San Francisco

Re: Tired of all you refugees always bitching about
oargerela 110 Reviews 939 reads

Another arrogant TER no guts loyalist can not even identify himself and get into intelligent discussions and convey their legit point of views about the subjects, instead justifying their illteracy, what a freaking child, look at yourself first before you point fingers.

So I do notice so many men especially who see me have no idea where to look now, so I tell them, and women are lost too  
I do know a few boards have popped here and there, the only issue I have with all these, is that everyone is scattered, and no one is communicating with the others, so that we can some how just come together under one big roof again...

The scattering makes more work for us as providers too... more sites to have to remember to post or update our ads EVERY DAY...

More forums to post blather on to try to get guys to love our "personalities"... etc etc  
The guys are scattered and lost too... and then you give them all these different options, they do exactly what a man always does lol they get confused and then go back to the familar...  

It seems men do not like too much change or confusion, or different options, now we ask them to be on 10 different places to see if they can find one  good one, and then he has to remember 10 different handles/log ins/pw...

most barely remember to tie their ties and brush their teeth lol  

I guess my point is, if we all make it a point to pick ONE unified place, and stick to it, then that place can be the IT place for all to gather again...  

I like THIS place, I have a group, but im not trying to make it THE place, lol  

so what do you guys think? or observe?

max2091031 reads

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
So I do notice so many men especially who see me have no idea where to look now, so I tell them, and women are lost too  
 I do know a few boards have popped here and there, the only issue I have with all these, is that everyone is scattered, and no one is communicating with the others, so that we can some how just come together under one big roof again...  
 The scattering makes more work for us as providers too... more sites to have to remember to post or update our ads EVERY DAY...  
 More forums to post blather on to try to get guys to love our "personalities"... etc etc  
 The guys are scattered and lost too... and then you give them all these different options, they do exactly what a man always does lol they get confused and then go back to the familar...  
 It seems men do not like too much change or confusion, or different options, now we ask them to be on 10 different places to see if they can find one  good one, and then he has to remember 10 different handles/log ins/pw...  
 most barely remember to tie their ties and brush their teeth lol  
 I guess my point is, if we all make it a point to pick ONE unified place, and stick to it, then that place can be the IT place for all to gather again...  
 I like THIS place, I have a group, but im not trying to make it THE place, lol  
 so what do you guys think? or observe?
Although there are several replacements and alternatives, none really offer what the seized site offered.  TER had a nice burst of forum activity, but lately it's been very quiet. The other replacement, NS, seems to be one of the few with actual ads - but they still have a long way to go to become the true replacement for you know who.

Wow. Good post.
I have trouble finding a place to communicate with new friends, and network with providers. Some new places I have also spent ALOT of money running ads on, have also, reaped no rewards. So I am not only at a loss with the community feel but also with the best avenue to meet new friends.

I guess these are growing pains, and they are sure to make us stronger. When we are twisted in so many directions, the positive outcome may be more flexibility. Haha, I know that was kind of corny.  

Anyway, I love what I do and appreciate the amazing people I meet in this capacity. It really is a shame that things are so complicated. Things will fall into place for all of us. Sorry I do not have an answer but thanks for giving space to my thoughts :)

Alexa Vargas -The flirty Nerd-
*let's talk Sci-Fi!!

What is NS, if you please?

Posted By: max209
Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
So I do notice so many men especially who see me have no idea where to look now, so I tell them, and women are lost too    
  I do know a few boards have popped here and there, the only issue I have with all these, is that everyone is scattered, and no one is communicating with the others, so that we can some how just come together under one big roof again...  
  The scattering makes more work for us as providers too... more sites to have to remember to post or update our ads EVERY DAY...  
  More forums to post blather on to try to get guys to love our "personalities"... etc etc    
  The guys are scattered and lost too... and then you give them all these different options, they do exactly what a man always does lol they get confused and then go back to the familar...    
  It seems men do not like too much change or confusion, or different options, now we ask them to be on 10 different places to see if they can find one  good one, and then he has to remember 10 different handles/log ins/pw...  
  most barely remember to tie their ties and brush their teeth lol    
  I guess my point is, if we all make it a point to pick ONE unified place, and stick to it, then that place can be the IT place for all to gather again...    
  I like THIS place, I have a group, but im not trying to make it THE place, lol    
  so what do you guys think? or observe?
 Although there are several replacements and alternatives, none really offer what the seized site offered.  TER had a nice burst of forum activity, but lately it's been very quiet. The other replacement, NS, seems to be one of the few with actual ads - but they still have a long way to go to become the true replacement for you know who.

max2091006 reads

NS is an abbreviation for NightShift, which is a website that be found at dotco, rather than the usual dotcom.

