
Have you lived history?
larissanostrovia See my TER Reviews 775 reads

We are living history right now. Years from now - we will look back and tell these memories to younger people; or share different versions with others. What other historic events have you lived threw?  What are your memories? Experiences? What will you always remember?

1.  Apollo moon landings
 2.  Tigers winning the '68 and '84 World Series
 3.  Watergate and Nixon's resignation
 4.  The Fall of Saigon and the end to the Vietnam War
 5.  The following presidencies:  LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagen, both Bush's, Clinton, & Obama
 6.  The Civil Rights Movement
 7.  The Camp David Accords (Israel and Egypt peace treaty)
 8.  The end of the Cold War and the break-up of the old Soviet Union
 9.  Both Iraq Wars, and the Afghanistan War
10. The Oklahoma City bombing
11. The initial terrorist attack on the World Trade Center
12.  9/11
13.  The death of John Lennon  
14.  The University of Michigan winning the '89 Men's basketball & '97 football National
15.  The Bad Boys (Detroit Pistons basketball team and their 2 World Championships
16.  The '76 Summer Olympics in Montreal
17.  The Miracle on Ice (USA National Hockey team beating the Soviet Union, and then the Gold  
       Medal at the '80 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY)
18.  The Iran Hostage Crisis
19.  The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the US's subsequent boycott of the '80 Moscow
       Summer Olympics
20.  Iran-Contra scandal
21.  The '72 Munich Olympics and the killing of the Israeli athletes by the PLO
22.  The Muhammed Ali vs Joe Frazier trilogy
23.  The '96 Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, GA
24.  The attack on Nancy Kerrigan by associates of Tonya Harding
25.  The "hanging chads" in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election
26.  The OJ Simpson murder trial
27.  The death of Michael Jackson
28.  The "Arab Spring"
29.  The oil embargo and gas lines of the '70's
30.  The launching of MTV, the rise of PC's, the internet, smart phones, GPS, and many other  
       technological advances...

just to name a few of the myriad of memories collected since my birth in the early '60's.

Remember the phrase - "there's an app for that"?  In your case, i think it would be more appropriate to say - there's an espn 30for30 documentary for that! Your list and theirs crosses a few times - sports, history and drama always go well together!

I have watched a few of the "30 for 30" ESPN documentaries, with the ones covering "The FAB FIVE" and "The BAD BOYS" being the most memorable for me.

As for memories, both historic and tragic, that I neglected to include during my first post were the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle explosions...definitely sad days.

Posted By: wolverine3647
I have watched a few of the "30 for 30" ESPN documentaries, with the ones covering "The FAB FIVE" and "The BAD BOYS" being the most memorable for me.  
 As for memories, both historic and tragic, that I neglected to include during my first post were the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle explosions...definitely sad days.
I'm probably a few years older than you (born 1954), so I would add:

1. Kennedy assassinations (both of them...)
2. Early manned space flights
3. 1964 & 1968 presidential elections
4. Mt. St. Helens eruption
5. NY Mets 1969 World Series
6. Underground nuclear tests
7. My dad's Playboy collection

The #1 thing for me was the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of communism.  I honestly never thought I would see this in my lifetime.  I still lose it everytime I watch news reports on Youtube, especially the videos of the wall being bashed down while Ode to Joy is being played on the soundtrack.

Not necessarily in chronological order, I remember: watching the Beatles first US performance on the Ed Sullivan show; the day Elvis Presley died; the day Buddy Holly died (the day the music died); the film of the UH-1 "Huey" helicopter lifting off on the last flight from Saigon; watching the film clip of the shooting of four students by National Guard troops at Kent State; the voice of Neil Armstrong saying "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"; the day Neil armstrong came back to our shared alma mater (Purdue) and presented the University with an American flag that he had taken with him to the moon; being in high school study hall when they announced that President Kennedy had been shot; the film clips of a music festival at Woodstock; hearing all of the reports of the deaths of the 27 club - so many done too soon; watching film of the eruption of Mount Saint Helens; and so much more!

Oh, and I almost forgot.  The night at the high school dance when I finally screwed up my courage enough to as Trisha to dance with me to the Beatles song "And I Love Her" when I was 15 years old.  Now THAT was historic!!!

Really, Larissa, I think you are trying to embarrass the old guys like me with this question.  And no, I was not around when dirt was invented!

-- Modified on 3/23/2016 7:31:09 PM

-I cant wait for the day I fade into obscurity and can live life normally and anonymously.  Staying silent on behalf of my super high profile clients at the cost of my ability to utilize my massive amount of formal education, has really hurt myself as well as my  close family..  If i ever became independently super wealthy again, I would organize in favor of  the adoption of the "Right to be Forgotten Online " rule/policy and as a free lawyer /grant writer focused on restructuring of criminal  sentencing (especially the margin between crime and the mentally ill /addicted)

By the way....I am totally drug/ vice free....i do however, have Asberger's/Savant syndrome.

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