Sports Talk

Not going to happen. A few weeks ago the pouras NE defense . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 727 reads

had timmy's number and they didn't forget the #; it is under "AFC Championship Game" on their speed dial.

Pittsburgh had too many injuries.

Tebow time again in New England.

John_Elway665 reads

One and done! See you in New England!

....there is a God and the bad karma cloud is just making it's way around and this is just a!

Thanks to Denver for helping  make this week may be another story!


Vegas has NE 13.5 point favorites.  Sure a woman taking advantage of me.  Life's story.

The Steelers rarely give up big plays and Tebow hit several long passes throughout. I thought he played great. His throws were accurate and he showed great poise in the pocket. The Steelers couldn't generate enough pressure to ever really make him uncomfortable.  And while the Steelers were missing several key players to start and lost a few more early in the game, I don't like to use injuries as an excuse because it minimizes the performance of the other team.  Denver played better and deserves to move on.
Overall it was a good year for Pittsburgh, but loosing in the playoffs is always really tough to take. As a fan, the finality of the season hits you hard.

So good luck to those of you who still have teams left on the road to the Super Bowl!

JLWest605 reads

First off, nice post on what must have been a tough day for you. You are a gentleman when you post and your post are always in good taste. I certainty hope you will continue posting thru the playoffs even thou your Steelers lost.

There are a few team coaching staffs I almost never second guess. Steelers, Pats (except on 4 and 1 calls), Green Bay and Ravens.  The field management make very few mistakes and I figure they are entitled to one now and then.

But in this case I call a coaching error on the Steelers staff. It really boils down to this: "They put a defenseless QB in a playoff game and watched him loose."

Oh he could stand in the pocket and somewhat pass but he sure couldn't be Big Ben, slipping sure sacks and throwing for 25. All four quarters his line could not protect him and he wasn't able to protect himself.

I noticed he was a little more mobile during the last half of the third quarter and part of the fourth quarter. Wonder if the shot at half time finally kicked in. But for the most part he looked old, slow and tired. When he was first injured they should have forced him to sit out until he was able to play at near 100%.

I know the reasoning. He is Big Ben. He wanted to play. How could they sit him down and what would be the fall out if the backup lost.

But the fact remains. This was a loss by the coaches.

Ike's good but leaving him out there 1 on 1 with NO deep help 80 yards from the goaline cost them the game.

it was either recklessness on Mundy's part or a stupid call.

Stillers663 reads

Unfortunately, this type of thing is becoming all too common lately as I believe opposing offensive coordinators have caught on to Lebeau's schemes and he has been stubborn and slow to change and adjust and as a result, it may be time to for him to get on with his life's work, to use a Chuck Noll statement.

tomlin needs to reign that shit in.

if he wants to let troy run wild okay, but sheesh, someone needs to mind the store...

Josh McDaniels was hired as an offensive assistant by the Patriots. He'll replace Bill O'Brien after O'Brien takes over at Penn State.

had timmy's number and they didn't forget the #; it is under "AFC Championship Game" on their speed dial.

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