Sports Talk

You are correct sir...sad_smile
SaraPrescott See my TER Reviews 5107 reads

Yep they have shut him down and he already has 2 fouls and we are DOMINATING!  Yay

obsticle. Sanham is your only real issue on St. Mary's. You should hope for him to get into foul trouble early because of the SIZE of Baylor.

If you win some dinero will you be moving closer to me??? ;-)

Yep they have shut him down and he already has 2 fouls and we are DOMINATING!  Yay

There is still a VERY slight chance of the three-ball being an ali to St. Mary's. The chance is only slight.

Sara if you call me sir once more our engagement is off. LOL

Great win by the Bears over the St. Mary's Little Sisters of the Poor-LOL-The Bears will soon be sent into hibernation come Sunday when they have to play the Big Boys-It'll be 'Toto, we're not in Texas anymore'-heh heh  1rob....the Devil is waiting....OUT   8-)

Ghost.of.Glen.Livet4217 reads

ACC = All Clown Conference.....think the Blue Devils will be in the Turtle Soup long before any chance of seeing UK......if not tonight, Sunday.

Terrapin and ACC compadre, the Great OSP, would say,  "ACC-all else is background noise"  heh heh-1rob....Say your prayers, Bears....the Devil is waiting....OUT   8-)

-- Modified on 3/26/2010 8:06:30 PM

Ghost.of.Glen.Livet4677 reads

.....what happens if "Moneyball" meets the "Devil"?????  I think this ACC bromance will go back to!

Personally, to many obstacles in the way for the Dukies, if not Baylor....then UK....if not UK then "Moneyball".

Of course stranger things have happened......

ACC to the crown.


Hey 1rob, I hope Baylor's size 'doesn't matter'. LOL

Ghost.of.Glen.Livet4679 reads

.....into the soup!  Does make for interesting background noise, did somebody say something????

Remember, O Great One, that it's Texas basketball v the ACC-that's kinda like Taiwan football v the NFL-heh heh-1rob...OUT  8-)

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