San Francisco

Re: A few sugestions
TaylorPaige626 See my TER Reviews 330 reads

Thanks babe! Ya still trying to familiarize myself with this site.

Things have been super dooooper SLOW for me since shutdown of our local site.  I am on just about every site I know and it just is brutal.  A few girls I have talked to said the same thing.  I of course have my regular clientele but what is everyone doing?  Where are ya'll goin? ahhhhhhh HELP!  Providers and hobbiest...thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

I think we have a problem with many hobbyists being a bit shell shocked in this post shut down
workd.  Where once there was a one stop place to visit, now folks are more cautious about
where they post, and also who they can trust.  The reviews the other site had were used by
hobbyists to filter good from not so good and ROB, and now it is much more guesswork.

I think more folks should come to TER and have it serve some of the old site's purpose.  But
reviewing here is much more difficult thanks to how the reviews are checked out by TER.  I
also think the ladies could advertise in those sites that offer the easiest way to find them by
geography and the names they used on the old site.  I have several of my favorite ladies missing
from any ads, and I suspect that they are running scared too.

Hope Things Get Better!


Skyfyre816 reads

I'm sorry to hear that! Lot of kudos to you for being honest. Seems like many providers put up a brave front pretending that it doesn't affect them but logic says otherwise. I'm fairly sure that for the short term most of us, guys and gals are going to see mostly our regulars. The former site was absolutely great for hooking up new pairing and it's shame that it's gone.

I also think it's a lot harder on the girls than on the guys. We guys just have to rely on our old contacts whereas the providers need BOTH regulars and new guys to keep it going. Again you have my sympathy.

It's just going to take time. It's fairly easy for the providers to put out as many ads on as many sites as possible. It's another thing for a typical hobbyist to find out about these sites and feel comfortable enough to go "shopping" there.

Good luck TP.

yes i read a article that some 10,000 ladies have been put out of work because the the other site going down i would post the link but i don't think it would be ok with TER  

do you have a web-site

Those 10,000 registered ladies is a deception.  Factor out all the retired ladies with old accounts, duplicate names, fake accounts used by the guys to gain Pink access, and so and so on.  After that the 10,000 shrinks to a much smaller number

Yes, def fear is invlolved.  And I think many people don't know where to go, providers and hobbyiest alike.  I changed my name and # on the new sites I posted on maybe others doing the same?  Hopefully soon one certain site will take presidence and be a safe legit site for all!  

I worked pretty hard to establish and maintain a great reputation on the site and areas I travelled to.  I maintained a plethera of regular great clientele but like you said providers def count on both old and new business so if some girls are acting like this hasn't hurt them....good lord share what you are doin please!

Anyhow, I suppose it will just take time.  Just is a bummer in the meanwhile.  I will keep my fingers crossed and head up! Thanks guys for your input!


I have sympathy for all the folks who are floundering to find somewhere to land.  Even in Arizona I, myself, have suffered some unfortunate circumstances and significant decline in business as a result of this incident. I was just visiting the Bay (for my third ever visit) and had a terribly slow tour that I had chalked up solely to the recent events, but since returning home I have discovered there is likely another cause in that my name resembles that of another unfavorable individual! I decided to also post here on the SF board because I really hope to visit the area more regularly out of a desire to have more time to spend with my family in NorCa without significant out of pocket expenses and I want to clear up any confusion. I am not an expert in regards to posting, rules, guidelines etc. on TER because I have always employed an exceptionally competent assistant, but I am happy to TRY to answer any questions and/or direct any of you towards someone I know that has more knowledge of this site if you are inclined to reach out for assistance.

Good luck and WELCOME! *I know some of you haven't felt very welcomed thus far. We are a nice bunch, albeit with highfalutin standards sometimes. ;)  

I just posted the following on the Phoenix provider board and (much to my surprise the thread was approved because I was sufficiently vague of any details! Smarter than your average bear!) Chime in if you have anything productive to ad.

