Suggestion and Policy

And so on and so forth...
allcomers 394 reads

Yada yada.

allcomers5133 reads

TER, among many obvious problems that are hurting its usefulness/popularity, is screwing up reviews by indexing on the phone number and overriding a reviewers choice to ignore their suggested previously reviewed providers and start a new profile. This has happened to me on four occasions and it's pissing me off. TER makes it a miserable experience to correct. It is always when reviewing a provider with an Asian Crapshoot Service (ACS).  
What I think TER doesn't understand is that, when a hobbyist starts a review and selects "continue" to ignore TER's suggestions linked to the same phone number, many hobbyists don't catch TER's override of their decision to start a new profile or don't want to put in the considerable effort it takes to get TER Support so set things right. TER "Support" is anything but in this case.
What we end up with is reviews for a provider that change drastically, e.g., a girl goes from being reviewed consistently in the "2 - Ugly" range to, all of a sudden, getting multiple reviews that she's "8 - Really Hot." Or in the reviews, guys talk about her gorgeous D-cups, consistent with her profile, and then start remarking on her perfect A-cups. Clearly these are not the same woman and the reviews become confusing. Sometimes it's as obvious as my examples, sometime even more so because her name in the review no longer matches the profile.
Whatever the case, TER, for its own sake, needs to get a handle on this problem, among others, or it will continue to the slide long-time users describe. We need a resource like the one TER purports to provide. At a minimum, they need to alert a reviewer that they have overridden their selection when starting a review and make it easier to correct. Stop fighting us! Consider the amount of time we put into creating an accurate profile and how frustrating it is to have it wiped out in favor of your erroneous decision that you know better about who we are wanting to review.

i noticed a few of my reviews do not sound like my style at all. i tried to contact the poster but no response. i disputed one but nothing was ever done.  

one said i opened the door in a towel he also said i prepared the bed while he was there. one said i covered him for bj. one said i had a couple glasses of wine.. all of which i dont ever do. the towel thing is the most questionable i would never do that to a newbie.. maybe an old reg that was last minute in the am and they will be told im not exactly ready.. but that would be the only way and this guy was an obvious newbie. i dont drink on dates or havent in a very very long time. and i am gfe so i dont cover unless requested or a damn good reason.. and i also have everything ready to go especially clean sheets on the bed. just made no sense when reading them.  

the rest seem to be on point.. but i know my style..  and sorry a few are questionable. i know reviews are embellished for the most part or how the gentleman perceives it but i guess that would explain why those certain reviews do not match me. thank you.

allcomers365 reads

Your case mostly sounds like erroneous reviews, not bad TER editing, though I'm not giving them a pass on it. Also, I agree that TER is almost always slow to respond and often their responses can be characterized as non-responsive, just going through the motions.
TER does take editorial license with reviews. My reviews have been edited a couple of times, always poorly, but for a justifiable reason: I had info in the General section that should only be in the Details section. On a couple of occasions, I have had reviews returned to me for editing. The latter is a superior approach to TER doing the editing given they don't care if they screw up specifics while they edit. This could be the reason for some of what you pointed out.
I think they need to experiment with giving some of the moderating/editing responsibilities over to trusted users the same as most sites on the Web. At least, then need to give the review author the first crack at editing before applying their dull butter knife surgery approach. This subject deserves a new thread. My search of existing threads was disappointing. In the end, I don't think they're listening, instead just milking their site for every last cent on its way down.

querious366 reads

Go figure.  I've turned in problem reports since TER came back, pointing out multiple TER I.D.s for the same provider, and none have been approved.  Only thing different was the phone number.  Pics were obviously of the same provider, not to mention same provider name.  Prior to the TER dark ages, problem reports of this nature that I submitted almost always resulted in the profiles and reviews being rolled together into the oldest TER I.D.

Some only use hotel wifi and use free sample numbet there for change quit off maybe post in policy an suggestions.

Angel4Life386 reads

You are being way too critical….keep this in mind!
1.  YMMV
2.  Different Client Reviews are subjective
3.  The Better Providers usually but not always receive consistently good reviews.  The lousier ones do not.  
4.  The Lousier Providers are reviewed on other forums that cater to bottom feeders.  If you are undecided whether you want to meet a new Provider I suggest you seek those out.
5.  TER is not the be all catch all!  Finally….
6.  Nothing in Hobby Land is guaranteed!

allcomers532 reads

Thanks, but you have not addressed anything relevant to the subject of this thread. Do you want to say anything about the TER processes for screening, editing, and overriding reviews?

By the first reviewer.  If something is wrong in the profile, you can't override it, you just submit a problem report on the profile.   At the same time, not every item on a profile is subject to change.  If the profile says slender, and her CURRENT ad photos show she's a few extra pounds (i.e., fat), you can submit the photos to get it corrected.  On the other hand, review scores are in the sole discretion of the reviewer.  The fact that YOU disagree with the score is not something TER will change.  Every reviewer is entitled to their own opinion.  The only remedy I know of on an unflattering review is if the provider did not actually see the guy and the review is fake.  TER will investigate and sometimes, the review will be removed completely.  Review scores will not be changed during moderation by TER unless the reviewer gave her a higher number than the services that were provided allow.  Then they will lower the score to bring it in line with the services received.

