
Judy of Erossad_smile
Matt2u 2785 reads

The picture maybe Judy, but the person who is answering the ad is Kathi who has been in Eros.  I knew the address because I have seen Teri there and also met Kathi.  I know Teri is on a short leave of absence.  So, I thought this was just a friend of Kathi's.  I don't know why she is doing this, but I am just letting people know they won't be seeing who is in the picture.  They are not even remotely close!!! I asked about this and she said it not a big deal and I should just see her anyway.  NO THANKS!!  Just letting you know!!!

Dear Matt and Readers,

Thanks for the heads up, and I can confirm. You are dead on about these two.  There is no third provider. Judy is Kathy.  Be aware that Judy/Kathy now advertises as Tiffany in the weeklies as well.  Also, I'd speculate that Teri might try to book sessions under the alias of Judy as well, based on a post by Quakman on TRB.  The bottom line, whoever you see won't be the woman in the photo at

Sadly, these two continue to play the old name-game and bait-and-switch routine.  These schemes might work on the offline dupes who browse the weeklies, (and apparently the Eros browsers who still haven't found the review boards) but Teri and Kathy don't seem to understand that false advertising won't fly here.
As far as Judy/Kathy/Tiffany's service goes,  I added a review today if you want my opinion of her service, based on a doubles session with her and Teri.  

Caveat emptor.

If you don't like,
what you see here,
get the funk out.

-- Modified on 9/19/2001 7:11:15 AM

While it seems that Kathy has been advertising under several aliases Teri is not involved in any way and any remarks to the contrary should be ignored as they have no basis in fact. There is no evidence whatsoever that Teri has ever advertised under any name other then her own. Quakman's referral to Teri on the aforementioned post was accidental and has been corrected by Quakman himself.

Teri is taking some personal time away from the business and has removed her ad from Eros. She is currently living in the Midwest and her return to Seattle is uncertain.

Ronin looks to me like these two both intended to work the false "Judy" ad.  Teri and Kathy regularly work together, are close friends, and use the same incall location.  Teri has falsely advertised her age on eros in the past, so bait-and-switch is not a new concept for her.  

When Quakman posted that he called "Judy's" number, and Teri answered, saying she had changed her name for anonymity, it looked bad, still does, IMHO.  Curious that Quakman suddenly realized that he had actually been speaking to Kathy all along, even after clearly responding to Tahoe Ted that he was sure he had spoken with Teri. LOL.

It is also curious that Kathy chose to post "Judy's" age at 33 on eros, the same age that Teri tried to pass herself off as a while back on eros. (Teri is far older)  Clearly Kathy has no qualms about posting a bogus photo, so why not post an attractive bogus age, say, 24?  Perhaps it's coincidence, but it looks to me like Kathy chose an age (33) that she thought might work for both of them, and a photo that Teri could claim as "dated" (as Quakman was originally led to believe.)  But you know me, always the cynic.

Whatever happened with Quakman, whatever Kathy's intent, and whatever Teri's involvement, readers can do their own research (if they care) and draw their own conclusions. I've offered mine.  

My opinions aside, the fact remains that whoever you book when you call "Judy" from eros will not be the woman in the picture.  It will likely be Judy/Kathy/Tiffany but could possibly be Teri (Kathy claims Teri will be back next week).

Be forewarned that both look very, very different from the eros picture of "Judy".  For L/A/S information, there are reviews available on both Teri and Judy/Kathy/Tiffany on this and other sites.

We won't try to,
force feed you,
get the funk out!

-- Modified on 9/20/2001 6:43:37 AM

Matt2u2689 reads

You are way misinformned on this issue. Teri is no longer associated with Kathy and has stopped working her incall location.  I know this because I seen Teri before her surgery at her new incall location.  On the age matter you droan on about, so what!!!  I still will and would recommended Teri anytime.  I know you don't, but I respect your opinion and honesty.  I did call Teri on this subject yesterday, and she is definitely no longer associated with Kathy in any way, form or matter.  Kathy is a flake!!!  That's my opinion.  She has the personality of a cod.  My opinion.  I say let the hobbyist decide.  For those of us who have seen Teri, we all know she is very personable, fun and delivers.  Let's put this to rest I think we all know the facts now.  Teri and Kathy do not work together anymore.

Dear Matt and Readers,

OK. I have taken a lot of heat from my post.  Many have insisted that Teri is no longer associated with Judy/Kathy/Tiffany and that my speculating that she might be working the Judy ad was uninformed, wrong, and unfair.  I agree, it was half-baked, consider my insinuations retracted.  I based the conclusion on shaky information from Quakman's conflicting posts, a quick phone call to Judy/Kathy/Tiffany, and my own paranoia about the age coincidence in the ads.  My apologies to Teri.

I agree, let the hobbyist decide.  In the end, the review history will always paint the most accurate picture of a provider.  The intent of my post was to make sure that the review history was not being circumvented by name changing.  Our hard-earned cash goes into these reviews, and IMHO people should be warned about providers who change names to try to shed a checkered review history, or post false pics to attract business.  No one needs to reinvent the wheel at $300/hr.  Was it unfair to implicate Teri? Yes, no question, I cast too wide a net, and again, my apologies.  

As for the age thing, Matt, you are confusing two issues.   Hey, I agree with you that Teri is fun, personable and delivers good service, I never said otherwise in any review or post.  My issue is not with her age per se, it's about truth in advertising.  This is where she doesn't deliver.  

If I respond to an ad that lists a woman at 33, I expect to meet a woman who is 33.  If she turns out to be 35, fine.  38, OK. 42, pushing it.  But 45+ ?? IMHO, that's not right.  If a woman uses magazine/porno appearances in her advertising (and does not disclose their date) I expect them to be current.  If they turn out to be 2 years old, fine. 5 years old, OK. 8 years old, pushing it.  But 10+ years old? IMHO, that's not right.

For some reason, even with several reviews, no one wanted to post that Teri was far older than her advertising made her out to be.  I had to be the first.  If that makes me the bad guy, fine.  I'm happy to take on the "defenders",  because I know I've saved others from wasting their money and time-- many hobbyists simply prefer younger providers.  I make no judgements about whether this is good/bad/right/wrong,  it's just a fact.

Thanks for the responses and replies, and keep the reviews cumming!

If you don't like,
what you see here,
get the funk out!

-- Modified on 9/24/2001 11:30:58 AM

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