Suggestion and Policy

Add Ability To Remove From Favortites
funtlaroy 11 Reviews 1083 reads

Someone had to have suggested this before I’m thinking but seriously, why not have this feature? No one should have to go to a list that is many pages long to find a provider they want to take off their favorites list.

Go to your Faves list.
Check the check box next to the ones you want to delete.
Go to the bottom of the page.
Click the [Delete checked] button.

Posted By: funtlaroy

Someone had to have suggested this before I’m thinking but seriously, why not have this feature? No one should have to go to a list that is many pages long to find a provider they want to take off their favorites list.

This was an adorable little post but that’s absolutely not what I’m talking about. We already know how to do that. What I’m talking about is the ability to remove a provider from your favorites while you were on her page, not the favorites list.

Posted By: impposter
Re: Check the boxes; Delete checked
Go to your Faves list.  
 Check the check box next to the ones you want to delete.  
 Go to the bottom of the page.  
 Click the [Delete checked] button.
Posted By: funtlaroy
 Someone had to have suggested this before I’m thinking but seriously, why not have this feature? No one should have to go to a list that is many pages long to find a provider they want to take off their favorites list.

Doh! I misunderstood. But my info might help some others with shorter lists that they want to make even shorter. Let's see ...
A Profile of someone not yet Favorited has options in the left side frame:
[empty star] Add To Favorites
[arrow] Report A Problem
[chain] Link to this Review
[person] Claim my profile [if not yet claimed by the Provider]
[page] Add Notes
When I view a Favorite's Profile, I see:
[arrow] Report A Problem
[chain] Link to this Review
[page] Add Notes
You want to see something like:  
[FILLED star] Already a Favorite  ... or maybe "Remove from Favorites"
[arrow] Report A Problem
[chain] Link to this Review
[page] Add Notes
and maybe a way to click on "[FILLED star] Already a Favorite" to UNfavorite that Profile.
The underlying data is already in the database; it knows that the person logged in has Favorited that Profile (so it removes the "[empty star] Add to Favorites" line). It could just as easily REPLACE rather than REMOVE that line with a link to more code to Unfavorite that Profile.  Except ...
I don't see it happening. TER has a lot of existing software PROBLEMS that are too hard to fix. Adding a NEW FEATURE without breaking something else would be even harder. Maybe they'll add it to the "To Do"  list. Personally, I'm neutral on the suggestion as long as it doesn't break anything else.

Posted By: funtlaroy
Re: Check the boxes; Delete checked
This was an adorable little post but that’s absolutely not what I’m talking about. We already know how to do that. What I’m talking about is the ability to remove a provider from your favorites while you were on her page, not the favorites list.
Posted By: impposter
Re: Check the boxes; Delete checked  
 Go to your Faves list.  
  Check the check box next to the ones you want to delete.  
  Go to the bottom of the page.  
  Click the [Delete checked] button.
Posted By: funtlaroy
  Someone had to have suggested this before I’m thinking but seriously, why not have this feature? No one should have to go to a list that is many pages long to find a provider they want to take off their favorites list.

No problem, I probably could’ve been more clear in the original post.

I agree that TER will probably never enact this quality of life feature. It seems they have gotten pretty lazy as far as improving the site in any way at all.

Posted By: impposter
Re: Check the boxes; Delete checked
Doh! I misunderstood. But my info might help some others with shorter lists that they want to make even shorter. Let's see ...  
 A Profile of someone not yet Favorited has options in the left side frame:  
 [empty star] Add To Favorites  
 [arrow] Report A Problem  
 [chain] Link to this Review  
 [person] Claim my profile [if not yet claimed by the Provider]  
 [page] Add Notes  
 When I view a Favorite's Profile, I see:  
 [arrow] Report A Problem  
 [chain] Link to this Review  
 [page] Add Notes  
 You want to see something like:  
 [FILLED star] Already a Favorite  ... or maybe "Remove from Favorites"  
 [arrow] Report A Problem  
 [chain] Link to this Review  
 [page] Add Notes  
 and maybe a way to click on "[FILLED star] Already a Favorite" to UNfavorite that Profile.  
 The underlying data is already in the database; it knows that the person logged in has Favorited that Profile (so it removes the "[empty star] Add to Favorites" line). It could just as easily REPLACE rather than REMOVE that line with a link to more code to Unfavorite that Profile.  Except ...  
 I don't see it happening. TER has a lot of existing software PROBLEMS that are too hard to fix. Adding a NEW FEATURE without breaking something else would be even harder. Maybe they'll add it to the "To Do"  list. Personally, I'm neutral on the suggestion as long as it doesn't break anything else.
Posted By: funtlaroy
Re: Check the boxes; Delete checked  
 This was an adorable little post but that’s absolutely not what I’m talking about. We already know how to do that. What I’m talking about is the ability to remove a provider from your favorites while you were on her page, not the favorites list.
Posted By: impposter
Re: Check the boxes; Delete checked  
  Go to your Faves list.    
   Check the check box next to the ones you want to delete.    
   Go to the bottom of the page.    
   Click the [Delete checked] button.
Posted By: funtlaroy
   Someone had to have suggested this before I’m thinking but seriously, why not have this feature? No one should have to go to a list that is many pages long to find a provider they want to take off their favorites list.

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