Phoenix General Discussion Board Post:
Hey there everyone...  
I am so limited in what I can post without this thread being removed, but my business and reputation are suffering from an unfortunate similarity in namesake between myself and another who has become "persona non grata" in this community.  
I have had over 5 gents cancel (two were smart enough to do some research and reschedule whence their concerns were alleviated, resulting in an AWESOME day of new special connections IMO). Two ladies have refused to respond to my reference requests citing the same concern...and I COMPLETELY understand and appreciate their hesitance and I will hold no grudges to any of these individuals for utilizing BEST PRACTICES in regards to their safety and security. Safety first! I will never take offense to someone taking extra measures for their own and everyone else's safety in times like these.  
But this individual is not me...Age, Height, Weight, and Hair color all vary significantly enough to make us undoubtedly not the same individual.  
I even asked our resident "super secret squirrel" to please shoot a brief unobtrusive message out to the network of trusted individuals to help clear things up, as I wanted to post on TER ONLY as a last resort.  
Anyhow...I am here, my last resort. I guess all I am hoping for, is that before the rumor mills start churning out inaccurate information...please do your research.  
We are all just a bunch of squirrels! I value my friendships, interactions and reputation within this hobby community as much as most of you and I do my absolute best to avoid spreading inaccurate information that can affect a gent or lady's ability to get a nut!  
Warmest! (no's effin hot out there! *wink*)  
Madison MALON

Oh my.  Madison, I'm so sorry to hear this!  I hope people do some quick research and realize that you are not the same person and this all blows over for you.  

For the two weeks after, nothing seemed to change for me.  Now at week three, things are slowing down.  I too put all my eggs in one basket and never advertised anywhere else. I'm very grateful that I have some reviews on TER already so I don't have to start completely from scratch like a lot of others.

This is all just so sad.


Madison, I too feel very badly that there was a seemingly knee-jerk reaction to your name. This WILL blow over, it's just that it's still so fresh for so many. Please hang in there, and keep up what you are doing: it sounds like you are doing all the right things.  

Annalee, that's EXACTLY what happened to me. I have a dear provider friend who sagely advised me, just 6 months ago, not to put all my advertising eggs in the same basket, and because I failed to listen to her and diversify my advertising, I'm suffering for it. I know this was a great business lesson for me, and that, never again, will I avoid diversifying my efforts, nor grow lazy and complacent, as I did. I blame myself, but I learned a great lesson from this.  

Yup. I coasted along, and I'm now paying for it. But like all great lessons, I am grateful for the lesson (though it has stung a bit), and I learned: when the student is ready, the teacher will appear....and boy, did that teacher appear!

How are people going to find you if you have a new name and phone number?

I'm keeping my original name and # only for those I have seen and know. In talking to other providers and hobbiest they will recognize the pics and know what's up and that it is still me πŸ˜€

Posted By: TaylorPaige626
I'm keeping my original name and # only for those I have seen and know. In talking to other providers and hobbiest they will recognize the pics and know what's up and that it is still me πŸ˜€
i hope others do the same it will make it easier to find old friends

persistent764 reads

... and I've only seen my fave FBSM provider since the other site.  At some point I'll start seeing other girls again, but most likely either girls I've seen before, or the 2 or 3 I was already in email contact with and was lining up to be my next "new" (to me) girls. I'm hoping some site hits critical mass at some point.  I don't even care if it's different sites, but I'd like one main place for ads (with ads that have thumbnail pictures next to them and are easy to search for different attributes), one for discussion (very much hoping TER takes off, or something else arises) and one for reviews (again, hoping TER or something else takes off).    

Posted By: TaylorPaige626
Things have been super dooooper SLOW for me since shutdown of our local site.  I am on just about every site I know and it just is brutal.  A few girls I have talked to said the same thing.  I of course have my regular clientele but what is everyone doing?  Where are ya'll goin? ahhhhhhh HELP!  Providers and hobbiest...thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?

DianeTGND903 reads

SO this is where you all are :) I have to say the 2nd week was my most brutal. Scrambling to figure out where to advertise! -Note to not place all your eggs in 1 basket! - I find I'm about back to normal...but my normal is pretty low volume. My regulars are definitely awesome and been so helpful....LOVE THEM. My adverting budget just went up about 500% though. Throwing it everywhere to see where to see what sticks. Im on , Lovings, P411, EROS, myproviderguide, Slixa and...(sad to say...BP). And I created a website $200 for the year and super easy at escort design. But of course you need traffic to get people there.  
I'll have to pop in now and again, though Im struggling with the set up here.  

Have a great night all :)
XO Diane XO

A few suggestions I hope will help.

1)  While you can't attach your website link on your original post you CAN include a link to your website on any replies to someone else when they post.  I believe you are also allowed to do it in replies to posts others make to your OP.  So for example in this thread you couldn't put it on the first post, but your subsequent posts could.  If I like a lady's personality I will sometimes click the link and see what she has going on. This would require you to have a website as opposed to just an ad up someplace, but it might be worth the investment.  If you don't know how to put one up there are a few people around who specialize in escort sites who can do so anonymously.  Aveda for example I believe doesn't require your real name or info.