It seems new, and initially had essentially copies of ads from the seized site, and apparently without the provider's consent or endorsement.  More recently they have added a forum and seem to be trying to be the go to replacement (copycat) for the seized site.  They have made many improvements but still have quite a bit of room for improvement imho.

Thanks for mentioning NS.  I checked it out and found all my old reviews from the defunct site.  Awesome.  I thought all that info was lost.  I still like TER's forum, ads, and reviews better but it's nice to have a back up site also.

I use this site to check reviews and p411 to search for a provider and make an appointment.  It's because I like the OK's system on p411.  It's convenient that I don't have to contact a provider first to ask whether she wants to be one of my preferences

Skyfyre1001 reads

Sorry but I can't see ANY good -only bad with "scattering".

Also, sorry to say but this site seems quite stuffy to me. There's a pretty weird system of reviews with all kinds of funky rules. Then unless one pays for VIP membership there's very little that can be useful for a free basic membership -unlike the defunct site.  

I can also tell that there will NEVER be a sense of comradery among like-minded hobbyists the way it was at "Walmart". This site is a LOT more about business, or rather the promotion of business for the providers first and foremost.

Last but not least this site is definitely not for the kind of adventurous, risk-taking, high-volume TOFTT-type of hobbyists like me who likes to search and live for, finding diamonds in the rough. "Walmart" was perfect for my purpose and I doubt it will ever be duplicated or came close..

crazyshit936 reads

TER is a different beast than the other side, but in my experience, more useful information is communicated on this site.  When I am paying for membership, I kinda want a lot more than what is available to the basic, non-paying members.  And honestly, for the membership they are charging, I don't understand how anyone can spend several hundred dollars on an appointment and be unwilling to pay more money to get more details.

Now, I don't necessarily need a graphic blow by blow of what happened in the session, but I do like to know if the provider will do certain things.  Who wants to spend a few hundred hoping for an activity and then finding out that the activity is not offered?  I'm not saying all reviews are 100% truthful, because this IS the internet, and there is a ton of bullshit.  However, it's a lot easier to read 10 reviews and see very clearly that in 80% of the reviews, the provider was okay with touching below the waist but not DATY before I drop money and find out that this is the case.  The other site did a pretty lousy job of that.

I for one don't care so much for "comradery."  The other clients on this board are only people I communicate with to share information.  I don't have any desire, frankly, to know what they do or have them know what I do in real life.  I don't need a place to "hang" in the virtual world to talk about the hobby.  Nothing wrong with that, but if that's your thing, then you don't need a forum to do that.  You can just PM and email among yourselves.  Which is what a lot of people do, anyway.

I disagree 100% about the whole notion of "this site is definitely not for the kind of adventurous, risk-taking, high-volume TOFTT-type of hobbyists like me who likes to search and live for, finding diamonds in the rough."  You can look back through my reviews and see how many times I have been the first reviewer for a provider.  And many others do that, as well.  While some of the more vocal people on these boards get all incensed when a provider advertises but has no reviews, there are many of us who are happy to conduct our own due diligence and take our own chances with new providers.  And sometimes we are richly rewarded.

Every once in a while, we will share that info, too.  But we are under no obligation to do so...another pet peeve of mine when talking about boards like this (the notion that you owe your "bros" the info on a session.  Yeah, the same "bros" who haven't contributed a dime to my activities LOL.

Skyfyre901 reads

I don't see how the defunct "Walmart" site did not offer MORE infos than this site. There were more advertisers there. And for each providers there were MORE reviews as well. Some providers have reviews going back 5+ years even.
Sure just like anywhere else there are a lot of BS reviews but that's where your game comes in. If you have game you can tell which reviews are more likely genuine which are not. Speaking of specifics I don't see how "Walmart" couldn't be more specific with its all kinds of acronyms used from BBBJ to BBFS to BL to DATY etc..., a huge checklist in review form from what race, ethnic origin, number of tattoos, number of piercing, size and appearing of tits, whether pussy is shaved, trimmed, natural... down to pricing. What more could there be?

crazyshit978 reads

The detail on TER reviews is usually much more.  

