would display fully either, not even on other sites. Only the top few lines of any page would display.

I am using Netscape Communicator 4.76 on windows 98. I am happy to try out a few things if you need additional information.

Addition; I just went to the second page of the national board. The thread 'Support of a provider' seems to be the affecting thread. The same symptoms as earlier described happend upon viewing the thread index for a second time.

-- Modified on 6/12/2001 7:47:06 AM

Staff1745 reads

If you have any additional information email it to [email protected].  I will forward it to netscape for resolution (I actually think it is a bug in netscape that something we are doing is bringing out)

-- Staff

Here's another one, when I try to acces any of the Discussion Boards Netscape freezes on me. After about five minutes it finally loads. I use Netscape Communicator 4.5 on a T1 line.

Staff2120 reads

Thanks for all the feedback!  It looks like Netscape has a problem with the depth of embeded tables (some versions)  version 4.70 actually works fine, It is what the programmers used to test.  All the information has been sent to them and The discussion boards will be retested in ver 4.77 and 6 (current versions)  This may take a week or so.  For those who can't wait, use IE, it works fine.

Once again, thanks for all the info.  


Staff2016 reads

We just go the new revisions to the boards.  I tested it myself under netscape 4.77 and they seem to works fine now.  Everyone else ok?

-- Staff

Seems to work well for me too now.

Thanks so much.

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