Sports Talk

As mama once said, "once a dog killer always a dog
BreakerMorant 30850 reads

killer". It's going to be hard where he ends up. I wish gthe Humane Society would look at the postive side of this tradegy. People are more aware of the mistreatment of animals than ever before. I only have obe thing to say to Michael Vick:

"Who let the Dogs Out".

Personally, I don't think he needs to be punished by suspending him from additional play.  I love dogs and animals, don't like what he, but he did his time and took heavy losses.

I wonder what team is going to take on that PR nightmare.

I think the Raiders will pick him up since they take all the screw ups.  But then again so do my Cowboys LMAO.  Will sure be interesting come September.

he doesn't have remorse other than getting caught.
He would still be fighting dogs if he didn't caught.
I think he is right there with murderers and rapists.
But they give rapists second and trird chances all thge time.
it would be nice to see if the other players can kick his ass.
Maybe he can get tackled and get a good butt whippin'.
He is too fast for them to catch him, though.

I disagree. He has shown zero remorse for the things he has done. I think if he plays again, the only purpose it will serve will be to finance future criminal activity. The only reason he was able to abuse those dogs was that his huge NFL salary enabled him to buy the property, the equipment, and the dogs necessary to start a dog fighting ring. Lets not finance his next criminal enterprise.

assume there will inevitably be a "next criminal enterprise?"

GaGambler29448 reads

He hasn't shown a bit of remorse and he has millions of dollars to recoup, he is also a thug from a family of thugs (no offense to his mother who is a sweet lady).

If there ever was a sure bet for recidivism, it would be on the Vick brothers. They are both too stupid to realize when they had the world by the short hairs. Neither one of them are smart enough to learn their lesson.

...because someone as heartless as a dog fighter doesn't deserve a second chance and is obviously a sociopath who can't be rehabilitated.

The bay area and Berkeley in particular (right next to the Colliseum) are huge dog enthusiasts and animal rights folks, politically correct vegan types who actually show up for demonstrations (yea, I stereotyped there).  Berkeley has enough dog owners/lovers that they have "dog washing" salons where folks come in to wash and groom their own dog.  LIke a self serve doggy carwash.  And San Francisco has many of the same type folks.  

They can't bring him there...

I cannot imagine that anyone would risk there fan base on a guy who in his best days could not hit the broad side of a barn with a football.   Now figure all the time he has been out how good of a qb can he really be. Unless he changes to kick returner i don't see him ever making it back.

remember "flick the Vick?'

I saw him in some freezing cold stadium playing the Redskins right after he gave the bird to people in his previous
I was down by the field.
He was the only exciting thing I saw besides the cheerleaders.
Thank god for cheerleaders or I would have hated it.
The traffic took hours and hours to get home.

god those cheerleaders were hot.
I dated a Ravens cheerleader but never went to a game.

anon111224532306 reads

He won't be playing this season.  His suspension will start when it will matter, when he would be eligible to play.  He could not have played the last two seasons because of incarceration.  Goddell is a no nonsense commissioner and has no tolerance for Vick since he lied to him when the dog fighting scandel started.

As for him as a player, he could be a running back or kick returner.  He is too fucking stupid to play QB.  When Dan Reeves was the coach of the Falcons he had the play book transferred to pictures because Vick's comprehension level was so poor.  The guy made a 7 on the Wonderlick test.  

BreakerMorant30851 reads

killer". It's going to be hard where he ends up. I wish gthe Humane Society would look at the postive side of this tradegy. People are more aware of the mistreatment of animals than ever before. I only have obe thing to say to Michael Vick:

"Who let the Dogs Out".

he will probably get the 'pacman jones' treatment, same level of scrutiny and short leash. Personally i don't ever wanna see him play football again. But bottom line unless he becomes a true pocket passer we can look forward to him turning around bad teams fast, and then watching them belly flop in the first round of the playoffs every year :)

I am a dog lover and I esp love all the power breeds.....what Mike did was just gross. However, in order for him to meet his hugeeeeeeeeee financial obligations to the dogs, their new owners, and the pups huge medical bills...HE HAS TO WORK!!!!

Besides him having a horrible disposition as far as what being a dog owner means....he is an extremely talented football player.

Hopefully he has learned his lesson and will NEVER OWN AN ANIMAL AGAIN.

I live in Atlanta and obviously that whole mess was big news here. He's just another example of a pampered, spoiled athlete who had absolutely no idea how good he had things. He was "enabled" by the Falcons owner and management who put up with his "gangsta" lifestyle and they did nothing to curtail his behavior even though he was the "face" of the Atlanta franchise! I saw him do the "Falcons Face to Face" local tv show a couple of years ago and he came with his jeans hanging down, shirttail hanging out, gold chains all over the place, and his ball cap turned sideways. Mr. Blank was sitting in the front row beaming like a proud father! Whatta freakin joke!
On another note, word I hear is that the reason he got the book thrown at him was because he wouldn't "roll over' on some other big name athletes who participate in dog fighting. Study the lifestyles and behaviors and you can probably figure out who some of them are.

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