Sports Talk

Re: The problem is...
followme 546 reads

He is RUMORED to be on the list of 103 that used steroids.

It is old news  and I'm not saying he did or did not, (I do not know) However how many of those who vote for the HOF think it is a possibility he is on the list, and will hold it against him.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

Being the "DH", this milestone doesn't mean much to me. As you can guess, I'm not a fan of the DH. I would respect that achievement more if it was done by an everyday position player. To me a DH hitting his 500th is like a position player hitting's ho hum...Yet it'll get him in the HOF.
And just curious, when did Ortiz become a 95% DH hitter?

He's been playing since '97. Minnesota from 97-04. There he started in about 123 games in 8 years. Most games he played in a year there was 68. He's been with Boston ever since and started about 143 games that's in 11 years. Most there was 44 and then 31 another year.  Those were his first two years there .The rest of the time he's never played more than 10 In 2009 he only DH'd.  Playoffs he's played 61-66 games and played in maybe 5 of those I believe. Had he been a 1st baseman playing everyday he probably would have retired years ago as his body would've broken down. Great hitter but would have been done aloooong time ago.

pretty good accomplishment for not being a Druggie..

Doesn't seem to be as big (fat) as he use to be. Usually a giveaway  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
pretty good accomplishment for not being a Druggie..

is one of the best clutch hitters of all time, and is a sure-fire, first ballot Hall-of-Famer (and well deserved of that honor).

YairMarx521 reads

Needed for entry into the HOF, but sadly he'll get in as a DH. I'll take the "Big Hurt" over the Big Papi.

I agree wholeheartedly that Ortiz is not a complete player, but his value to his team, and its success is undeniable.  

Big Hurt over Big contest, but that does not mean that Ortiz is not worthy of the Hall-of-Fame.

Sure, he doesn't play half of the game. So? Last time I checked pitchers only played every fifth day, yet I don't see any arguments for taking Koufax out.

followme547 reads

He is RUMORED to be on the list of 103 that used steroids.

It is old news  and I'm not saying he did or did not, (I do not know) However how many of those who vote for the HOF think it is a possibility he is on the list, and will hold it against him.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

Posted By: followme
He is RUMORED to be on the list of 103 that used steroids.  
 It is old news  and I'm not saying he did or did not, (I do not know) However how many of those who vote for the HOF think it is a possibility he is on the list, and will hold it against him.  
 Thank you  
 2015 = 28
I'm with you on the steroids part, if there's even a hint then that's something that should be considered fully. I just think the idea of a DH somehow being unworthy simply because he's a DH is nonsense. It's a part of the game, it has been for years now, just because it's not like The Good Old Days doesn't mean he shouldn't get in on that basis alone.  

At the same time, has there ever been anything other than conjecture regarding Ortiz? It's not like he pulled a Rafael Palmeiro with the finger wagging and everything, right before getting busted. I haven't read either of Jose Canseco's books on the topic in years (don't bother with the second one, it's a step down), but I certainly don't remember him coming up. Any idea where the rumour came from?

Name me a HOF first baseman (we're all agreed that if Ortiz fielded, that would be where, right?) who is in the Hall with average batting numbers but exemplary defense. It's a genuine question, no one comes to mind for me. Point being, if all the 1B's are in the Hall for hitting, why exclude a DH?

followme661 reads

IMO those who think he and or other DH's should not be eligible for the HOF  are I'd say mostly fans of NL teams.

 If and when all of MLB has the DH I think the vast majority of those who are against the DH going to the HOF will change their minds.

As for the steroid issue.  
As i recall there was testing done in private by the players union and 104 tested positive and that list is held by the union.
A-roid was outer as one on the list so the list is now 103. IMO if it can be proven beyond doubt he used then he should not go to the HOF. Let me just say, as a big YANKEE fan any player who wore the YANKEE uniform is proven to have used is out

The below links one is a new york times article on ortiz the other is a list of those who are rumored/suspected/thought to be/might be on the actual list, but as it says it is unconfirmed.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

GaGambler504 reads

but my feelings regarding Big Papi is that if were THAT easy, some one else would have done it too. I don't care how long it took him, or how he managed to extend his career, as long as it was legal of course. The point is, he DID accomplish what he did and he played by the same rules as thousands of others that never came close to the milestones he reached. IMO he's earned all the accolades he's getting.

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