As for the other site, it's dead.  Stop talking about it.  Or continue.

crazyshit966 reads

1.  No place is every going to be like the old place.  That's neither bad nor good.  It's just true.

2.  The whole purpose of any site or forum is to disseminate information.  Providers want to advertise and get clients.  Clients want to find providers and conduct due diligence.

3.  There is some minority that decides they want to be window shoppers or groupies.  That's always gonna happen.

4.  Every place has its own personality and flavor.  This place might be too graphic in its reviews for  you (one SF provider freaked out regarding some of the explicit details in her reviews), or it might be too GFE-centric as opposed to bodyrub-centric.

5.  You can't control the rest of the members and participants.  Just do what you do, and the clients that like you will come to you.

Good luck.

RealityPolice1031 reads

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
So I do notice so many men especially who see me have no idea where to look now, so I tell them, and women are lost too  
 I do know a few boards have popped here and there, the only issue I have with all these, is that everyone is scattered, and no one is communicating with the others, so that we can some how just come together under one big roof again...  
 The scattering makes more work for us as providers too... more sites to have to remember to post or update our ads EVERY DAY...  
 so what do you guys think? or observe?
When your group closed down, there was a mass exodus  to TER. Your people made it perfectly clear that they were not happy here because it was a different world than they were used to. TER is an international group. Many of us here did not care for the defunct board.

Finally people got tired of the pissing and moaning:

Why did you start another group to go with the dozens of others that started after the fall of your group? If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

It sounds like you now have a dozen groups in search of a community. In order to build a community similar to what you lost, you would have to unite all the groups into one. Ego is what is preventing that from happening. There were always cliques over at the other place. Is it any surprise that people have scattered? Brotherhood, my ass!  

June 25th, 2014 is the day that the reign of terror and stranglehold over Northern California came to an end. There are several people who want to feel the "power" of having their own group where they can moderate the life out of it and censor at will. All of them are miserable failures. You were left to your own devices and destroyed yourselves. It is quite common for that to happen to things that can only be described as EVIL......Pure Evil

It seems to me you are making some judgement, arrogance in your part, that you don't know what you're talking about, no one here is creating any problems at all, yes we are moaning and whining, complaining about the differences between the two sites comparing what we used to have, a more simple and successful dating site that most of us, you called "refugees" used to enjoy so much, let me remind you something, if you have a short memory, it is because of a certain violations and greed by a few individuals that manages the sites, reasons why it's been taken away from us, so lets get that straight and BTW if the site still exist we won't be here and one other  it's just a matter of time till someone of us can figure something better or similar to the one you called a place of "mesirable failures". We will be happy to give you back your so called "different world" So please stop being so judgemental, we're not creating any problems here, we are just venting out to each other, how frustrated we are, it was beyond our control what happen, so if you can not handle our freedom to express ourselves, stay away from our own discussions and live us alone and go to your so called "international", WT# is that.

max209966 reads

LOL, Cat Lover has a new handle.

I think he should have gone with Mr Bigglesworth, especially if he's going to rant about "evil".

RealityPolice1327 reads

Posted By: max209
LOL, Cat Lover has a new handle.  
 I think he should have gone with Mr Bigglesworth, especially if he's going to rant about "evil".
Not even close. I hardly posted there. Your group was not highly thought of no matter what you want to believe. The out of state ladies never had anything good to say about it.  

Pimps, blow and go hos, useless inflated reviews, predators threatening _new_ girls with bad reviews if they did not work cheap or give "special services," cheapskate charlie clients and on and on. It sounds like evil to me.

