San Francisco

BayArea "Time to stand with BP"teeth_smile
oargerela 110 Reviews 1204 reads

Backpage fighting the bullies ..BP at this time IMHO don't care about their profits, their revenues or especially their image and bad publicity amongst the politicians, the media and the mis-informed... BACKPAGE is about the "First Amendment" they don't care if they get bankcrupt, bloodeed to the ground, burried in the mud they don't GAF they will keep fighting until the end because they believed that they have an obligation to fight for the CIVIL RIGHTS for All, the rights of every single citizens, the rights of a single mom that was abused by a deadbeat husband and trying to survive independently by any means necessary to care forher children, an elderly widowed woman being evicted from her house lived in all her life because it doesn't conform in the neighborhood standards any longer, the rights of young people to rally and strenght that their schools are no longer safe to learn, because most of the dickhead politician can't come up with a reseonable gun laws, rights of a teenager wants to attend higher education to have chances in the future grows up in a foster homes but can't get any loans or financial assistance, rights of mentally disabled person that no one really fucking cares about because of the Gov closed all mental facilities due to lack of funding and all wind up in the street homeless and helpless, the rights of men wrongfully accused of domestic violence by a greedy gold digger crazy wife bankrupt him can't get any employment because of criminal records, winds up homeless and turns into drugs and alcohol, the rights of the Big Corporations that do what ever they do with the environment, drill oil offshore, destroys rainforest and pollutes the oceans and the sky, rights of a real estate developers builds everything for profits destroys all the prestine rolling hills and praires builds shopping malls, subduvisions and hotels, the religious right of the people wants to sacrifice chickens, goats and sheep for offering to their god, the rights of people that wants to worship anything,  birds, butterflies, snakes, my snake or blow up dolls, just made that one, the rights of the LGBT beautiful people, the rights of dark, GOTH dungeons secluded and even the rights of the wacko's and so on....BP is the modern Tom Joad (Grapes of Wrath), Thomas Jefferson (All men are created equal) Abe (Gov is for the people by the people and of the people) MLK (I have a dream) Larry Flynt (hustler)The Freedom Riders, ERA, SWOP...Rambo (They draw first blood, don't push it)...At this time BP. SWOP and Few Courageous women are the only one standing against these bullies...Most of the men are hiding running away siding with the wackos in DC contineous to badmouth BP to irradicates our rights...SO Fucking SAD....

And I totally agree!  
I am very disheartened to see what is going on, but perhaps these stringent laws will give way for an adequate challenge in the court as to consensual acts vs. human trafficking. Even those with the best of intentions lump them in one group in order to make a point that the internet should have it's freedom of speech protected.  
I will give BP a chance and root for them as well. They will need it.


Here's the thing, the way I see it Backpage was the target ever since the spun out of CL...they've been targeted by everyone including our own AG at one point now a Senator..She was in the front line then and now to bring BP to justice but failed, because BP hides behind the "First Amendment" got everyone pissed off...Our Regional SWOP Advocates used to advetised at BP to support without prejudice..Miss D'Angelo and Stacy Shimmer...
Yes BP has been sued for over 169 Cases of Sex Trafficking including minors, that's what the US Government Claims and accusations about BP and forcefully asserted but that's just it nothing but accusations...Nothing held water is US Courts NON, NIL ZERO, NADA, ZILTS that the US Government has successfully won NOT a Single Case, most of them were dropped and others were settled NON Disclusure Agreement...That's why this bullies are so pissed off at BP and they are trying so fucking hard to bring it down, because they knew they calculated that with the fall of BP, all these site is easy picking like dominos, but BP has the guts to fight and and they are in the last layer of their armor "Free Speech" they have the resources and allies, like the Porn Industry, FB, Twitter, Google that fights for the protection of privacy, they can no longer touch the Porn Industry, they've lost that a long time ago..Porn is considered Art and it can not be censored under the Constitution,  they even try to intimidate the owner but nothing happend, also rallied and threathened the Banks Issuers of CC NOT to deal business with BP, but BP just turn to Bitcoins and moves their Finacial Procesing Division in a Neutral Countries.. BP is protected by the First Amendments in the Constitutions like most of the millions Porn Sites..BP has rules, "that they are only an advertising company" like any other componies and don't DO THE POLICING, instead the are fighting for the protections of privacy of all their customers, the LE do the policing "NOT BP" of the people that pays to advertise, no discriminations like FB,Twitter, Google and btw BP used to owned by CL Adult Section they were threatened and spun out and became BP...which is as you know today That CL is one of the original big three online companies only Amazon and Ebay are bigger..That's why they came up with this bogus law and compiles everything and connect it to Sex Trafficking the sound bites sound better than war on drugs or gun laws has nothing to do with anything but sanitized and irradicates "Individual Rights"....

Agreee. BP has balls, thank God cause NS doesnt care about sex workers. Not a fan of Kamala either.

Sasha Minxxx

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