2) It's difficult to tell what your rate is (no reviews and it's not in the ad) which can slow some people down here, so I'd suggest either putting it in your ad, or encourage someone that has been a long time reviewer here to visit and review you so an interested party can tell what they might expect to pay.  I recognize that they could just ask, but some people won't instead just moving on to someone who puts it someplace easy to find.

3) Specials - some girls don't like this, but I have to admit that sometimes when there's a girl I've been debating about seeing, a temporary lowering in her rate will cause me to pull the trigger.  Also, on occasion there's been a girl I saw once that was either outside my usual price point, or I felt she was mispricing her market, who I'd love to see again if her price fell back into the range I was interested in.

4) TER members sometimes have Meet and Greets, I have no idea about SF but LA has one coming up on the 15th, Vegas has them semi regularly if you ever work or travel to those areas attending one might help your business out.

5) I see you availed yourself of the ability to place an ad here on the SF ad board, but while it has a link to your ad it doesn't have a picture.  Some of the girls that post their ads also post a picture in that ad, I think this helps quite a bit, the gentleman see quite a number of ads and I feel that those with pictures outdo those without.  

6) I'm not sure what screening you use, but if you want to encourage additional business and you feel comfortable with it you might consider joining P411 or any other verification site you feel ok with.  A number of men are very concerned with releasing personal info and verification sites allow them to limit it, in fact some will exclusively see women who accept such sites.  I personally like women who do as it makes screening much quicker so if I like two women equally I will go with the one who is a member.  I'm not pushing you to change your screening as you should always do what makes you feel safe, just making a suggestion for you to consider.

Sorry for length


Thanks for the suggestions, very much appreciated. I don't have. Website currently but I suppose I should have one done. I guess I never really needed one till now.

Hmmmmm I actually do have reviews on here? Are u not able to see them? If not I need to contact someone so they are properly linked. I also went to the site I linked to my add and my pics came up along with my donations and my specials :)

I will def look into the meet and greet, website build and how to attach a photo hereπŸ˜‰. This particular site never seemed that user friendly which why I wasn't here consistently but I guess it's just a matter of playing around on here.

Anyhow, thanks for a the great suggestions!

No, if they are linked it isn't working properly, underneath the little email icon to PM you, there should be a link saying see my reviews and that is definitely absent.  Once they do that you should also receive a limited VIP that would allow you to see the details on the reviews about you.

*edited to add link describing how to request and what you get

Always happy to help when I can!


-- Modified on 7/12/2014 1:08:10 PM

-- Modified on 7/12/2014 1:08:46 PM

Thanks babe! Ya still trying to familiarize myself with this site.

...I'm not sure if that's you but it also includes links to Oakland and Monterey ad sites so I'm thinking this might be you:

If so, once you're able to get Admin to link your TER profile to your handle, every time you post guys can quickly look at your profile and see if you're compatible with their wants.

Omg thank you! Yes that is me! First time I was reviewed was in atl, I haven't been able to figure out how to get my info local. Awesome, thank you!

Posted By: TaylorPaige626
Thanks for the suggestions, very much appreciated. I don't have. Website currently but I suppose I should have one done. I guess I never really needed one till now.  
 Anyhow, thanks for a the great suggestions!
The other site was mostly an advertising board with a lot of drama in other sections.

 TER is a review board pure and simple. To be successful, you do indeed need a webpage. To have one designed from scratch and domains , servers etc will cost over 500 to get started. There is work involved in that. Once it's done you direct every thing yourself.

An alternative is " Cuties Tools." This is not an endorsement but many providers are happy with that because they handle everything associated with running a web site starting with the design. They charge 100 a month but you can cancel at any time.

You can design a web page yourself and put it on a free server. This will get me yelled at but a free website never looks as professional as a real website.

Once your website is up you can market it anyplace from Eros to BP. A quality web site will set you apart from your competitors.  

If you set things up properly, it's not necessary to participate in boards, mixers etc

Thanks doll! Workin on a website as we speak!

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 TER is a review board pure and simple. To be successful, you do indeed need a webpage. To have one designed from scratch and domains , servers etc will cost over 500 to get started. There is work involved in that. Once it's done you direct every thing yourself.  
 An alternative is " Cuties Tools." This is not an endorsement but many providers are happy with that because they handle everything associated with running a web site starting with the design. They charge 100 a month but you can cancel at any time.  
 You can design a web page yourself and put it on a free server. This will get me yelled at but a free website never looks as professional as a real website.  
 Once your website is up you can market it anyplace from Eros to BP. A quality web site will set you apart from your competitors.  
 If you set things up properly, it's not necessary to participate in boards, mixers etc.  
I beg to differ! There are many web designers out there who charge astronomical rates to providers, and build them incredibly simple websites based on templates they use over and over again. And Cuties Tools, Wix etc. give you a basic template but also charge a premium! These are all unscrupulous businesses taking advantage of providers who think they have to use services that advertise specifically to them.  

