Sports Talk

Re: It was 92, OSP-........and that Sean kid for Kentucky
mookie58 18 Reviews 6749 reads

Thanks Rob! The magic is back in Lexington and they are fun to watch. But all those freshmen will drive you crazy cause sometimes they do stuff that just makes you scratch your head.
22,000 at Rupp yesterday for ESPN Gameday...10 hours before the game started!!!!!!!!!!

I have stuck in my mind two the greatest roundball finishes that i can remember. YOU??

1. 1983 NCAA Final. Dereck Whittenburg's shot from the cheap seats intercepted by Lorenzo Charles for the throw-down. Defeats Houston.

2. Christian Laetner's last minute shot which sends Kentucky packin. 1rob? What year was that? 92?

Hope(i think)my facts are correct.

-- Modified on 2/14/2010 9:12:33 AM

-- Modified on 2/14/2010 10:51:16 AM

should be ashamed of himself for almost giving me heart failure when he threw in that piss shot off the board with just seconds left which set up Laettner's shot-I worked with a lady whose cousin announced the Wildcat games for years and she bled Wildcat Blue-Kentucky has wonderful fans-She viewed Christian Laettner as the anti-Christ-(recall the Laettner stomp) years later, which always gave me a charge-BTW, Laettner made every shot he took in the game-he was a fabulous college player, who wanted it at crunch time-

-- Modified on 2/14/2010 10:30:37 AM

-- Modified on 2/14/2010 10:36:25 AM

People always refer to the shot that Sean Woods banked in as a lucky shot, but Kentucky fans saw him take AND hit that shot dozens if not hundreds of times during his career in Lexington.
I'm still pissed that Pitino didn't put Andre Riddick on Grant Hill as he was throwing the ball inbounds. He had a clear view of where he was throwing the ball and we all know what happened afterwards. I turn away every time they show that shot on highlights. LOL! But, Coach K was the epitome of class afterwards as he got on the air with legendary Ky broadcaster Cawood Ledford and consoled the Kentucky fans. Although we lost, I've never seen a better game!

Thanks, Mookie, for the nice words-Ledford was the lady's cousin-and she was a character, whose maiden name was Hooker, BTW-I agree thst more pressure on the ball and also on Laettner could have made a difference-and though I'm a Dookie-I've never seen classier fans than Kentucky fans-they follow their team everywhere and are awesome sports-You guys get my vote as best in the country-and I'll take your word that Sean Woods had that shot in his repetoire, though I felt he pulled it out of his butt these last 18 years-smile-Good luck to you and your 'Csts this year, they are a pleasure to watch-1rob...OUT

Thanks Rob! The magic is back in Lexington and they are fun to watch. But all those freshmen will drive you crazy cause sometimes they do stuff that just makes you scratch your head.
22,000 at Rupp yesterday for ESPN Gameday...10 hours before the game started!!!!!!!!!!

ACC> Everything else is just bullshit!!!!!!!!!

FEAR THE TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

LOL!!! Niiiiice!
ACC? Not this year my friend! The state of the Tar Holes is a perfect example of how the whole conference has tumbled this year. This is the first year I can ever remember that I didn't "fear" at least one team in the ACC.

would still probably win the Big 10-sorry, CYNIC-grin-and we need to cut out that ACC-Big 10 challenge-it's sending our RPI's skyrocketing towards a 100-heh heh

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