Sports Talk

Where is GaG when you need him...Yesterday he was all over the (e)
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 381 reads

-- Modified on 3/31/2014 6:42:51 PM

Anyone watching baseball??

I have a couple of bets in.. Anyone else??

Hopefully they win.. I'll treat myself to a message!

Best long ball, small ball game I've seen in long time....

cashorcredit337 reads

When I left to purchase something you guys were down 4-2 how the fuck did they come back and win

-- Modified on 3/31/2014 8:55:34 AM

The game was crazy.... It went like this...

0 - 3 (3 run homer)
2-  3 (2 run homer)
2-  4 (1 run)
3-  4 (1 run in the right field)
4- 4 (1 run by virtue of WALK)
4- 5 (Single Homer)
5- 5 (1 Run)
6 -5 (1 run)
9- 5 (3 Run Homer)
9- 7 (2 Run Homer) Final Score.

-- Modified on 3/31/2014 6:16:34 PM

cashorcredit344 reads

I was thinking of all sorts of material to hit you with on the board today lol, so I can handle that little Braves jab you threw at me we still 161 games left

cashorcredit346 reads

Have your fun at the top of the division... it won't last long Braves coming out angry tomorrow

cashorcredit297 reads

Going to buy a broom tomorrow to get ready to sweep LOL

I wish I could go, but I have super important call @ 1:00, so I guess I will have to watch it on TV.  

You will have advantage of Doug Fister being on DL. So either Tannar Roark or Taylor Jordon... (I know you are going like.... Who the fuck is that) would be opening....  

Both were fighting for 5th spot on the starting rotation, and both got a nod as Fister ended up on DL with lat strain.

cashorcredit362 reads

I understand that, but some of the huge flat screens make it feel just like you're at the game.

In my mr belding voice hey hey hey no excuses... I don't want to hear about Fister being hurt not when we have the worst player in baseball bj upton!

-- Modified on 4/1/2014 4:21:47 AM

GaGambler381 reads

Even though I no longer live in Atlanta I usually make it to at least a dozen games, and almost always make the home opener.

I will most likely have at least a couple of tables at the 755 Club, let me know if you'd like to join us.

cashorcredit332 reads

If I go I will definitely hit you up.

GaGambler304 reads

I'll have them put your name on this list downstairs for them to let you up.

(I've got a couple of friends upstairs. lol)

cashorcredit332 reads

Damn that's cool as hell, I will let you know by the end of the week  

I like how you roll, you do it big lol...... it's good to have friends in high places

Who the fark is filtering posts on TER today??

This was posted for the Vegas board.

We are the only city that can bet on games and that's why it's supposed to be there

cashorcredit342 reads

The sorry ass Braves loss today, but still a very enjoyable opening day thanks to the Tigers coming back from a 3-1 deficit

Because I took them and the under!!
Off to the spa!!

cashorcredit324 reads

Every time I'm in Vegas and someone wins whether it's at the tables or sports wager high fives are coming lol.  

If you want to double that take the Yankees tomorrow I got them already at -160 against the worst team in baseball.  

Congrats hopefully we can keep the luck rolling

Why? I won't take a -160.. Doesn't matter if it's a "sure win."

Good luck to you. I always hope people win, unless it's against my bet. :)

cashorcredit310 reads

Take a chance you will thank me later.... there is no way the Yankees can lose tomorrow I guarantee it.

Thanks, just make sure your bet isn't the astros tomorrow lol.  Enjoy your spa dat

Top of the 6th and as painful as it is since I'm an Os fan, I'm still rooting for you to pull through!

cashorcredit391 reads

Kept the Detroit winnings and got out of dodge. It doesn't pay to be greedy  

Good thing you didn't listen to me

I mean I get the -110 juice.. But..  
My friend came to visit once and she wanted to bet on the horse to win the triple crown. I wouldn't let her. She didn't understand.. I was like, you give them 100 and if you win you get 85. If you bet that it loses you give them 100 they give you 190 or whatever.. So, she said fine. She bet it to lose.

Well, it lost.  

I felt bad that the horse lost, but she was happy that she switched her bet. Even if it's a "sure win" you never know when someone won't show up....

Still time!

cashorcredit368 reads

I agree with you I need to stop giving up so much juice on my bets.... for a chick you are really smart when it comes to sports betting .

And they have two sisters...

We are all pretty balanced with boy and girl things alike! :)

GaGambler280 reads

I've told him a thousand times the same thing, If you see me making a straight bet at -160, I am probably betting on a replay. No way am I giving odds that long, not even on the sun coming up tomorrow.

Personally I like to give the alternative run line, most of the time you can give the -2 1/2 and get +200 or better, even on a team that is giving -160 on the money line.

Just the under on the orioles sox game..
I'm hoping the wind helps me win this one. :)

cashorcredit310 reads

Anything under 9 runs and you win. I had a little luck with the Tigers today after that Yankees debacle, hopefully you will too.  

Lets Go Under.................

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