Sports Talk

SaraPrescott See my TER Reviews 4846 reads



Saints 24
Vikes 17

far away from the end zone and on his ass

Geaux Saints

I like the Saints cause they have came back from adversity.  And they are a pretty good team.

I like the Vikings because damn, they came from being nothing to everything.  And no matter how much I think Farve needs to retire and STAY retired, if anyone deserves another ring it's him.

I hope it's as great of a game that I imagine it to be.

drdimsum5517 reads

Yeah,  lets hear it.  up by 7! Go Vikes

L.Eeyore4074 reads

I mean, hell, they spell geaux funny.  Still, Tawny Brie is a Vikings fan, so either way, I get to celebrate for a little while.  I still fear that the Dolts will beat either of them.  :(

let me be told ya der Boudreaux, we don't spell nuttin' funny, it be all y'all that talk funny as hell.  

Come on down to Cajun country, we will get yer mind right and school you proper on hows to talk right

Aiyee! Heard Dat

drdimsum3868 reads

And third on the board.  Go Vikes!!!   My body hurts watching however.

Not as bad as a Who concert but close.  Should have brought hearing protection

What's up with the Geriatric Half-Time show at the 'Bowl'?

About to have a freakin cardiac arrest.  If you see the EMTs rushing to section 335 row 10 area that is me.  

Damn it Reggie, hold onto the fucking ball!

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