San Francisco

where - o - where ?
max209 761 reads

I've been looking everywhere, but for NorCal, former home of the now closed site, it's very difficult to find reliable info from other sites that compares to the deceased site. TER reviews are helpful, but because they (TER)  are so picky about review details and content - there just aren't that many reviews and often the reviews are old and therefore of questionable current accuracy.  Nothing worse than clicking on "Jenny's"  TER review from 8 years ago and now she's 10 years older, 50 lb heavier, 4 kids later etc.
Lots of ads out there, but without linking the reviews and knowing that the ad was placed recently I can't commit time and money for something that has a good chance of being fake (B&S) or worse. The old site offered substantial safety features for both parties, which contributed to it's popularity  with both providers and clients.  That popularity made both supply and demand much greater, which resulted in a nice selection of moderately priced providers. I'm guessing that now the low end providers are back out on the street in desperation and the high end providers of $500/hr and up don't rely on a volume based business model anyway. For me, it's that financial sweet spot of $150-$350, which was affordable, seems to have largely either disappeared or become difficult to find.  And, even with occasionally finding it, the lack of reviews and other info (tineye, etc) leaves me unwilling to make the call.

I will post another reply below listing the sites I have found, but will keep that list as a separate reply as I am hoping this post will get published even if the next post is disallowed or deleted.

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:55:13 PM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:57:14 PM

i dont care where the women are posting i care where the MEN are seek and finding?

where do u men find you are looking for and finding women

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 6:17:28 PM

I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm just waiting for the power vacuum to be filled. The entire Bay Area is still reeling from the loss and now there are a lot of contenders that want to fill that position. I'm still looking for for a few providers that haven't posted new ads anywhere since the great fall, providers that I didn't get to call before and hopefully haven't moved on to greener pastures. I think it will just take time, but I imagine TER will assume control of the area and become the new hub.

max209762 reads

I've been looking everywhere, but for NorCal, former home of the now closed site, it's very difficult to find reliable info from other sites that compares to the deceased site. TER reviews are helpful, but because they (TER)  are so picky about review details and content - there just aren't that many reviews and often the reviews are old and therefore of questionable current accuracy.  Nothing worse than clicking on "Jenny's"  TER review from 8 years ago and now she's 10 years older, 50 lb heavier, 4 kids later etc.
Lots of ads out there, but without linking the reviews and knowing that the ad was placed recently I can't commit time and money for something that has a good chance of being fake (B&S) or worse. The old site offered substantial safety features for both parties, which contributed to it's popularity  with both providers and clients.  That popularity made both supply and demand much greater, which resulted in a nice selection of moderately priced providers. I'm guessing that now the low end providers are back out on the street in desperation and the high end providers of $500/hr and up don't rely on a volume based business model anyway. For me, it's that financial sweet spot of $150-$350, which was affordable, seems to have largely either disappeared or become difficult to find.  And, even with occasionally finding it, the lack of reviews and other info (tineye, etc) leaves me unwilling to make the call.

I will post another reply below listing the sites I have found, but will keep that list as a separate reply as I am hoping this post will get published even if the next post is disallowed or deleted.

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:55:13 PM

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 10:57:14 PM

Posted By: max209
That popularity made both supply and demand much greater, which resulted in a nice selection of moderately priced providers. I'm guessing that now the low end providers are back out on the street in desperation and the high end providers of $500/hr and up don't rely on a volume based business model anyway. For me, it's that financial sweet spot of $150-$350, which was affordable, seems to have largely either disappeared or become difficult to find.  And, even with occasionally finding it, the lack of reviews and other info (tineye, etc) leaves me unwilling to make the call.
Could not agree more, with everything you said here. I'm in that same price range and it seems like most sites are either catering to the Silicon Valley millionaire crowd or the shady 30 minutes crowd. If your other post gets deleted I'd really appreciate it if you email me that list. I think all we can do is wait and see what happens, just glad I've got at least one provider that I can see regularly in the meantime.

Myself and few of my friends on the H side have an agreement that P411/TER is the most popular shopping place right now, they don't have much products right at this moment, but everyday the selections are increasing, maybe the advertising approvals take a little longer due to the offices are based overseas, I don't know, but we concur that P411/TER is simple, easy to utilize, appointments and posting reviews are outstanding. Unlike the other sites most of us, myself, my friends have used BP even before RB still in existence and we have some really, really bad stories and experiences in that site. My own personal experiences due to my daring and risky move. Got myself in a few very unpleasant situations. didn't realized then that everyone is selling snake oils and they got me buying a lot of them. CB, Slixa is ok but not much product displayed and seems it's duplicate, EROS I can handle but not for everyone, the rest of them I don't even try to navigate anymore, like Nightshift,NR,TNA,VP, The Encounter CluB,Ecci, etc,etc. too complicated to browse around. That is our answer to your question M'lady. Respectfully from #B

TER's AD boards, and the Photo board. My list of providers has grown just from those two, and I always check if they are on P411 so I can request an appointment. I also visit various regional boards to see what the ladies comment about; which show some of their personality. I feel the providers that are on TER and P411, are the safest, highest quality service and most beautiful inside and out.