-- Modified on 9/2/2021 7:43:31 AM

allcomers355 reads

Thanks for the tutorial, but unfortunately it doesn't address why I started the thread: TER, at their sole discretion, will and *does* override a reviewer's choice to create new profiles. This thread is not about the subjectivity of reviews, that is after all the point of a review, but the objectively conflicting data across reviews attached to the same profile. I want TER to make reviews more useful. That is their stated main purpose for being (it's in their name!).
On way too many occasions, TER attaches new reviews to existing profiles with the same phone number. In the case where there are already multiple profiles for a single number, I have no idea how they choose which one to assign the new review to. And they even do it in cases where the reviewer has taken the time to create a *new profile* for the provider. It's a mess.
The point is that in many cases, a new, never before reviewed girl with an existing profile's phone number will get know-it-alls at TER all confused. As I said, this has happened to me four times, requiring lots of personal effort to fix, and in other cases I have confirmed its happening in conversations with other hobbyists. I have brought the issue to them privately along with potential solution. Now I'm bringing it to you.
In the examples I gave in the original post, of which there are numerous real-life examples, it's obvious that the reviews are not for the same provider, but for another girl entirely who works at the same "agency" (term used loosely) that owns that phone number. It's clear from some of the PM chats I've had that some hobbyists don't realize their reviews have been attached to an existing number or that the provider they saw doesn't at all fit the description in the profile -- only the phone number (and sometimes the name) was the same.
Because I actually want TER to fulfil the role it purports to intend because it would be useful to me, I started looking at the problem beginning a few months ago. I only just posted this thread on the topic when I felt I had spoken to enough guys and had enough experiences to be sure of the problem. TER's screening of reviews is for limited items...hence my suggestion that they enlist some of us to do the screening, similar to scores of sites across the Web. We care, they don't seem to. We could develop a short list of items to look for in addition to those TER needs looked at that would be more useful to *us*, TER's primary customers.

to have all of the reviews for the SAME girl attached to the same profile?  If its a different girl using the same name, then that's a different story, but if a provider already had a profile on TER, its been the policy for as long as I have been here to attack ALL reviews onto the same profile.  It makes NO sense to have multiple profiles for the same girl.  As I said, if any of the info in the EXISTING profile needs to be updated, and the provider has not done it on her own, then TER relies on its members to do a problem report and help them update their files, but creating a NEW profile for the same girl with ONE review because its a different phone number makes no sense at all.  When I look up a provider, I want to see all of her reviews in one place, the good and the bad, but I want the contact info to be current, and there is a process to update that which has already been explained by multiple posters.  There's enough sloppiness among reviewers already.  Let's not add to it.  

When you want to write a review on a girl that already had a profile, just click at the top the "review this provider" button and it will give you a redacted form that does not show the fields that may NOT be changed by each subsequent reviewer.  Like I said, if you want to update the phone number, do it by way of a problem report, not by trying to change profile info on your own review.  That won't work. The computer is stopping you.  Nobody at TER hates you.  

allcomers334 reads

I being totally sincere in saying thanks for making an effort to understand what I'm saying. I have to assume I'm being really unclear.
Agencies use one number for many girls. When one "creates a new review," the first thing they enter is the provider's number, then URLs if you care to. If TER gets a match on the number, it will suggest to you adding to existing reviews. If you see the existing review(s) is for a different girl, you select "Continue," at which point you start a new profile. THIS IS WHERE TER CAN AND DOES OVERRIDE.
I have gone through the trouble of creating a new profile for a NEW girl only to have TER attach my General and Detail section to the existing review I already rejected.
Getting them to correct this is a nightmare. Further, what makes it all garbage is that guys don't notice that either 1) the suggested profile does not match the girl he wants to review or 2) his review got attached to the existing profile. In both cases, the end result is reviews for multiple girls under a single profile. And this happens A LOT.  
I guess a lot of guys don't want to be able to rely on reviews or they'd have noticed the same thing. Also, if I notice a new review for a girl I reviewed, I'll look at it. If it looks way off, I point out the apparent discrepancies in their physical description of the girl or some other objective part of their review in a PM. That's one of the ways I have confirmed what I'm saying with other guys.
I hope this is clearer. And, again, thanks for trying even if this didn't do it for you. The bottom line is that I think TER needs to hand off some of the responsibility for screening reviews to users because they aren't up to the task.

"the existing review YOU already rejected?"  That's where you're not being clear.  Are you saying you rejected putting your review onto her existing profile, so you created a new profile, or what?

allcomers542 reads

As somebody who's submitted a lot of reviews, if you don't know what I'm talking about, then likely I've failed thus far to adequately explain.  
The second step in submitting a review where there's a TER profile match on the phone number, is to select either 1) the TER-suggested existing profile with that number or 2) to "Continue" to create a new profile.
If you select to Continue, you can then create a new profile. However, because they got a number match, TER is likely to override your choice to create a new profile and instead attach your review to the profile they suggested..."that YOU already rejected."  
You know that the profile they suggested is for a different girl and there is no profile for the girl you want to review. And they override you without informing you. The only way you would know is to look for your review a few days later, only to find it in an incorrect profile. The profile you created is ignored. Then the fun starts if you care enough to get them to correct the situation. It has gotten testy a couple times.
Compounding this problem is, according to my "research" (PMs), is that some guys never asked the girl her name, so all they can go on is the number and profile details. But they don't take the time to notice that the 5'2" girl with A-cups they saw is not the 5'6-5'8 girl with DDs in the profile.
Oh god help me, please let that be clear.

You have a different girl, but with the same agency phone number?   I have started many new profiles for girls where the contact number is the same as other girls who already have profiles, because they work for the same agency.  I just start with a completely clean slate.  Click the "Reviews" tab, and then the "submit a review" tab.  You will get two choices (after the Rules Accept page), either an existing profile with a TER ID, or "create a new profile".   Choose the latter, and then start filling in the information.  Enter the phone number when you get to that field.  It should NOT boot you out, or default to someone else with that same number.  When its approved, TER will  assign a new ID to the girl.  The only way this doesn't work is if its the same girl.   They don't want multiple profiles for the same provider, so if she is trying to escape bad reviews under an existing  TER ID, this will not work.  It has to be a different girl with the same phone number.  So don't start the process with the phone number.  I believe that's what's triggering the default that's combining her with a different girl.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so from the description you have given.  Let me know if there is a problem.  I might have a different solution depending on what happens.  Hope this helps.

allcomers340 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Choose the latter, and then start filling in the information.  Enter the phone number when you get to that field.  It should NOT boot you out, or default to someone else with that same number.  When its approved, TER will  assign a new ID to the girl.  ***The only way this doesn't work is if its the same girl.***  Hope this helps.