I can not believed your arrogance, seems to me you think you're better than any one else, bad mouthing everybody, doesn't matter what the ladies advertise, special services, inflated, deflated etc, etc, is non of your business, do you think that just because you spent more money and stay in your high rise penthouses and exclusive clubs you are better than someone else, are you fucking kidding me, doesn't matter whoever you are a Governor, Senator, Congressman, President, Prime Minister, King, Ambassador, Mayor, Secret Service, Tiger Woods, Hugh Grant, Charlie Sheen a simple Joe etc,etc, you are no better than anybody else around, it's all about the hobby man, the fun, excitements, the risk we have to take, the uncertainty, happy feeling, the enjoyment of the moments, the ability to maximize your budget to enjoy the game, doesn't mean that anybody is better or smarter than anyone, give me a break man, with the few example I mentioned above, do you even think that they are better than us, most of them almost ruined their marriages, families, careers, reputations, status because they are better?? you have to understand that not everybody can not get a round of golf at Pebble Beach or Augusta or other exclusive places, eat sturgeon caviars everyday, drink 75 YO coniac, most of us just like a simple surf and turf, fast foods, and driveways and so what. We do all these because it is our hobby and we LOVE it, and no matter who you are, please stop judging anybody, just get a freakin life enjoy it and don't be bothered by other people hobbying/providing activities

Skyfyre803 reads

Yep I always said that in cyberspace EVERYBODY is equal. No one is richer, younger, more handsome, having more properties or employment or social status... than anybody else. Just about the ONLY thing, the only currency in cyberspace is CREDIBILITY.  

Well the denizens here can gloat all they want while kicking the carcass of the defunct king but they fail to realize that the refugees are merely passing through in the search for a permanent home that is much closer in spirit to their old home.

My prediction is it's still too early now but soon enough the refugees will move on leaving this place to the same bucolic state it has always been before. LOL

Posted By: RealityPolice
Posted By: max209
LOL, Cat Lover has a new handle.  
  I think he should have gone with Mr Bigglesworth, especially if he's going to rant about "evil".
 Not even close. I hardly posted there. Your group was not highly thought of no matter what you want to believe. The out of state ladies never had anything good to say about it.
It was very much a local site (hence the strong sense of community) and was never intended for out-of-state providers or clients, so it's inconsequential what out-of-state ladies may have had to say about it.
Posted By: RealityPolice
 Pimps, blow and go hos, useless inflated reviews, predators threatening _new_ girls with bad reviews if they did not work cheap or give "special services," cheapskate charlie clients and on and on. It sounds like evil to me.
I started out on that site, in Sacramento no less (land of low-ballers & boundary-pushers), & my experience for the most part was overwhelmingly positive. I started out UTR & independent, didn't know a single soul in the business, & thanks to that site & the wonderful people on it, I was able to learn all the ins & outs of the business & quickly establish myself as a successful, top-ranked provider on my own terms. Yes, of course there were the usual negative elements that will always be a part of p4p, but IMO you're painting the departed site with FAR too broad of a brush.

-- Modified on 8/19/2014 6:04:59 PM

Posted By: RealityPolice
 When your group closed down, there was a mass exodus  to TER. Your people made it perfectly clear that they were not happy here because it was a different world than they were used to. TER is an international group. Many of us here did not care for the defunct board.  
 It sounds like you now have a dozen groups in search of a community. In order to build a community similar to what you lost, you would have to unite all the groups into one. Ego is what is preventing that from happening. There were always cliques over at the other place. Is it any surprise that people have scattered? Brotherhood, my ass!  
 June 25th, 2014 is the day that the reign of terror and stranglehold over Northern California came to an end. There are several people who want to feel the "power" of having their own group where they can moderate the life out of it and censor at will. All of them are miserable failures. You were left to your own devices and destroyed yourselves. It is quite common for that to happen to things that can only be described as EVIL......Pure Evil.    
Interesting comments. I was a Charter Member of the old group and while I may nitpick a few of your particulars, you do bring up a relevant point. The so-called "community" fractured years before the final fall, and at the risk of alienating a certain prominent person in this thread (whom I have no issues with personally as we did exchange upvotes in the Ratings section), a lot of the problems seemed to arise when the providers were able to assume veto powers over some of the more, shall we say "politically incorrect" members of the board. Not that all of these individuals were model citizens (some of them were flaming a-holes to be truthful) but a gradual repression of those who did not feed the agendas of certain high-visibility providers began to become evident. Those providers looked at the old board more as an advertising platform and a personal play/chat space and put the screws on those who were critical or simply uncooperative with their agendas.  

