Suggestion and Policy

Newbie Board
GaGambler 1110 reads

It looks like after almost two years of inactivity that we are getting a lot of new members along with old members who have kind of forgotten exactly how to navigate both the boards and the hobby in general who are going to want a safe place to ask their questions and get a quick refresher course on all things TER. That of course will mean a LOT more traffic on the Newbie Board.

I think Perfect Storm was the perfect choice for host of the Newbie Board and I lobbied hard for his selection, but I don't think he has been heard from for about a year here on TER and I haven't heard from him myself in many months, so it looks like we are looking at the distinct possibility that he will not be returning which is going to leave a huge void on the Newbie Board. I have noticed both BoardAdmin and TERAdmin becoming a bit more available to reply to questions, but I doubt either of them have the time to take on another full time job of answering all the many questions posed on the Newbie board, especially with the flood of members expected to be finding their way back here in the not too distant future.

Jack Dunphy mentioned something that had been tossed around a couple of years ago that I think seriously needs revisiting, which is "co-hosts" on the Newbie board. I can speak from experience having been the moderator of that board several years back that while I was 100% comfortable in answering questions from the guys from the guys perspective, a lot of times new ladies would ask questions that really were best answered by a provider, with a providers perspective and NOT by any client, no matter how experienced.

I can think of two members that I think would make perfect co-hosts and I would love it if TER would consider them both. They are xyz23, who I believe was the second leading vote getter behind Perfect Storm three years ago or so, and from the lady's side, I don't think it's even a debate that Debra_Hollander is the obvious choice for the job.

I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts if they think co-hosts are a good idea in the first place and if so how they feel about the nominees I have suggested or if they think that there are other members better qualified for the job? I guess it would also be nice to hear from anyone nominated for the job to hear if they are even interested in doing it too I suppose. lol

They would be GREAT choices. I don't always agree with Deb, which is a good thing, but she doesn't put her self interests first and all her comments are professional and laden with experience and intelligence.  

I think newbie women, and guys, need an experienced, well reasoned person to give them a female perspective, as the NB has been dominated by men since day one.  

XYZ is a rock and knows this place, its rules, and protocols as best as anyone (other than Storm, lol.)

So a BIG yes to co-hosts, and a second BIG yes to Deb and XYZ.

As I mentioned in the duplicate thread i the newbie board, I would worry that moderators who live in the US might come under the definition of aiding and abetting prostitution.

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