San Francisco

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kenny_starr 76 Reviews 335 reads
Victorygirl1537 reads

I wrote a reply to something Dreu said and it didn't get passed the censor. Basically I said I am also grateful for being here but don't like the rating system here (based on high points for unsafe services.) It didn't go through and I doubt this will.  

Even certain people we knew let us criticize them!

Posted By: Victorygirl
I wrote a reply to something Dreu said and it didn't get passed the censor. Basically I said I am also grateful for being here but don't like the rating system here (based on high points for unsafe services.) It didn't go through and I doubt this will.  
 Even certain people we knew let us criticize them!
Saying that certain services are "unsafe" because YOU feel they are unsafe is an insult to the TER ladies who perform GFE services. The board is not for making those types of judgments.

I tend to get some high scores based on my GFE skills; yet I don't consider myself to be unsafe (yes, I'll get totally mental when someone wastes my time, but I'm not unsafe LOL).

What exactly are you talking about?

Curious Jazz

I tend to get some high scores based on my GFE skills; yet I don't consider myself to be unsafe (yes, I'll get totally mental when someone wastes my time, but I'm not unsafe LOL).  
What exactly are you talking about?

You can't get passed 8 unless you do things without a condom.

"In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum."

Only one of these options calls for no condom

jimjones92611 reads

I got to say in all honesty this rating system makes sense to me.  When I contact a provider if none of those services mentioned above are available it is kind of a let down, I feel why even bother.

Let's take you, Victorygirl, as an example.  You have done a great job of marketing yourself, so much to the point that you claim even more business since the hopacalypse.  You have a great website with lots of hot pictures, you are noob friendly, good looking, you post constantly.  You do all that you can possibly do except offer the goods.

You've done everything possible but in the end offer, IMO, a frustrating limited menu.  Additionally you even avoid mentioning this limited menu in your dozens of pages on your site and in preliminary conversations.   Maybe this is just coincident but it seems as if you know your limited menu is a problem for most hobbyist.  So why the surprise of an 8 maximum.

Thus ... you can provide the best covered BJ in the business but it's still just a covered BJ.  The hobbyist just feels frustrated and unfulfilled because he can get all that at home for free.  So although you score on great attitude if you don't offer the service a guy wants you won't be a 10 in his book.  This hobby is about variety beyond what you normally get.

Skyfyre462 reads

Another way to put it: one can put lipstick and makeup on a pig but it's still a pig! LOL...

Then why don't they not make a judgement and let everyone get high marks?  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: Victorygirl
I wrote a reply to something Dreu said and it didn't get passed the censor. Basically I said I am also grateful for being here but don't like the rating system here (based on high points for unsafe services.) It didn't go through and I doubt this will.    
  Even certain people we knew let us criticize them!
 Saying that certain services are "unsafe" because YOU feel they are unsafe is an insult to the TER ladies who perform GFE services. The board is not for making those types of judgments.

Perhaps it's because most men who session with TER ladies want GFE services. It would be silly to rate a covered BJ as high as an uncovered one. Any normal man knows that an uncovered one feels better so the ratings are going to be higher for that.  

Posted By: Victorygirl
Then why don't they not make a judgement and let everyone get high marks?  
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: Victorygirl
I wrote a reply to something Dreu said and it didn't get passed the censor. Basically I said I am also grateful for being here but don't like the rating system here (based on high points for unsafe services.) It didn't go through and I doubt this will.    
   Even certain people we knew let us criticize them!
  Saying that certain services are "unsafe" because YOU feel they are unsafe is an insult to the TER ladies who perform GFE services. The board is not for making those types of judgments.

You're new to this board, thus you're still being moderated.  It is up to the mod to approve your post or not.   Correct?  

Keep posting, give it time and you will become un moderated.  Although, I am still curious as to what you consider unsafe....