Wow, I don't get it. It's probably not you, but somehow, after saying it three or more times, you aren't getting it: The other "way this doesn't work" is if TER decides to ignore your new profile and attach your review -- for a brand new girl -- to an existing profile.  
Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Hope this helps.
I only wish. If you want to help, and you agree that TER needs help with screening reviews, let's figure a way to change their process because they only look for limited items related to policy.
I'm running out of words...probably a good thing.

Go to the bottom of the page where it says “contact us”, fill out the form with your problem and wait for them to contact you. Include any extrinsic evidence that it’s a different girl than the profile that’s already up.

-- Modified on 9/3/2021 2:00:41 PM

allcomers360 reads

OK, thanks. I have spent *hours* communicating with TER via PM to resolve the problems *they* created on just four of my reviews. Please. I'm really want input, but I'm not getting the idea you know any more than, or even as much as, me about the way TER works. That TER has a review problem is why I started this thread. Here are quotes from five separate posts of mine in *this* thread, including the original post:
- This has happened to me on four occasions and it's pissing me off. TER makes it a miserable experience to correct.  
- Also, I agree that TER is almost always slow to respond and often their responses can be characterized as non-responsive, just going through the motions.
- As I said, this has happened to me four times, requiring lots of personal effort to fix...
- Getting them to correct this is a nightmare.
- I hear what you're saying. In trying to get TER to get a grip, I have described to them exactly what you're saying...

If you provide some examples of what you're concerned about. Just saying this type of event is not good and $5 gets you a Startbuck's Lotte.

allcomers359 reads

LOL, you're sounding like Ripoffrevenge. I'll take a $5 Lotte, please.

You're the guy that is bringing up the problem. If you are not going to provide some actual examples why should anyone take you seriously?

The problem was described clearly - if phone numbers match, TERs suggestions override of "new profile" are not communicated clearly and hence causes reviewers end up writing reviews for a wrong profile erroneously.  

I think he wants some kind of indication that profile X has been chosen telling you that now you're writing a review for that profile once you click "continue".

Not sure what examples you're asking for. There is no easy way to prove that erroneous reviews were a result of this mishap, but clearly if someone has ran into it, it's probably not a standalone case.

allcomers378 reads

OMG!! I didn't see your response before getting further frustrated that my explanations aren't getting through.
But what I really want, in addition to the common courtesy you describe (tell us they overrode us), I want TER to accept help from the TER community to screen reviews. They are clearly not up to it beyond looking for some limited items to assure that reviews comply with their policies. They are ruining the medium and users don't even know. All most know is that TER is not as useful as it could be. The review process could easily be improved!
Thanks for your feedback.

While help for screening reviews is clearly needed, having the community helping with it is going down a very long, and unpleasant, unribbed rabbit hole imo.

There are so many differing opinions of what reviews fit what criteria on here, it will be a mess, imo.

allcomers523 reads

Good point. However, there are plenty of examples where it works: Almost every moderated online forum uses "peer" moderators. Years ago, I did it for one of the US's most popular dating sites.
Can it go wrong? Well of course it can. However, if we do only a pre-screening, TER screeners would still have the final say, which would assure that reviews comply with everything they now care about. Would this be of any assistance to the TER screeners? No, and that's not the point, they still have to do their jobs.  
The reason for having us do pre-screening is that we care that a new review is actually for an existing profile and fair. We care if a girl who has 15 reviews where her overall looks are rated no lower than "7 - Attractive," all of a sudden gets a new review where she's "2 - Ugly." When that happens, we will question it, probably PM the reviewer for clarification. It's probably a grudge rating or a review for a different girl. Whatever action we take will be better than the no-action that TER screeners would take. If a hobbyist feels the peer screener is interjecting their personal preferences, they could make an appeal to TER mods.
There is stuff to be worked out. Maybe even a lot of stuff. Even little details like if a new review isn't pre-screened within, say, 36 hours, it would get kicked out of our queue and put directly into the TER screeners queue. There are guidelines that would need to be written. It may even be that it would only work in major markets or something like that.
There would be work to do before it could be put into place, but TER should give it a chance...for their own good! Improved reviews will increase TER's usefulness to hobbyists, thus its popularity, and that would be good for TER's bottom line. The current system is broken.

Are you saying everything else is different but the number is the same?  I don't think that could even be possible without EVERY review of an agency provider suffering the problem.

I certainly don't see that it could only apply to Asian agencies.

So yes, how about an example of you review. Who was it and how was the review you submitted different than the provider that TER decided it was for. You could even link to your review.

allcomers364 reads

I didn't see this post until just now.  
So the table has been I'm the one who doesn't understand. The answer to the first question is, sort of. I'm saying the profile was started for one girl and then reviews got added for a different girl at the same number. Sometimes it's bloody obvious, e.g., a new review is added where the guy describes the girl as "short and fat," but the profile says she's 5'9 - 5'11 and slender...NOT the same girl.
Additionally, you don't know if the guy actually created a new profile the girl he saw, only to have TER override it and add is review to the profile with the same number. TER doesn't tell you and, from personal experiences, I can tell you they make it next to impossible to correct. They care more about "being right" than "getting it right."
Better screening of the review would have caught this. That's the point of this thread. TER users could help TER do better screening. That's a solution I'm proposing. I'd like to get some momentum behind it in the interest of saving TER from itself.


