Sports Talk

Hey Curly: How ya like Pujols hitting #499 & 500? (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1641 reads


The crowd gave him a standing ovation at the curtain call...I tipped my Nats hat too.. :)

He is one of my favorite hitters, but I just wish it weren't against us..LOL

I would have loved to be the guy who recovered the baseball..

I hope Pujols gets into the 700 club.. With 7 more yrs left on the Angels contract, it should be a very achievable goal as long as he stays healthy....

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 5:04:07 AM

ow, no one cares. Obviously, the whole PED era has ruined the "long ball". 500 homers use to be an automatic ticket into Cooperstown (heck, for awhile, most players, not named Dave Kingdom, with 400 homers were being enshrined in the HOF). 500 homers should be something to signify the end of a brilliant career. Now, when anyone reaches the milestone, its met, fairly or unfairly, with skepticism.  

There will always be questions about the legitimacy of Albert's body of work. Some say he's completely clean from PED's, other's say he's not. No one knows; but this is the reality of baseball today.  

It's really too bad, because at face value, Pujols is one of the greatest hitters of this (or any) era of baseball history. His first 12 seasons are legendary.

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