Sports Talk

Spring training delayed..
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1624 reads
1 / 5

Good I didn't book my game tickets, flight, and hotel.  

Not a big deal to cancel, but just hassle.  

Reading the details, looks like they are as further apart as they can be. They are not even on the same page.

inicky46 61 Reviews 285 reads
2 / 5

but, naturally, both sides are posturing. I hope they don't have to delay Opening Day.

alexissweet69 See my TER Reviews 284 reads
3 / 5
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 271 reads
4 / 5

Yes, some movement, but still a lot to be accomplished.  

I read somewhere, either in this article or the one on MLB, that are to meet everyday this week. I hope somthing will be hammered out, signed and sealed by end of the week.

-- Modified on 2/20/2022 11:11:27 AM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 274 reads
5 / 5

both sides remain far apart.  If deal is not reached by Monday, 2/28, the season won't start on 3/31 and games will have to be cancelled.

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