Sports Talk

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OSP 26 Reviews 638 reads

That Joe Montana's son plays QB at Tulane?

helper_helping1868 reads

Packers has one they need  to FIRE!

Does the PACK have another good year in them?
Is NE finally gonna fade away? Hope so lol
Did Geno put the QB situation to rest? GFY Sanchez.
Was last year a fluke for Seattle?
Is the "Who Dat Nation" on the rise again?

There's still some games to enjoy.
Someone please destroy the Cowgurls
Will RG be whole?

seattle will be fine. they get harvin healthy at some point. and Carolina is better than people want to admit. good, TOUGH road win today

Who Dat Nation is on the rise again.  

Posted By: OSP
Does the PACK have another good year in them?
Is NE finally gonna fade away? Hope so lol
Did Geno put the QB situation to rest? GFY Sanchez.
Was last year a fluke for Seattle?
Is the "Who Dat Nation" on the rise again?

There's still some games to enjoy.
Someone please destroy the Cowgurls
Will RG be whole?

That Joe Montana's son plays QB at Tulane?

The only reason the Jets won was because of a bonehead defensive play that put them in field goal range.

play in the not so storied history of the Bucs-David had played a good game up to then-However, his mindless, clueless act of pushing the Jet QB when he was out of bounds was a moronic move which will 'live in infamy' in Tampa Bay-Sexy Rexy's job is safe for another week-Bad teams find a way to lose-this is an example-At times, Josh Freeman played like Morgan Freeman-and he was not voted a captain-what a red flag-I'm afraid there's trouble in paradise in Tampa-That ridiculous penalty was one of the biggest gifts in NFL history rivaling the Leon Lett episode, which cost the Plowboys the game some years back-GEEZ-what a disappointment.....1rob...venting about that wretched suckfest....out

The refs, in the SF game made a bad "down" call giving SF a chance for a TD instead of forcing a fourth down.

In the Tenn/Pitts game a kickoff returner step onto the field of play and then back into the endzone causing a safety lol

DUMB was very prevalent yesterday

another referee said it should have been enforced as a first and goal, not a 4th down. so, we really don't know which of the 3 opinions is right. I think the Matthews penalty should have got him ejected either way. what a piece of shit he is. he threw a punch at the lineman too. if I was harbaugh, my 53rd man would have shattered his knee. act like a goon, get treated like one

But Staley created a personal foul stalemate so the off-setting penalties was correct. One was caused during play and one afterwards. That may have been the difference.

Given the smack talk, from Mathews during the week, I think "targeting" could have been considered.

absolutely. however the penalty "should" have been enforced, im just glad gb got owned again

cashorcredit655 reads

Fucking pathetic can't even score on the 3 yard line.

We had 1st and goal and still loss the game.

Anytime the 49ers play the Packers they will win.. they own the Packers.

they need to fire. they couldn't stop me, you my granny, your neighbors dog, that gimpy leg guy at the local 7-11 and 6 kids. cant blame the DC for the lack of football knowledge those guys seem to have. clay Matthews is a moron. lets put that out there. he talked his big boy talk, then put a LATE hit on kaepernick, then wanted to fight the whole niners offense when they took offense to it. then, he makes 1 good play, and stands over kaep and runs his mouth, angers the beast if you will. he should STFU until he wins some games with his play, every game they win is because of that offense. and towards the end, boldin makes a catch while gb has no timeouts left, and some idiot holds boldin down and wrestles for 5-10 seconds...tick tick tick tick. MORON.

BYU torched them for almost 700 yards on Saturday. Scott Van Pelt had an interesting piece this morning on how far Texas and USC have fallen since playing each other in the 2006 Rose Bowl.

well the longhorns did get that. Diaz is gone.  I have to say Hill had an unbelievable game Saturday for a sophmore QB. So good one would have thought he was a running back ;-)  
Go Cougars!

ASE IN POINT: 2003.  The Patriots release Lawyer Milloy who signs with the Bills. About a week later, the Patriots play in Buffalo week 1 and get absolutely thrashed 31-0. The fan's and media are ripping Belichick for his decision to release Lawyer.  Let see, the Bills then went on to finish that season at 6-10. The Patriots in 2003? They only went on to win the Super Bowl.  

My Lord, do people overact to week one of the season, Settle down please. If a team looses, everyone is jumping off the proverbial bridge. "Lets bench our QB'" or "Let's fire the damn coaching staff" are heard throughout the league. Do we understand there are 15 games left and week 1 tells us nothing.  

It's pathetic. I'm at the Steeler game yesterday, and fans are screaming "to get rid of Tomlin" , "Todd Haley can't call plays", "the defense can't stop anyone" (they only gave up 16 points, but I digress), Yes, the Steelers had a bad day at the office. Will they have a bad season? How the Heck would I know. It's a week to week league. Teams look bad one week, great the next. At minimum, you prob. need at least 6 games to have any idea if your team is going to make a legitimate playoff push. The pundits were saying before the year, the Titans stink. Maybe they do. But, maybe they'll go on to win 10 games and surprise. WE DON'T KNOW....IT"S WEEK 1.  

So if your favorite team didn't win: RELAX. It's a long season. And conversely, if your favorite team did win, hold off on making Super Bowl reservations just yet.

agreed. however, I do think your steelers are in for a long year. brown and sanders aren't much of a 1-2 punch at wr. wheaton could be the answer, but not this year. redman, felix jones, stephens-howling...sounds like they should be working out rbs. maybe bell will be better than I think, and it will work itself out. the bengals dropped the ball yesterday too, so everyone is on even ground at 0-1.

either way, its not tomlins fault. good, still young coach there. id love to have him coaching my team.

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