San Francisco

Re: What storm??
IBDPhotography 259 reads

Posted By: Zayla
For a second I thought you were just writing with your left hand.
Haha...I definitely like the way you think! :P

I didn't know power went off around Nob Hill and Civic Center. I was asleep. My day job is cancelled so it gives me time to work on personal projects finally.  
The sound of rain feels good. Things around downtown feels fine and calm.  
Where are you, how is storm affecting you and what are you doing

in Sonoma County.  The river is immense!  We have a lot of branches all over the floor the rain is still coming down and the fog curling through the mountains is amazing...

I love the rain....

Posted By: Zayla
I didn't know power went off around Nob Hill and Civic Center. I was asleep. My day job is cancelled so it gives me time to work on personal projects finally.  
 The sound of rain feels good. Things around downtown feels fine and calm.  
 Where are you, how is storm affecting you and what are you doing?  

I thought it was going to be more exciting here in SF.  
I hope everyone is safe.

LOL Thank god I live at the top.  The river is insane right now!  Looks like the river will flood within hours....    


Be safe out there all!

Posted By: Zayla
 I thought it was going to be more exciting here in SF.  
 I hope everyone is safe.

I've never seen the Napa river so high.  Of course, I've lived in Napa for less than 3 years.

I'm waiting for the announcements stating: "We're still in a drought!"

Posted By: Zayla

 Where are you, how is storm affecting you and what are you doing?'s just raining where I'm currently at (central coast) - no wind or anything that resembles a "storm."

Do you reaaaally want to know what I'm doing? :P (lol)  

Okay-okay, I'm watching ESPN.

For a second I thought you were just writing with your left hand.

Posted By: Zayla
For a second I thought you were just writing with your left hand.
Haha...I definitely like the way you think! :P

The storm's power fizzled in my area, so nothing really serious happened like in other places. But I had spent the previous three days prepping my house after work, so I was tired. I know the storm affected the ladies. One friend related how she got zero calls, and got to hunker down all day Thursday. Another friend said that she had to cancel her upcoming tour because of the heavy snowfall in her area. I wonder how many other ladies got an inadvertent day away from all of this on Thursday too?

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