I saw your post below in another thread. It's still there.

max209395 reads

If you are logged in with your handle and click on "My TER", then in the quick links list on the left side, click on "My Message Boards" and all your posts will appear with an explanation of their status - approved or disallowed.  If something is disallowed or rejected they (the mods) will also give a reason for their action. A nice feature imho.

Posted By: max209
If you are logged in with your handle and click on "My TER", then in the quick links list on the left side, click on "My Message Boards" and all your posts will appear with an explanation of their status - approved or disallowed.  If something is disallowed or rejected they (the mods) will also give a reason for their action. A nice feature imho.
That is a great feature. Glad someone remembered to post about it.

I never even knew it was there, after all these years!  LOL

yikes, Monday!!!!

However, I am still curious about the logic of the scores...    

I get the "jist", but just because a lady gets a 8 - 10 does not mean she's unsafe.  


I should have said "unprotected" instead of unsafe. My apology. I guess it just took them a long while to put it up...

JakeGJ365 reads

Can we just get along, we have been through some kind of life altering experience for almost a month now and I just got here so excited, finally wind up HERE and very grateful because for spending hours and hours of research which one is the most secure place, with all the data and facts, I decided TER somewhat safe haven for me after scouring multiple sites to find my people, we were like a colony of ants and suddenly a poison grenade was drop in the center of our gathering and holy smokes we were all over the place. Now I observed as I slowly get in to my recovery mode after all the shock I have experience, I see these, accusations, finger pointing, judgmental, censoring, unsafe services, personal and board criticism, I don't know what say about these, I have the gut feeling that we are all back or if we're not careful and respect the rules or each other we might ruin this one too. Everyone go for it, express yourselves.

Posted By: JakeGJ
Can we just get along, we have been through some kind of life altering experience for almost a month now and I just got here so excited, finally wind up HERE and very grateful because for spending hours and hours of research which one is the most secure place, with all the data and facts,  
There are other boards with a review system that may be more favorable to non-GFE types. All I remember was a vicious war between the GFE and NON-GFE ladies in the girl talk section of the defunct board. That often spilled over into the main boards.  

It is very unlikely that type of war will be allowed here. It is very unlikely that the review system is going to be changed because a few "refugees" don't like it.

Don't know who you are saying this to. I said I appreciate and am grateful to be here but I didn't like one of their policies. I think its my God given right to be allowed to have an opinion. I don't have to like this place 100% nor does anyone else.  

Posted By: JakeGJ
Can we just get along, we have been through some kind of life altering experience for almost a month now and I just got here so excited, finally wind up HERE and very grateful because for spending hours and hours of research which one is the most secure place, with all the data and facts, I decided TER somewhat safe haven for me after scouring multiple sites to find my people, we were like a colony of ants and suddenly a poison grenade was drop in the center of our gathering and holy smokes we were all over the place. Now I observed as I slowly get in to my recovery mode after all the shock I have experience, I see these, accusations, finger pointing, judgmental, censoring, unsafe services, personal and board criticism, I don't know what say about these, I have the gut feeling that we are all back or if we're not careful and respect the rules or each other we might ruin this one too. Everyone go for it, express yourselves.

...not really.  The previous poster was correct. You as a new member are moderated. All new members are. Board admin will hold every post you make, check it, approve it, and post it. That can take minutes or hours. After you have been around a while and have posted without any problems you can use the "contact us" link and request to be un-moderated.  

Once you are un-moderated TER still has a random moderation built in that will from time to time hold a post so board admin can check it. This will take from minutes to hours. It happens to all members.

One other thing TER no longer has moderators in the sense that we usually think of moderators. TER admin moderates the boards.

As for your opinions about the review ratings system for performance, TER is use to hearing about it. Many of us have been taking them to task over it for years.

zelig441 reads

I'm personally not happy with this requirements for a maximum score of 10. It seems like it would be more sensible to allow reviewers to give the scores that are appropriate, and the guys that want the particular services in question can just include that as a requirement when they search reviews. It seems like a lot of girls may allow their profile to claim that they do these things when they really don't (or don't for all clients). Since the profiles are created by clients, this doesn't even imply dishonesty on the provider's part.