I am by no means a programmer, and I was able to set up a beautiful Wordpress site, customized to my specifications and quite unique, in a few hours, for $99/year including hosting, domain registration and privatization, and premium services. That's 1/12th of the cost of cuties tools. I strongly encourage other providers to do the same! As long as you're not advertising illegal services, they have no reason to censor you. You can have a website just like any other small business.

I beg to differ! There are many web designers out there who charge astronomical rates to providers, and build them incredibly simple websites based on templates they use over and over again. And Cuties Tools, Wix etc. give you a basic template but also charge a premium! These are all unscrupulous businesses taking advantage of providers who think they have to use services that advertise specifically to them.  
 I am by no means a programmer, and I was able to set up a beautiful Wordpress site, customized to my specifications and quite unique, in a few hours, for $99/year including hosting, domain registration and privatization, and premium services. That's 1/12th of the cost of cuties tools. I strongly encourage other providers to do the same! As long as you're not advertising illegal services, they have no reason to censor you. You can have a website just like any other small business.

I only mentioned Cuties Tools because they only charge 100 to put one up quickly. Some providers use them for a month before putting up their own.  Since you get to keep the domain name, you can replace the web page with your own design. I NEVER endorsed them.

I've seen pages I liked from dicknjanedesigns. They charge 450 as a one time fee. magnific-media is another that is 400 one time fee. Hosting should be around 5 dollars a month once you have your own domain.  

I still think it's a good idea to get professional design. Maybe it's because I have no design skills. Regardless, It should not look amateurish .

-- Modified on 7/13/2014 7:02:39 AM

 I beg to differ! There are many web designers out there who charge astronomical rates to providers, and build them incredibly simple websites based on templates they use over and over again. And Cuties Tools, Wix etc. give you a basic template but also charge a premium! These are all unscrupulous businesses taking advantage of providers who think they have to use services that advertise specifically to them.  
 I am by no means a programmer, and I was able to set up a beautiful Wordpress site, customized to my specifications and quite unique, in a few hours, for $99/year including hosting, domain registration and privatization, and premium services. That's 1/12th of the cost of cuties tools. I strongly encourage other providers to do the same! As long as you're not advertising illegal services, they have no reason to censor you. You can have a website just like any other small business.


Your website is gorgeous!  My only concern for you is that you have some fairly explicit photos included with no age restriction language before you enter your site. You may want to consider adding that language or prohibit views of your more erotic photos.  

I have been hosted by escort site since 2010 and what like is that they are set up to help with our overall business. I don't mind paying for more bandwidth or using templates because it is much easier for me than trying to figure things out from scratch.

Posted By: sexyclassyfun
  I beg to differ! There are many web designers out there who charge astronomical rates to providers, and build them incredibly simple websites based on templates they use over and over again. And Cuties Tools, Wix etc. give you a basic template but also charge a premium! These are all unscrupulous businesses taking advantage of providers who think they have to use services that advertise specifically to them.    
  I am by no means a programmer, and I was able to set up a beautiful Wordpress site, customized to my specifications and quite unique, in a few hours, for $99/year including hosting, domain registration and privatization, and premium services. That's 1/12th of the cost of cuties tools. I strongly encourage other providers to do the same! As long as you're not advertising illegal services, they have no reason to censor you. You can have a website just like any other small business.
 Your website is gorgeous!  My only concern for you is that you have some fairly explicit photos included with no age restriction language before you enter your site. You may want to consider adding that language or prohibit views of your more erotic photos.  
 I have been hosted by escort site since 2010 and what like is that they are set up to help with our overall business. I don't mind paying for more bandwidth or using templates because it is much easier for me than trying to figure things out from scratch.  
The ONLY reason I mentioned "cuties tools" is because the OP seemed in a hurry and you can get a website up quickly for 100 and cancel it later and keep the domain name. I have no skills as a web designer. All the really nice ones I've seen cost around 500 for the design. Registering a domain and server costs are negligible.  

I'm sure that some of you ladies have the skills to do it yourself. Unfortunately, a poor web design reflects poorly on the product or service. I think a professional web design is a good investment. You are right about the fact that there are a lot of web design companies that rip off escorts.

