Sports Talk

Go Celticsregular_smile
Foodyguy 29 Reviews 604 reads

From another Midwesterner.

At least these "old", "tired" guys are still in the game!  Go Celtics!

Somebody has to show some love, even a longtime Celtics fan from the Midwest!

From another Midwesterner.

Old School Defense and crowd noise needed tonight. I was at Friday's game , Garden was rocking like  I haven't heard in a long time.

It is now my good luck charm, now to search for Thursday tickets!

What a game last night!!  I have to get a manicure now, my nails are completely gone!

Mara be sure to put that jacket on  for Thursday game, Hope you got tickets, no luck on this end. My new superstition ritual is to rub  the #4 on Bobby Orr's  statue ( It's on the skate)  before entering the Garden.

with the refs behind them, how could they not. 8 on 5 isnt fair

Game 5 - Boston 21 personal  fouls/ Miami 21 personal fouls. If  the Heat would  just play ball and stop complaining about  fouls maybe things would turn out differently.

it isn't the amount of fouls, its the timing. how many times does boston miss a couple shots in a row, and then Pierce gets a phantom foul and nails 2 fts to get things under control. Wade and Lebron are every year in thr top 5 of FTs per game, yet come postseason, the whistles hide and the other team gets fast breaks while one of them is on the ground after being clobbered. I know there is a huge anti-miami heat congregation in this country, but lets call a spade a spade and take notice that the NBA is actually doing itself damage. They are going all out to put Boston in the finals, give the great grandpas one last rendevous, where OKC WILL sweep them, not knowing they ratings will be AWFUL after the 142-74 game one beat down.

Guess the refs got your massage and gave us a 5 game  NBA  final series  instead of a  7  game thriller. Oh  the grandpas took to it 7 , I forgot.

Saturday's game should be interesting, can LeBron have another memorable game like last nite, or will the old Celtic legs be able to rally one more time.

Hat's off to Mr. James, the best player on the planet. As  a fan who saw the  C's win in the 60's, 70"s and 80"s it was disappointing. Now I'm  concerned that the C's may be headed for the NBA wilderness unless  Danny A has something up his sleeve. Great 5 year run ' that gave me the opportunity to attend  4 Eastern conference Final games and 2 NBA Final games at The Garden.

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