The first part to feel the effect was the Chat Room, which in the 2002-2003 time frame was a free-wheeling, fun and stimulating environment with at times close to 100 people logged in AND participating. The Powers To Be not only locked out many of the Charter Members for testing the hypersensitivities of a certain set of autocratic providers, but didn't even have the decency to acknowledge that these people had been banned, insisting we had incompatible browsers, etc. (we all knew it, because all we had to do was register another handle and had no problem logging in). This act alone PO'd many of the Charter Members and early solid contributors to info and reviews who said "f--k it" and went elsewhere. The provider clique then decided to go on a political pogrom during the 2004 elections and alienated other members (and potential customers) who didn't agree with their notable left-of-center political views (I had an inbox full of hate mail and personal attacks accusing me of being a filthy racist Republican, even though I was an independent that never voted for Bush).  

Act III in this play was providers demanding that less than flattering reviews be pulled and those reviewers be excommunicated. Of course when you have a situation like that, the honest people leave and all you are left with are the poseurs, lapdogs and pimp/manager wannabes. Again, no offense to the provider who started this thread, but some of her "sisters" left such a bad taste of many of the brothers that in the two UTR groups that I am personally aware of, the membership of both groups had nearly unanimous votes to NEVER let providers in, even as guests. Maybe some of those who reigned so high and mighty at the old board might just want to think a bit about causal relationships, and how in some ways they screwed over the people they needed the most, and not in the enjoyable way...

RealityPolice866 reads

Posted By: ShorelineAmpVIP
 Act III in this play was providers demanding that less than flattering reviews be pulled and those reviewers be excommunicated. Of course when you have a situation like that, the honest people leave and all you are left with are the poseurs, lapdogs and pimp/manager wannabes. Again, no offense to the provider who started this thread, but some of her "sisters" left such a bad taste of many of the brothers that in the two UTR groups that I am personally aware of, the membership of both groups had nearly unanimous votes to NEVER let providers in, even as guests. Maybe some of those who reigned so high and mighty at the old board might just want to think a bit about causal relationships, and how in some ways they screwed over the people they needed the most, and not in the enjoyable way...

The difference between TER and the defunct board is that this is a review board financed by mongers. We like the ladies posting here but not at the expense of honest reviews.  TER does not sell advertising so there is no conflict of interest.

There were UTR groups/forums before the demise of that board. You are right about one thing. A private group /forum is only useful if it is strictly by men for men. The men's only private forums are almost drama free.  The ladies have their own private places that don't allow us for obvious reasons.

Once honest reviewers found out the ladies could have ( mediocre/bad but true ) reviews removed, the value of the reviews over there was almost zero.






-- Modified on 8/27/2014 6:09:59 AM

Posted By: RealityPolice
 When your group closed down, there was a mass exodus  to TER. Your people made it perfectly clear that they were not happy here because it was a different world than they were used to. TER is an international group. Many of us here did not care for the defunct board.  
  Why did you start another group to go with the dozens of others that started after the fall of your group? If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.  
 It sounds like you now have a dozen groups in search of a community. In order to build a community similar to what you lost, you would have to unite all the groups into one. Ego is what is preventing that from happening. There were always cliques over at the other place. Is it any surprise that people have scattered? Brotherhood, my ass!  
 June 25th, 2014 is the day that the reign of terror and stranglehold over Northern California came to an end. There are several people who want to feel the "power" of having their own group where they can moderate the life out of it and censor at will. All of them are miserable failures. You were left to your own devices and destroyed yourselves. It is quite common for that to happen to things that can only be described as EVIL......Pure Evil.    
You can turn down the flamethrower a notch or two. You do make good points and illustrate some of the dysfunctionalities of the old site, but I have read several of Caitlin's posts and she doesn't give them a complete pass either. I have certainly had my share of run-ins with providers over there but Caitlin has at least conceded that some of the providers got out of hand as well. She has her quirks but I don't recall anything in particular that was especially egregious. G-d forbid that anyone here would have to put up with the likes of a FrenchKiss, Justwhaturlooking4, or AngelWhite, who are far more deserving of the rotisserie setting...

as I  am a  a observer.. pure and simple! I am NO REFUGEE as I have  been on TER since my Sasha Love days back when dave owned this site and I was in Sacramento
I was a huge cheerleader on the now defunct site for the  benefits of being on here to  other women.. I  was the one telling them  the  best clients and sessions  while not as frequent at the time  because of the now dead site,  were high QUALITY  men...  