I've nearly always used agencies (and Asian at that) and never once had such an issue. So I'm not sure the problem is what you claim.

The agencies I've used have always had their own web sites, list a unique image for each provider and have a a name clearly listed as her working name with the images.  

The one review I checked of your lacks that aspect of the ad -- clearly identifying a name and image that is unique to the provider and updated with the working girl changes. In such a case TER will consider that a Massage Parlor review and not a review for a specific provider that would get her own profile. As many of these MP type operations don't even list names (no storefront AMPs) the number is really the only unique identifier for them.

Never having submitted a review of that type I don't know how TER acts so will take your statements to mean TER will simply classify the review (which they now own) as they see fit without bothering to get into a discussion about it. I think the notification policy might be a different issue and better kept as a separate issue.

Does the above seem to be what you are talking about? I'm just asking about mechanics here and not a judgement about merit about the structure.

One reasons I'm bringing this up is that TER lists 280K reviews if you just do a search for everything which by default returns the Escort Reviews. If you do the same thing for MP Reviews you get 12,000 reviews returned. So if this is the case you are making a mountain out of a molehill.   A quick sampling suggests that about 2/3 of those 12,000 MP Reviews are single reviews -- so can ONLY be for one girl -- and clearly not a problem you're getting at.  

So of the existing reviews you're raising a concern about maybe 2% of all the reviews. That doesn't really seem like the big deal you are making this out to be.

allcomers554 reads

Posted By: 36363jensen
Re: Just to be sure, you know TER has 2 types of reviews
 I've nearly always used agencies (and Asian at that) and never once had such an issue. So I'm not sure the problem is what you claim.  
 The agencies I've used have always had their own web sites, list a unique image for each provider and have a a name clearly listed as her working name with the images.  
 The one review I checked of your lacks that aspect of the ad -- clearly identifying a name and image that is unique to the provider and updated with the working girl changes. In such a case TER will consider that a Massage Parlor review and not a review for a specific provider that would get her own profile. As many of these MP type operations don't even list names (no storefront AMPs) the number is really the only unique identifier for them.  
 Does the above seem to be what you are talking about? I'm just asking about mechanics here and not a judgement about merit about the structure. -snip-
No, TER demands a unique name in the ad that IDs the girl being reviewed. I think it was you who brought up the MP review angle before. If not, my answer is unchanged:
There are one or more reviews of mine where the ad is for two girls and their accurate names are annotated in the picture (the totally inaccurate pic, I should ad). These took multiple exchanges with TER to get them to open the fucking ad and look at the picture to verify the name. After the first instance of this, I warned them ahead of time that the review would require they open the ad, and still it too multiple back and forth with them to finally do that.
BTW, which review of mine are you talking about? I can address it directly.

The review for Lili. As I mentioned before this review doesn't seem to have the problem you are talking about as there are two other profiles listed under the number.  

That you have to include a name in the review submissions doesn't really mean anything. The ad has to be clear on a specific person. I'm not sure if the two girls on the same ad causes a problem. I do know that all the reviews where I created a profile for someone at an agency I've never had that problem. However, these agencies all have their own websites and each lady has a separate page for her ads. So the link I provide points to a unique person.

It may simply be the case that TER sees bedpage and finds that the vast majority of times the ads do not meet the standard for an escort review so they just treat them like an MP review if the number already exists.  Or just take a quick look and make the call. While the Lili review doesn't seem to be a MP review I could see a busy admin looking at the first link and not finding any name and then looking at the second link and seeing  a name that is different from Lili and thinking MP case.  

While that perhaps suggest over taxed support and so community assistance might be helpful just getting something like that started is an effort and that means other things don't get done for a while.  

I don't know if you've seen it or not but there is a Reviewers Only board. Perhaps that would be a good place to try hashing out some proposal that TER might buy into if you've not already been there.

allcomers352 reads

If you are suggesting links to existing reviews...not on your life. I am not calling out other members for adding reviews to wrong profiles. I provided you with some pretty clear mock examples. I'm sorry you don't understand the issue...maybe you can take solace in knowing you're not alone. I don't know what else to do.

Why? If they were simply less observant than you they may well like knowing they got duped by the TER "AI" that knows better than they do.

Since you are saying the goal is a better review DB then if other reviewers see that one of their reviews was miscreated they can file a problem report and get it fixed. That should be acceptable for everyone. No one is getting thrown under a bus here.

However, it seems YOU have direct experience so why not share YOUR review?

allcomers385 reads

I'm going to try to respond without riling you up.
1) As I said, I went through the agony of having them correct all their fucking with my creation of new profiles, so they don't exist as problems anymore. Look for my reviews where I'm the first reviewer (that means I created the profile, get it?).
2) It's impossible to link to one of my reviews where somebody else got a misassigned review added to an existing profile without bringing that somebody else into it.
3) As I've said, I've had numerous PM conversations with guys who are now aware, privately, of the issue. Picking off one or two here or there is not going to solve the problem except in those isolated cases. The problem is systemic and I think requires a change in process.  
Please let this satisfy you. If in the future something comes to you about how to help TER correct their process issues, drop me a line. Bye.

I now tried your approach. It's a lot of work and the effort to find something is hardly worth it. Lili seems to be the most recent but I don't see where there is some problem. There are 3 reviewed providers under that number -- different names. I cannot find another Lili that was reviewed recently nor are there now two different profiles for a Lili with the same number.