But, there aren't many of these services available, so we can't expect them to match our personal preferences.

Thank you all for the lovely posts. Good stuff!

Posted By: zelig
I'm personally not happy with this requirements for a maximum score of 10. It seems like it would be more sensible to allow reviewers to give the scores that are appropriate, and the guys that want the particular services in question can just include that as a requirement when they search reviews. It seems like a lot of girls may allow their profile to claim that they do these things when they really don't (or don't for all clients). Since the profiles are created by clients, this doesn't even imply dishonesty on the provider's part.  
 But, there aren't many of these services available, so we can't expect them to match our personal preferences.

Posted By: zelig
I'm personally not happy with this requirements for a maximum score of 10. It seems like it would be more sensible to allow reviewers to give the scores that are appropriate, and the guys that want the particular services in question can just include that as a requirement when they search reviews. It seems like a lot of girls may allow their profile to claim that they do these things when they really don't (or don't for all clients). Since the profiles are created by clients, this doesn't even imply dishonesty on the provider's part.  
 But, there aren't many of these services available, so we can't expect them to match our personal preferences.
It sounds like you want TER to give review scores exactly like the defunct board. On the defunct board reviews were traded in exchange for discounts, freebies, off menu services etc. The shilling was relentless. Any lady with a few connections to lapdogs and "group leaders," could get any score she wanted. If a lady wanted all 9-10 reviews for service, she would just get reviews she did not like removed. Tons of legitimate (but lower scores than what the lady wanted) reviews were removed.

If you show up clean, well groomed and respectful, I have found that the TER ladies are remarkably consistent in service. The opposite was true at the defunct board.

This is a national board funded by men's fees for reviews. It is not funded by escort advertising. I see no reason to compromise the integrity of a TER review by giving the NON-GfE ladies the same service scores as REAL GFE ladies.

zelig405 reads

You sure jump to a lot of conclusions. I don't live on the West coast, so I only used the defunct board for a couple of brief visits to California. I don't know of the problems you mention, but I do know a little more about TER. The services needed to qualify for a top score include  Blow Job - without condom, Kissing - with tongue, Anal - Really Bi - More than One Guy. They just need 3 of these, so they can skip kissing and BBBJ if they do the other 3. In practice, many providers list 3 of these even if they don't really provide them. I don't think that there is any requirement that these services be offered for a reasonable price. And, I think that it is rare that clients will complain about one of these services not being offered.  

For all I know, TER is much better than the defunct board.

Posted By: zelig
You sure jump to a lot of conclusions. I don't live on the West coast, so I only used the defunct board for a couple of brief visits to California. I don't know of the problems you mention, but I do know a little more about TER.  
 For all I know, TER is much better than the defunct board.
Sorry if I was wrong about what you meant.

I've been using TER since 2008. I'm definitely in the Bay Area. If the reviews say BBJ-CIM , it means the BBJ will be to conclusion with cum in mouth. If it says kissing with tongue it means what it says.  Almost all the ladies who have real GFE reviews live up to what is put in TER reviews. At least that has been my experience.

At the defunct group , GFE type services were often put in ads (and even reviews) even if the service did not always include the typical GFE services

Take it all for a grain of salt. You might provide a once in a lifetime experience, but the rating system caters to certain international tastes.

I think it was stated somewhere before -- sensual massage is very unique to the Bay Area; and TER is an international site with international providers.  

This is where I felt the demised site lacked -- I never agreed that providers who offered both massage and GFE service should have both types of reviews combined. She might be a fantastic lover, but a terrible sensualist or vice versa.  

Now, if we could just divide the worlds and truly acknowledge they have different skill sets and create separate review practices, maybe this would favor both parties interests.

-- Modified on 7/28/2014 11:17:18 PM

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