I was a the one helping women  initially to get ads here,  talking them thru  the confusion  so  dont tell me i'm the problem hun  

I have been a  TER lover and supporter  for 13  plus yearS!!

RealityPolice683 reads

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
as I  am a  a observer.. pure and simple! I am NO REFUGEE as I have  been on TER since my Sasha Love days back when dave owned this site and I was in Sacramento  
 I was a huge cheerleader on the now defunct site for the  benefits of being on here to  other women.. I  was the one telling them  the  best clients and sessions  while not as frequent at the time  because of the now dead site,  were high QUALITY  men...  
 I was a the one helping women  initially to get ads here,  talking them thru  the confusion  so  dont tell me i'm the problem hun  
 I have been a  TER lover and supporter  for 13  plus yearS!!!  


Not you personally. I think myself and "shorelineamp" were talking in general. I was here when that other guy owned the site. Some people still give TER grief because of what the original owner did. TER cleaned itself up with the new owners. The defunct board got worse.

Knulla-du-rövhål889 reads

how TER is not as good as your previous loser site. WE DON"T GIVE A FLYING F!!! If you don't like TER then get the F!!! out of here and start your own site. TER made 3 other boards for you losers becasue of your whining, and it has been almost 2 months and there is hardly any treads or post!  

Do yourself a favor and us longtime TER loyalist and leave TER because you just stink it up with your constant whining! You act like a bunch of F!!king little brats! GROW UP AND GO AWAY!!!

Another arrogant TER no guts loyalist can not even identify himself and get into intelligent discussions and convey their legit point of views about the subjects, instead justifying their illteracy, what a freaking child, look at yourself first before you point fingers.

crazyshit914 reads

If you are too stupid to figure out you can post reviews under an alias, you need to learn basic info about TER.  

I am no more or less anonymous than you.  

Stop your fucking whining and contribute or fucking leave.  Your 15 reviews hardly make you a deep contributor here.

MaliaMason1000 reads

There is good and bad with everything. This site has its good points and it has its bad points as well just like the old one and all the other sites out there. Yes it would be great for everyone to be at one spot but reality is that's not going to happen anytime soon. Guys need to take the time to research girls and girls need to take the time to research what sites are out there. I am asked continuously what sites to go to and they are listed on my website but it's hard enough for someone to even take the time to look at my website because of the mentality "I want the info now, not in a few minutes, but RIGHT NOW!".  

I am reading that the old site brought out the lowballers among other types of girls and guys...Newsflash! The shut down has made the creeps even creepier (atleast in my experience).

...but they are invite only and VERY selective about who gets in, for understandable reasons. If you're a Charter Member of the old site with a reputable posting history and not one of the characters with 20+ handles claiming BS such as having some special pull with R-d, you can probably get an invite IF you talk to the right person, show a bit of patience, and not shoot your mouth off to the rest of the world. As far as providers, no offense to Caitlyn, but a lot of the are viewed as security risks. We're going to see more boards segregated between hobbyists only and providers only. I know that hinders two-way communication, but it's a more effective operational security approach and cuts out some of the drama/issues associated with the old board.

Posted By: CaitlynKennedy
So I do notice so many men especially who see me have no idea where to look now, so I tell them, and women are lost too  
 I do know a few boards have popped here and there, the only issue I have with all these, is that everyone is scattered, and no one is communicating with the others, so that we can some how just come together under one big roof again...  
 The scattering makes more work for us as providers too... more sites to have to remember to post or update our ads EVERY DAY...  
 More forums to post blather on to try to get guys to love our "personalities"... etc etc  
 The guys are scattered and lost too... and then you give them all these different options, they do exactly what a man always does lol they get confused and then go back to the familar...  
 It seems men do not like too much change or confusion, or different options, now we ask them to be on 10 different places to see if they can find one  good one, and then he has to remember 10 different handles/log ins/pw...  
 most barely remember to tie their ties and brush their teeth lol  
 I guess my point is, if we all make it a point to pick ONE unified place, and stick to it, then that place can be the IT place for all to gather again...  
 I like THIS place, I have a group, but im not trying to make it THE place, lol  
 so what do you guys think? or observe?

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