Posted By: oralconniseur
TER's AD boards, and the Photo board. My list of providers has grown just from those two, and I always check if they are on P411 so I can request an appointment. I also visit various regional boards to see what the ladies comment about; which show some of their personality. I feel the providers that are on TER and P411, are the safest, highest quality service and most beautiful inside and out.
Even a few of the quality providers have tried BP. It's not worth the time. Last time I looked, there were five consecutive fake pictures. A waste of time and energy.  
I shy away from providers who post a lot on boards.  
Those small regional boards are too time consuming to bother with.  
Others are just a step above BP. You might find something of quality there but too much other crap to sift through.  
Eros is the only board I actually check. That's only after checking here.  
For the most part all the quality providers are already on TER

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: oralconniseur
TER's AD boards, and the Photo board. My list of providers has grown just from those two, and I always check if they are on P411 so I can request an appointment. I also visit various regional boards to see what the ladies comment about; which show some of their personality. I feel the providers that are on TER and P411, are the safest, highest quality service and most beautiful inside and out.
 Even a few of the quality providers have tried BP. It's not worth the time. Last time I looked, there were five consecutive fake pictures. A waste of time and energy.    
 I shy away from providers who post a lot on boards.    
 Those small regional boards are too time consuming to bother with.  
 Others are just a step above BP. You might find something of quality there but too much other crap to sift through.    
 Eros is the only board I actually check. That's only after checking here.    
 For the most part all the quality providers are already on TER

I have been encouraged to post often, and i will do so, in order for me to be able to get into the "providers only" board. It's a shame that you are basing some of your criteria on that, but as of now, there are a lot of newbies  who would like to get their sisterhood together here in this board. It's true that there are other sites popping up here and there for the ladies, but i think there is a lot to be said about being involved in "home base" if you will. I annoy myself with some of my posts sometimes, but the temporary irritability is worth it for me in the long run, since i plan to be here for a while.

persistent662 reads

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
i dont care where the women are posting i care where the MEN are seek and finding?  
 where do u men find you are looking for and finding women

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 6:17:28 PM

I pretty much have decided to only check ad sites that include a thumbnail pic of the provider next to the ad, otherwise I just waste tons of time clicking on links that are a waste.  That's translated to sites like eros and slixa (both have pics), I don't go on BP at all (just pages full of text headlines)

there is a option to change the view on bp from text headline to gallery view to see the thumbnail initially

persistent470 reads

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
there is a option to change the view on bp from text headline to gallery view to see the thumbnail initially
Thanks, someone actually told me that last night, after seeing my post here!  That moves BP onto my "approved ads" list.  Still think it's a bummer TER doesn't have this option!

I agree the rows of titles are crazy making. I have a "featured" ad which shows my pic. However, as Caitlyn sez, it does not seem to deter others...

Posted By: persistent
Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
i dont care where the women are posting i care where the MEN are seek and finding?  
  where do u men find you are looking for and finding women  
 -- Modified on 7/25/2014 6:17:28 PM
 I pretty much have decided to only check ad sites that include a thumbnail pic of the provider next to the ad, otherwise I just waste tons of time clicking on links that are a waste.  That's translated to sites like eros and slixa (both have pics), I don't go on BP at all (just pages full of text headlines)

Skyfyre637 reads

Now that the King is gone the next best thing is obviously BP. Nobody else comes close for variety of selection, taste and pricing. Of course while the King was ruling BP was miles below as a second step!

@persistence: you too can have thumbnails on BP ads. Look closely and click on the "Gallery" link and all the ads will have thumbnails next to it. I especially like the fact that as you hover over a thumbnail pic it changes to other pics inside the ad. Very neat feature!

MaliaMason511 reads

In my experience,  majority of my calls come from BP. I know Nightshift has a snapshot of the old sites reviews linked to my add which is nice but I agree that a lot of the sites make it difficult for numeruous reasons...

1. You don't know how recent the add is
2. Some sites you can only post your add x amount of times (1x/day/week/etc...)...You can imagine how irritating that is to sort through  
3. Don't have a sort system (area, price, age, etc)
4. Don't allow website or pricing to be listed in add or profiles

I have a listing of a bunch of sites that I have found over time and I cannot vouch for them but we must all remember Rome wasn't built in a night and things will take time. If we keep making suggestions about what can be improved then sites like TER can only improve!

There may be fewer reviews, but they are better quality IMHO. But I am fortunate enough to have a very few favs and I stay with them. There is no substitute for connection.

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