Sports Talk

H'mm -after 30 years of pick up basketball, I never heard knew that "chukker"
marikod 1 Reviews 497 reads

had a parallel in polo. Not sure where the term came from in B ball parlance. We always used it to describe a guy who shot the ball every time he got it, although strangely enough I recall a few guys gesturing toward me and saying "chukker" so apparently it has some other meaning.

       Barry didn't write "I write the songs?" I didn't know that either. But wait a minute -100K a year in royalties? I find that hard to believe. St. Croix must be calling in a lot of requests to the radio station to generate that number. Probably a 100k over the life of the song.

How clueless can you be? A guy who has his name changed to "World Peace" loses his cool and viciously elbows another player in the back of the head apparently only for thrusting his chest into his face?  

      He could have caused real injury with that blow and deserves far more than a 7 game suspension.

     SMU hires Larry Brown? Shame on both parties. There are very few head coaching jobs out there. Give some of these 20 year assistants a chance instead of giving Larry yet another head coaching job.

      Finally, the Sports Discussion Mod has asked me to advise everyone that anyone who posts about the college basketball season next year will be moderated, banned, and forced to drink chardonnay with St. Croix and his buddies from the men's hair salon at all tail gate parties.

We're just going to skip next year.

St. Croix561 reads

I was responding to BigPapasan on the P&R Board, and mentioned your name. Look at the attached link. Lakers vs Houston, 2nd round of the 2009 NBA Playoffs. Lakers needed something to get them going, because they were playing like shit. Fisher intentionally elbows Luis Scola. That was a hard hit. Fisher got a 1 game suspension.

There is an inconsistency with David Stern and the NBA in handing out penalties. Granted, MWP deserves a suspension, but was his hit 7X that of Fisher's hit?

Guess you heard that UCLA just signed Tony Parker, another 5-star recruit. What will you do next year marikod? I guess you could support Duke's lacrosse team, maybe go on nature hikes, take some cooking classes. I'll be at the Final Four, and will send you some great pics from my i-Phone, from the company with a future stock price of $1000. I guess BAC should be $10 by then, wouldn't you think?

-- Modified on 4/24/2012 5:53:37 PM

Didn’t realize you were such a fan of the Beamer, St. Croix. He does write the songs, though, and I know you patterned your hair style on his so I can certainly see the attraction.

       On the other hand, Tony Parker going to UCLA makes no sense at all. Surely your buffet loving center will be the starter and the two Wear twins will play a power forward. Parker is just going to sit on the bench and be disgruntled. And for that matter Kyle Anderson and Shabazz are both small forwards so who starts there? Well maybe Ben Howland is a hands on coach that can deal with chemistry problems – NOT.

      So before you get ready to take a chance again, St. Croix, maybe you should reconsider.
I sense drama next year at UCLA as all this talent struggles to work as a team.

    As for Duke, we'll be in the tournament next year. Might even win the ACC. Losing that chukker Austin Rivers is addition by subtraction.

...on Harden.  Fish was fighting off a screen during the run of play and Scola may have flopped a teensy bit.  World Peace wound up and threw a totally gratuitous elbow at Harden who was doing nothing to Metta and got a concussion for his trouble.  I really was expecting  a longer suspension.  Also, the reputations of Fisher and World Peace may have influenced the length of their suspensions.

It is surprising that UCLA got such a good recruiting class considering the Reeves Nelson fiasco and the bad publicity of the SI article.  Let's hope Howland has learned something.

Ironically, Mari, Barry Manilow did NOT write "I Write the Songs."  It was written by Bruce Johnston, longtime member of the Beach Boys, who says the song brings in more than 100K a year in royalties.

BTW, "chukker" is actually a time period in polo.  I bet that's the first reference to polo on this sports board.

If you want to see hot women in L.A., go to Will Rogers State Park in Pacific Palisades when they have polo matches.  Will Rogers donated the land on the condition that polo has to be played there continuously.

I once saw Ronald Reagan there too, not too long before he died.  It was very sad to see him in that condition.

had a parallel in polo. Not sure where the term came from in B ball parlance. We always used it to describe a guy who shot the ball every time he got it, although strangely enough I recall a few guys gesturing toward me and saying "chukker" so apparently it has some other meaning.

       Barry didn't write "I write the songs?" I didn't know that either. But wait a minute -100K a year in royalties? I find that hard to believe. St. Croix must be calling in a lot of requests to the radio station to generate that number. Probably a 100k over the life of the song.

...I remember in New York, to be "chucked" was to be thrown off a team.

St. Croix565 reads

30 years of pick-up basketball....that's hilarious.

Gotta say no to Manilow, but I sincerely believe you have a thing for Prince. No, not for his music, but for his basketball apparel and jheri curl (lol)

So marikod, I guess when you play 3 on 3, is it shirts vs blouses, and your side are blouses?

Just go to the 1:55 mark of the tape. Now, just picture you has a "white" Prince without any skills, but definitely wearing that blouse.

I can't even write this shit with a straight face (lmao)

Yes, indeed, St. Croix, Prince was way ahead of his time, or at least ahead of Seinfeld in ballin in a Puffy Shirt. And in fact his cross over dribble is quite similar to mine, I just don't jump quite as high.

    I did have a thing for Appollonia back in the 80s. Wonder what ever became of her.

     But here's my latest bet for you -Bank of America reaches $11.00 before UCLA wins its next NCAA tournament. Loser has to wear a Puffy Shirt when we meet GaGambler in Vegas to settle all bets.

just a few quick comments-With all the blue chippers heading to UCLA, seems to me Sam Gilbert must have a remember the Wear boys are Heel castoffs, who just couldn't cut it in the ACC-double lol-World Peace has a long history of being a shithead, which is certainly why he was booted for 7 games-and Fisher is a gentleman and a class act-Appolonia was a hottie for sure, M-just read her bio-had some fun with Lorenzo Lamas and David Lee Roth as well as Prince-was still recording up to 2009-
In closing, Saint, I'll even sorta like kinda pull for UCLA next year since their roundball squads have been so looong overdue to escape the chains of true mediocrity, which have so long epitomized Westwood and West Coast B Ball in general-grin   Heading for Little Rock today to watch my buddy's son play in his last college tennis tourney-have a great weekend   1rob.....OUT   8-)

Posted By: marikod
      How clueless can you be? A guy who has his name changed to "World Peace" loses his cool and viciously elbows another player in the back of the head apparently only for thrusting his chest into his face?  

      He could have caused real injury with that blow and deserves far more than a 7 game suspension.

     SMU hires Larry Brown? Shame on both parties. There are very few head coaching jobs out there. Give some of these 20 year assistants a chance instead of giving Larry yet another head coaching job.

      Finally, the Sports Discussion Mod has asked me to advise everyone that anyone who posts about the college basketball season next year will be moderated, banned, and forced to drink chardonnay with St. Croix and his buddies from the men's hair salon at all tail gate parties.

We're just going to skip next year.

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