I don't see that the problem has ANYTHING to do with just having the same phone number.

allcomers384 reads

First: yes, it's" a lot of work." I've put a lot of 'work' into 'researching' the problem and now reporting on it. If you think fixing TER's most glaring review problems is worth it, then the work is worth it.
Now, about Lili's review. According to my records and recollection, I didn't have any issues getting her profile created except for one I caused. I don't know, but it may be the only know how to pick them. It wasn't smooth sailing throughout, though.  
It got returned to me for a legitimate error: I had rated it a "ripoff," and TER flagged it: "A score of '1 - Total Ripoff' is not allowed if in exchange for money the user was engaged in any sex acts, no matter how mediocre or bad the session was." Fair enough!

when guys are not getting their reviews approved, its because there is some kind of a rules violation.  The mods usually tell you specifically what the deficiency is so that you can fix it, if its fixable.  If its not, then its not going to get approved no matter what you do.  Most reviews are held up by reviewers putting the "juicy details" in the "general details" section,  assigning a score that is not supported by the narrative, or not having a clickable link to her ad.  I've never had TER take issue with contact information.    

Its really hard to help (look how long it took several of us to even figure out what your problem was) when you give cryptic analogies.  The more info you provide (links to the profile you say is sucking up your review) the more likely someone here will know the answer, but your posture of not wanting to provide any real example of what your problem is makes it a time-suck to even try to help you.  A "pretty clear mock example" in narrative form is not the same as us SEEING the problem profile.  As I said above, your best  bet, if you don't want to share more details with your TER brothers, is to go to "contact us" at the bottom of the page and explain your problem to admin.  Without more specific detail, I don't have any other suggestions, but I'm skeptical of your claim that TER is somehow suppressing your attempt to put up a review.  I've got a good number of reviews, and I have never had a problem with anyone being heavy-handed in giving approval.  Like I said, if I inadvertently violate a rule, they will tell me and I can fix it.  What does it matter if the review is delayed a day or two?  

allcomers368 reads

At every turn, you have looked to figure a way that TER already provides a solution or, now, unfounded skepticism. It's probable because you don't take criticism well. So be it. I'm looking for solutions.  
Skepticism is good. The problem with your type of skepticism is that you don't want to do any work to prove or disprove your position. Prove me wrong. It's not a dispositive, it's provable. I would suggest the very obvious step of looking at my reviews. There's only 14 of them. I will not put somebody else potentially in an unwelcome spotlight. Period.
Also, exactly two posters to this thread don't understand, one understands very clearly. You could say double the number of those who understand don't understand. Or you could say that's a worthless sample size. It's a worthless sample size.

You said: "You don't take criticism well."

You tried your best to be gracious, tactful and courteous to CDL.  Here are some of the things you said to him:
"Thanks for the tutorial, but unfortunately it doesn't address why I started the thread."
"I being totally sincere in saying thanks for making an effort to understand what I'm saying."
"...if you don't know what I'm talking about, then likely I've failed thus far to adequately explain.  (You bent over backwards to put the blame on yourself)
"Wow, I don't get it. It's probably not you, but somehow, after saying it three or more times, you aren't getting it..."  (Again, you tried to take the blame)
"OK, thanks...Please. I'm really want input, but I'm not getting the idea you know any more than, or even as much as, me about the way TER works."  ("Please" - you're practically begging him to stop bloviating)

Finally, after being as polite as humanly possible, you ran out of patience and said: "I reject utterly your form of skepticism.  At every turn, you have looked to figure a way that TER already provides a solution or, now, unfounded skepticism. It's probable because you don't take criticism well. So be it. I'm looking for solutions."

Your exchange with CDL has laid him bare.  He's a know-it-all who knows nothing.  He's one of those guys who likes to hear himself talk even though he has nothing to say.  You're fairly new to this board so CDL didn't attack you like he'll do to me after he reads my post.   He'll lash out with an ad hominem attack - it's all he's got.  It's because he's a loser.

Doesn't want to help you
Simply  wants to be heard
Loves being know it all
Regularly games the review system

As a fairly newbie here let me share two principals:

-Don't be surprised when CDL lies.  Liars lie. Cheaters cheat.  CDL does both regularly.
-There's only one way to deal with a bully;  Stand up and hit back hard.  He will retreat back to the Politics and Religion Board.

allcomers370 reads

No offense, but it's probably extremely obvious that I take the subject of this thread seriously. I really want to improve TER and make it what we all expected it to be. I kept seeing it in ads for providers as a sort of gold-standard, along with P411, for a reliable resource in verifying the performance quality of a provider, and their physical qualities.
I get what you're saying, and sometimes it's hard to keep from digressing, but...

Replace "cdl" with "agencies" and it will be more truthful.  

Agencies manipulate reviews. Write fake reviews themselves. Often write bad reviews for competition. Pm and text mongers and threaten them to take down the rreviews they don't like

Agencies (and certain providers) bully mongers when they get negative reviews, even if they were accurate, honest, and descriptive. You can take a dick and money but you can't take an honest review? Fuck outta here lol. Part of your business to have others review you in a truthful way. Don't get mad, get feedback and learn.  

Lie and cheat. Old outdated or outright fake photos and made up age.

Wanting to help newbies - most agencies prey on newbies who don't know the game, with shitty practices that wouldn't stand a chance in other businesses.  

Best way is indeed to strike back hard. Call out fake pics, fake ads, fake ages. Call them out by name. Call out agencies who threaten and bully mongers, by name, publicly. Let fellow mongers know the deal. Share info globally. So that when a newbie Googled agency x to see how trustworthy they are, they can find right away that they threaten bad reviews with blacklist,etc.