We are all in the same boat.

Everyone is looking for just one soft spot to land but I don't think this is the place. The biggest complaint I get from the guys is that they can't search ads with pics and Admin is rejecting reviews because both the reviewer and provider are either new or recently active. Additionally having every single post moderated feels prohibitive, whether it is or not. Given the flaming and ugliness I have seen here so far, (as well as having a cogent post of mine deleted without reason or notice given), it appears that there is a strict political agenda with the moderators.  

When the site first shut down, this was the place I naturally turned to because it was established and has the boards and reviews. For me, the ONLY review I had but even so, it was back in 2010 so not recent enough for me to be considered established. Almost all of my activity on my website came from here and I was hopeful that this would become my new home. In three weeks, not one inquiry from here while other sites have quickly become more homey feeling and welcoming.  

With all of the complaints and concerns about this place, especially for the guys who can't see reviews or PM without VIP, I don't see this being the replacement. The other big issue is that Admin took the advice of people who don't live in CA re locations and the lack of area specific forums means that when people do drop in from Sacramento and Nor Cal, they won't know to go to the CV forum.  

Old dog, meet new trick!

I can't comment on some of what you said as I wasn't a member of the other site.  one or two things I can help with though.

New guys can't review new girls, that just makes sense, fraud would run rampant otherwise.  That said, I hear your frustration.  Unfortunately it'll take a bit of time for transplants to become established.  If you continue to advertise here hopefully you'll garner a few reviews.  While you shouldn't pressure for a particular score if you have a great time you might let the gentleman know you'd love to be reviewed.  Some women even put that in their ad, sometimes offering a special while they are gathering reviews.  Not saying you should do so, just letting you know what has worked for others.  

I hate being moderated as well, you can have this removed.  There are instructions under the self help area that describe how.  Basically they want to filter out idiots and spam, so it's not terribly hard to qualify.  Once done you won't be moderated again unless you violate the rules.

*I just realized the unmoderated doesn't appear in the rules that I can see, the way you do it is to click my ter then click my feedback, use the form there to ask to be unmoderated.


-- Modified on 7/12/2014 10:23:21 AM

I appreciate your points and don't disagree with the policy. My point wasn't that there is anything wrong with the site but rather why I don't think it's a good fit for the substantial membership of the defunct site. Obviously this site works very well for their established membership, and there are certainly helpful users and I find Admin to be responsive. I'm not here to tell anyone how to run their business. I'm simply stating my point of view as to why this particular model may not attract the numbers you may have expected.

MaliaMason483 reads

Well, it's honestly nice to hear that other girls are experiencing the same thing as me. I have had 5 apts with new customers and 4 out of the 5 cancelled. The only thing that has kept me afloat is regulars. I know things will eventually pick up and I understand that men are overly cautious right now (which they have every right to be). Hang in there, things will get better! If you need someone to talk to, feel free to hit me up!

...the providers can place pictures in their ads here. Take a look at the other ad boards. Many ladies have photos in their ads. Some reply to their ad with more photos. There are instructions in the Self-Help Center on how to place pictures in ads and on the Photo only board.  

You have to put your photos on a site like Then your photo will have a url. Copy and paste the url into the photo url field when posting your ad and your photo will show with the ad.

I recommend everyone go to the Newbie board and read back several pages. Ask questions. Read the Self-Help Center. It's a lot to read but your business is worth it.

Wishing you all success here.

I already mentioned this in a thread, but I am doing really well since RB went down. I hope I don't sound like I am rubbing it in. In fact I want to encourage all you ladies that there IS life after RB... Just start advertising on other sites, even Pack Bage!

Skyfyre432 reads

So far BP seems to be the best and closest to the defunct site -though it still trails by eons in term of sophistication and helpfulness.

thank god for BP I wont knock it

I was moving and I did not have a huge chunk of $$$ to fork over for the paid ads, etc this all like in the amount of prob around $600 a month and I just didnt have it to pay forward yet...  
but I am on BP and have been and I have no shame, I get some rejects I spot em fast and no appt for you  
but BP has been TRULY keeping me busy thank god  
I dont know I only post under body rubs though...  
I have been able to stay very busy just off there mainly till I can get the $$ together from after I move to pay the others

Yes, BP is good for getting clients, but no fun for verifying  their BP references, unless they ladies have adds elsewhere as well.

then have to screen with many different alternative ways

Posted By: HairyAfricanmilk
Yes, BP is good for getting clients, but no fun for verifying  their BP references, unless they ladies have adds elsewhere as well.

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