
Re: Let's pop some Champagne and get this party started!
Jillian Roberts See my TER Reviews 1288 reads
1 / 16

Why is it so quiet up in here??? Especially given the recent changes in the Seattle scene, it seems like there should be a bit more interest in this forum. Am I missing something??

KristinaLarson See my TER Reviews 840 reads
2 / 16

This is a wonderful idea Jill! I would love to see some renewed interest in the TER Seattle board.

wolverine3647 66 Reviews 936 reads
3 / 16

there appears to be no change in the level of activity on the Seattle board.  Hopefully, that will all change, and maybe Jillian's post will be the impetus to get it rolling.

VanessaCruz See my TER Reviews 692 reads
4 / 16

I am glad you said what I was thinking! Please include me in any bottle popping activities too, somebody needs to get this ball rolling again. Come on Seattle board!  

Posted By: KristinaLarson
This is a wonderful idea Jill! I would love to see some renewed interest in the TER Seattle board.
-- Modified on 1/13/2016 1:18:36 PM

-- Modified on 1/13/2016 2:03:28 PM

464849 41 Reviews 703 reads
5 / 16

I always wondered why this board was so dry. I guess we need some champagne. Perhaps a special or two to help light a fire here!

HollyLancaster See my TER Reviews 619 reads
6 / 16
VanessaCruz See my TER Reviews 624 reads
7 / 16

I agree, check out my special this week just under my recent post!

Indieguycool 7 Reviews 570 reads
8 / 16
VanessaCruz See my TER Reviews 523 reads
9 / 16
FloraFaun See my TER Reviews 752 reads
10 / 16

It's quiet here and quiet in my email box too. This is my first time in Washington also, so I'm not sure what to expect either  

Posted By: Jillian Roberts
Why is it so quiet up in here??? Especially given the recent changes in the Seattle scene, it seems like there should be a bit more interest in this forum. Am I missing something??

wolverine3647 66 Reviews 506 reads
11 / 16

I agree wholeheartedly Indieguy...Vanessa is completely awesome!!!

boeltergeist 429 reads
12 / 16

I concur, it would be great to see this board get more activity!

waynesider 48 Reviews 791 reads
13 / 16
caribboy4 34 Reviews 401 reads
14 / 16

Count me in, too! Leave it to Jill to keep things lively and promote moving things forward.

I simply adore you, Jilly! What would we do without you?!?

When the Champagne runs out, let's crack open a bottle of good single malt scotch and indulge!

IMHO, the Seattle hobby community is indomitable!  Let's celebrate!

Jillian Roberts See my TER Reviews 753 reads
15 / 16

I don't know how much we can share here on this forum, but if you Google you will eventually see that we have lost a form of communicating in Seattle that was pretty near and dear to our hearts.  

Hope that helps answer your question

464849 41 Reviews 473 reads
16 / 16

Good to see you, Jill! It's been a while!

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