-- Modified on 9/5/2021 12:50:21 PM

-- Modified on 9/5/2021 1:39:23 PM

allcomers367 reads

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
Wanting to help newbies - most agencies prey on newbies who don't know the game, with shitty practices that wouldn't stand a chance in other businesses.    
Best way is indeed to strike back hard. Call out fake pics, fake ads, fake ages. Call them out by name. Call out agencies who threaten and bully mongers, by name, publicly. Let fellow mongers know the deal. Share info globally. So that when a newbie Googled agency x to see how trustworthy they are, they can find right away that they threaten bad reviews with blacklist,etc.
I don't know about the first part of your response, I would bet that you're right, but this part is absolutely on topic and on target.  
Now, how do we get critical mass such that TER has to listen to our concerns and recommendations?! If you figure that one out, let me know, post haste. They are not currently providing a very good medium for doing that, but they have the infrastructure to get there. It's almost all low-cost process changes. If they threw in the willingness to make some minor code changes, wow. Right now they're fat dumb and happy. If they're actually conscience, their happiness is fading.

TER is merely one outlet, along with other sites. I'm concerned about all monger experience across the web. We all know sites die and come back up, etc. Ie, this isn't just pertaining to TER. TER wise, forums allow us to do some of what is mentioned.

allcomers353 reads

Posted By: allcomers
Re: Dude, right on.
If they're actually conscience...
Conscious. "If they're actually conscious..." unlike I appear to have been at that moment.

his review approved step by step.  I noticed you neither have any suggestions of your own, not take exception with any of mine.  You have "reviews", if you want to call them that, so if you  have better suggestions on how to get his review approved, then lets hear them.  It appears that you only entered the conversation for an opportunity to launch an attack.  If you don't have anything of substance to add to his quest, then the most helpful thing you can do is just STFU.  You have laid yourself bare.  You are obsessed with me, and have no life of your own.

The problem with separate profiles for Asian Crapshoot Agencies is that they sometimes use the same pics for different girls, or have multiple girls in the same apartment, all listed under an ad for one girl, or one girl and “her sister”. And the girls can change out weekly.  

In other words, the only consistent thing is the phone number. Playing devil’s advocate for TER, why pollute the board with multiple profiles when nobody, not even the Booker, knows which girl you’re going to see when you walk into the apartment. I say this because if there are three girls in the apartment and you’re going to see “Amy”, the girl who’s turn is next is going to greet you at the door and introduce herself as “Amy”.

It’s frustrating, but the best advice I can give is to rely on the most recently posted review that seems to be accurate. If you’re writing a review on an ACS girl, include her name in the body of the review. I.E. “Amy, a short spinner with nice curves, greeted me at the door and…”. When the next monger shows up and Amy is a tall, horse-faced grandmother, at least the monger has an awareness to ask to see what other girls are available. Then they’ll save face and excuse the name mix-up to language issues.

allcomers388 reads

I hear what you're saying. In trying to get TER to get a grip, I have described to them exactly what you're saying about two, sometimes more, girls at the same apartment. Two things about your proposal, it's a plausible workaround, not a solution, and there's no helping a guy who actually thinks that the pictures in an ACS ad bear any resemblance to the girls providing the service. Asking for a girl by name based on an ACS ad picture is pure folly.
That said, it has happened to me, but only once, that I asked by name to see the girl I had seen on my previous visit and was then met by a different girl at the door. The girl I wanted to see had moved on.  
I once reviewed an ACS girl who was tall, very pretty!, with perfect A-cups. I think she's a knockout. A guy called the number I had listed, asked to see her based on my review, went home, sparked up TER and wrote a review. When I saw the review, it was obvious he'd seen the roommate. I PMed him to remind him of the girl's profile and asked if that's really the girl he saw. He had to acknowledge that it wasn't. He could have known that the minute the door opened and just told the other girl that he'll wait for the one he wanted to see.
I had been with the girl he saw. She's very short, plain looking, with nice, natural C-cups and a bad, very bad, disposition. Whether it's TER's fault or just human nature, not all, or even most, guys pay enough attention to the profile of the girl they're reviewing. But at least they're trying to write a review. Too bad that other hobbyists now look at this guy's rightfully negative review of the girl he saw and think it's the girl for whom I created the profile for and reviewed.
>>PS: The guy actually didn't *have to* acknowledge he'd seen a different girl. I greatly appreciation all of you who responded to my PMs over the past few months while I tried to figure out a solution. And the solution I've arrived at is for TER to farm out review (pre) screening to us users. They can take the last crack at it, but we are the ones who care enough to notice if the review even remotely matches the girl in the profile.

While I appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into researching this problem, I believe your proposed solution would only cause bigger problems. I think of the old proverb, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.  

There’s a big enough challenge to have volunteer moderator monitored forums, but the task of volunteer moderated reviews I think is a bridge too far. I’m imagining longer review times for review publication, along trolls and stalkers disrupting the process. How does TER vet these editors? What happens in markets where there’s only a few volunteers, or none.  

TER already has inactive mongers submitting fake reviews. Imagining having your review kicked back by a peer editor who hadn’t seen a provider in years, or possibly even more maddening, by a forum troll who had a personal beef with you.

I feel that the proposed solution would only cause more headaches than it would solve.

allcomers581 reads

TER can identify who fits the pattern of submitting real reviews (I would offer them suggestions if it comes to it), and making generally positive contributions to the site. The dating site for which I screened ads, including any attached photos, selected monitors based on unannounced criteria.  
I didn't volunteer to do monitoring, they asked me based on their criteria. Despite having a much larger volume of activity than TER, like maybe 100+ times the volume, the site did not have problems of rude language, dick-pics, and the like, and that was our it worked. And, similar to what I've suggested here, we did not have the last say, the paid employees did the final filtering.
As for delays, one of my suggestions was that the community gets some set amount of time, say, 36-hours before a review gets kicked from our queue into the TER screeners queue.
I assure you, unless there are some things that we don't know about the way TER works, there are other sites that have done very well selecting whom among their users have a high probability of doing the job responsibly. Retention was the problem, but TER already has a way they can compensate peer screeners.
If TER agreed to look at this solution to their review screening problems and screwed up profiles, it would take a team of users to apply their collective experience and ideas to figure out how to make it workable. That's not this. However, giving readers of this thread the idea that there are solutions to issues like the ones you brought up may encourage them to push for getting TER to make improvements...and WE could help.

