Sports Talk

Congrats Mr.Cheng...eomteeth_smile
MilfHunter21 93 Reviews 4226 reads


Five touch downs against the Pats?

Ouch, did that spanking hurt as bad as it looked?

Geaux Saints!

I believe the Pats were a no Geaux almost from the get go.

Yes it did hurt.

thing bro.

I needed somthing to clear my mind last night. It didn't quite CLEAR;now I need to figure what i'm goint to do with all the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Can I bring you some while your in the Hospital?

was unconsious. Anytime you see that many receivers that wide open, you've got serious coverage breakdown. But it can't all be put on the defense. No team is going to beat New Orleans with 17 points. Brady was off target all night. They just looked horrible on both sides of the ball.

They looked down right ugly but gotta hand it to the Saints, their secondary was basically brand new.  Tow of them signed last week or something crazy like that?  Putting someone with one weeks experience against Moss?  Oy

for the Saints to be undefeated in December? maybe the Mayans are right and the world is going to end cause for the Saints to be playing like this hell must have froze over

CYNIC6255 reads

so they deserve to do some whooping and hollering.  But be careful - the season's not over yet!

some old friends from back on Bayou Lafourche sent me this

Hail Mary, full of grace
N'awlins Saints be in first place,
The Lord is with dem.
Blessed art dem among da NFC South,
and blessed is the arm of da QB , Brees.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us Saint fans now, and as the playoffs approach

I will probably get struck by lightening for this one

But they don't play so well on grass, the rain or the cold. And after last night they are due for a let down

-- Modified on 12/1/2009 8:07:46 PM

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