How do you monitor and throttle active posters who WRITE FAKE REVIEWS.

You know CKS, like the CDL, totally fabricated reviews.  There are reviewers that want to prove that they have the biggest dicks, that are total dicks because they make up shit to get credit for VIP days.

You could say there is no harm in that he offers middle of the road scores,  However in fact it dulls the sharpness of the reviews and mutes what is really needed.  Hobbyists are often frustrated by some much BS.  The review board should be curated, and free loaders like CDL hurt all hobbyists who would prefer to have less reviews so that they are a crisp, actual assessment.

Since your little boy is avoiding THIS board these days, how about an honest answer CKS.  Do this for the membership at large.  Don't protect this worm.

I’m used to seeing your drivel posted over at the KGirl Forum, and occasionally over at the Politics & Religion board. But know you’re bringing your insatiable obsession with all things CDL to the General Forum.  

You’re the guy who claims to be in multiple chat groups that discuss CDL. One even meets up in person, according to you, and includes providers. Do you realize how foolish you look?

Here we go with another round of face checking the fools of TER.

"I’m used to seeing your drivel posted over at the KGirl Forum, and occasionally over at the Politics & Religion board. But know you’re bringing your insatiable obsession with all things CDL to the General Forum."
"You’re the guy who claims to be in multiple chat groups that discuss CDL."
I never said multiple chat groups.

"One even meets up in person, according to you, and includes providers."
I never said that we meet up in person.  
There's something going on called Covid, except for fools that are anti-vax and against masking like you.  

Dig through the keys with your fat fingers and provide the links, otherwise:
"Do you realize how foolish you look? "  

allcomers539 reads deal with fake reviews by individual members. It sounds worthwhile if it would help identify fakes and result in a way to better determine if a review is, in fact, fake. That sounds like a tough nut to crack. The solution I've been promoting in this thread would at least help keep them from screwing up a provider's overall review picture.
There are some things that can't be stopped or even curbed, fake reviews may be one of them.

if he starts with his own.  His problem is that he calls fake reviews on people for girls he has not seen, so he has no cred.  If you see a girl and she's fat and then you see a review that says she's skinny, you have first-hand knowledge that the review is fake, and it has some cred.  He doesn't do that.  He just calls fake review with no evidence or personal knowledge whatsoever.  He has made himself a laughing stock on TER and providers won't even respond to his ISO's.  In other words, he's so disliked, providers that follow the boards here will not even take his money for an hour of sex.  Its pretty pathetic.  He's been stalking me for awhile so I just leave him on ignore.  Your post told me what he was talking about, i.e., fake reviews, which is a subject he DOES have personal experience with.  

But that is not really a TER problem.

"Massage Parlors are accepted and posted in the Massage Parlor section. However, these reviews will not receive membership credit because the majority of Massage Parlors don't advertise on the web with the names of their girls on the web advertisement (internet advertising is a TER must for posting.)"

I'm not digging though all this guys reviews to see what he is talking about but the one I did look at is subject to that problem. It's a bedpage add for an unnamed girl. I've never done an MP review but am thinking that would be a review of the MP rather than any given provider one might see there. If that is the case then there really should only be one profile under the number. You're not reviewing the girls but the parlor.

allcomers362 reads

TER has a problem of profiles that are polluted by reviews that are for other girls. That may not be their responsibility, but it's definitely their problem.  
It the specific real-life example in the post you just responded to, these are escorts sharing the same apartment, not massagers at a parlor. Somebody who reads only the most recent review for her and doesn't compare it to the profile will leave thinking, "that's it, I'm looking elsewhere." They didn't do the minimum that required to make reading reviews worthwhile. In this case. it's a well written review and it sounds authentic...because it is! It's just not of a review for the girl for whom the profile was created (that I created). I've seen the girl he's talking about, and she's among the worst I've been with..."Should have stayed home." I haven't even reviewed her and probably won't. And like I said, he confirmed he made a mistake with submitting his review.
And that's something else that's getting lost here, and it's IMPORTANT: I have never accused TER or reviewers are being malicious. TER is lazy and reviewers make avoidable mistakes. That's all I've been saying. Period. Well, that and that I believe I have a solution that will help us AND TER.
As an aside, some of the guys I PMed with never asked the girl's name. If you haven't confirmed her name, how can you write a review? So, in the above case, despite all the physical differences between her and the profile of the girl he wanted to see that should have raised red flags the minute the door opened, if he'd have asked her name, he would have known she wasn't who he wanted to see. I guess that falls into the category of "Reviewing 101, Section 1. Know the girls name." :)

Well what cks175 was talking about is basically a MP setup approach. The specific girl is not reviewed as reviewer cannot separate them from one another if they ask to see Amy and get told by whoever they see  "I'm Amy".  

While I get you want to have reviews that help find girls you want to see and warn you away from those you don't want to see, I would say you solution is to do a lot of work for a crappy group of people. Let them do the work. If they are not willing to provide ads with clearly identified providers in the ad (and I would say different pics as well -- but bedpage type groups may well not do that at all) then why even give them the benefit of having reviews. Make those reviews MP reviews and everyone will know they have no idea who they will see and know it's a crap shoot.

Or simply don't allow reviews of such providers until they start doing better. Then mongers who cannot afford a miss (financially, psychologically or both or for any other reasons) can just stick to seeing reviewed providers and the reviews will be more consistent as these types of problem cases get filtered out from the start.

allcomers368 reads

Oh brother, trying to keep a thread on track around here is a thankless task. lol.

allcomers392 reads

You know what, TER is even more fucked up than I realized. I posted the above message to cover stop the bickering, and somehow it shows up with a timestamp earlier that the post I was superseding. Now that's fucked up. It's a sign of manipulation by the mods. I smell a rat. This is seriously fucked up.

It's due to random moderation. When you hit [Post Message] and get the message "Your post will appear shortly." (or whatever the exact quote is), it can be 10 minutes or 20 hours.  
You submit a reply to a post at t = 01:00 but it goes into moderation.
Someone else who hasn't read your reply (it's still in moderation) submits a post at t = 06:00 and it posts immediately, w/o moderation.
Your post gets released at t = 11:11 and gets posted BUT THE TIME STAMP IS THE SUBMISSION TIME OF 01:00, not 11:11, and it shows up earlier than (above) the post from 06:00.

Posted By: allcomers
Re: TER mods are manipulating message boards.
You know what, TER is even more fucked up than I realized. I posted the above message to cover stop the bickering, and somehow it shows up with a timestamp earlier that the post I was superseding. Now that's fucked up. It's a sign of manipulation by the mods. I smell a rat. This is seriously fucked up.
It's a sign of not enough mods to get posts out of the moderation queue more quickly.

allcomers376 reads

Posted By: impposter
Re: TER mods are manipulating message boards.
It's due to random moderation. When you hit [Post Message] and get the message "Your post will appear shortly." (or whatever the exact quote is), it can be 10 minutes or 20 hours.  
 You submit a reply to a post at t = 01:00 but it goes into moderation.  
 Someone else who hasn't read your reply (it's still in moderation) submits a post at t = 06:00 and it posts immediately, w/o moderation.  
 Your post gets released at t = 11:11 and gets posted BUT THE TIME STAMP IS THE SUBMISSION TIME OF 01:00, not 11:11, and it shows up earlier than (above) the post from 06:00.
That's simply not plausible. I'm bewildered by all the TER apologists. I'm not going to say that's your motive, but I don't know what else to believe. Here are the facts!:
- At 23:32 on *09 Sep,* CDL posts reply with subject: "That's a good idea" (  
- Sometime in the morning of *10 Sep,* I post with subject "Re: And so on and so forth..." so that, on the board home page, users don't see under "Last Post" CDL's rant, however justified or unjustified.
- CDL's post was at 23:32, mine was after that, but it shows as having posted more that an hour earlier at 20:25!!  
So please, before taking the considerable time to defend TER (and I do appreciate your posting), look more closely at the circumstance I described -- and I quote (which you quote), incl. typo and with emphasis added, "I posted the above message to cover stop the bickering, and somehow it shows up with a timestamp earlier that the post I was **superseding."** That is, the post I was reacting to had a later timestamp. Rationalize that!
And now the mods have moved my thread here to die...I just found it and your reply after complaining to them. LOL!

My explanation applies to SOME situations.  
Can you check for TIME ZONE differences? Under account settings, members can choose their time zone to be whatever they want it to be. Some of us choose time zone settings that are different from our actual local time zone ... sometimes just to throw people off. (I post from the US Eastern Time Zone [Or do I? Really?] but I change by TER settings every now and then just to throw off LE, FBI, CIA, Interpol, KGB (now SVR), MI6, etc.).
I don't know how those settings affect the TER Timestamps.  TER Timestamps show the TIME but not the time ZONE. Your post says,  "Posted by allcomers, 9/10/2021 1:36:04 PM"
Is 1:36:04 PM allcomers LOCAL time zone?
Is 1:36:04 PM allcomers time based on his Time Zone setting? (Local plus or minus X hours.)
Is 1:36:04 PM TER's local server time?
Is 1:36:04 PM TER's server time offset to some other Time Zone?
I'm not checking examples, but I will guess that the posted TIMESTAMP is the time from the posting account using their timezone setting (not local time). I am also NOT going to work through examples (high school or college homework assignment!), but I'll start:
Poster's post Local time: 9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
Account setting spoofs that to: 2:00 PM in some other time zone
TER Server posts it with a timestamp of 2:00 PM (w/o specifying the Time Zone)
Replier's post Local time: 12 noon (later than the OP's local 9:00 AM)
Replier account setting time zone time: 1:00 PM (later than OP's local 9AM but earlier than spoofed 2PM)
TER Server posts Replier's reply with timestamp 1:00 PM but it appears LATER than the original post.
I don't know TER's timestamp policies -- does ANYBODY? -- but would that help you to make sense of the out of sequence postings?

Posted By: allcomers
Re: That explanation doesn't work

allcomers862 reads

Posted By: impposter
Re: That explanation doesn't work
My explanation applies to SOME situations.  
. I am also NOT going to work through examples (high school or college homework assignment!), but I'll start:  
Dude, you did yeoman's work already. Thanks. But, no, the timestamp that counts is their server's. You would have to write code specially to use local time, and then you'd get all fucked up where time sequencing is for discussion posts!  
It would take intervention make a post that was created after another one show up earlier. Also, in my case, I posted sometime early in the morning of 10 September, yet it's timestamped at 22:25 on the 9th, one hour before the post I was reacting to.
TER needs fixing. We could help. Earlier today, I read Mya's post, the one with 19,000 reads. TER has not apologized, they have not explained, and the moved her thread here to Suggestions & Policy where almost nobody further will see they've done with my thread. (Yes, I confirmed this with Mya.) The interesting thing there is that all the users are outraged, but nobody seems to want to do anything about it. smh.

allcomers372 reads

Round and round with the insults. Guffaw.  
Sometimes, it can be so hard to take your own good advice.

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