San Francisco

posting info
MaliaMason 864 reads

Ladies, I wil look at your websites for your email and get you a list of sites. :-)

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.  
 Thanks so much!!  
 Zoey Zacquery xoxo

Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.

Thanks so much!!

Zoey Zacquery xoxo

I see a lot of ladies on back page, but I am concerned about anonymity there.  Not sure if a reloadable card will work to pay for ads and which ones?  Do you just use a fake address with those?  Does anyone know of any places that will take a reloadable?  This is on your topic.  I'm waiting for other responses too.  Thanks for posting this

Sending you a PM with more detail.  :)

Posted By: subcharlotte
I see a lot of ladies on back page, but I am concerned about anonymity there.  Not sure if a reloadable card will work to pay for ads and which ones?  Do you just use a fake address with those?  Does anyone know of any places that will take a reloadable?  This is on your topic.  I'm waiting for other responses too.  Thanks for posting this

I'm sorry.  I'm not a VIP member.  Do you think you could send me it to the email address on my sites contact page?  I'm afraid to post my email in the message body here because I'm not sure if its against the rules.  Link below.  If you don't have the time, I understand.  Thanks so much.

only access.  I've been requesting access for over 4 years.

As far as where to go?   That's the million dollar question.  Other than bp, which offers the ability to post a daily ad, I'm not sure....

$tay $afe,

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.  
 Thanks so much!!  
 Zoey Zacquery xoxo

Ive been asking on providers boards about this same thing, also ive been asking my friends where they find me. Eros is ok.... some people say they love slixa but that was crickets for me so I took my ad down from there (slixa) but im still on eros. There is place called "" it looks sort of cheap but I got two very polite gentlemen friends from there.  

Good luck to all of you :) (and me lol)

Xo Alexa Vargas

Posted By: Jazz Jewel
only access.  I've been requesting access for over 4 years.  
 As far as where to go?   That's the million dollar question.  Other than bp, which offers the ability to post a daily ad, I'm not sure....  
 $tay $afe,  
Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.  
  Thanks so much!!  
  Zoey Zacquery xoxo

  Email me, for my recommendations. . We have so many choices.
 We have many great sites, but only certain ones could be considered quality, safer, & well established.

Skyfyre927 reads

Beside BP which is the obvious #1 there are a couple other smaller and newer sites I windowshop on. I would love to tell you ladies but unfortunately the censor machine in here would not allow it. :-(

My suggestion is to ask your clients or male friends or just spend time Googling and doing research on your own. They're out there.

Preferred 411 offers a nice screening service for the ladies, and makes booking for the gents easy as well.  The ladies post their profile, and the gents can even post their own profile, so the ladies can get a feel for what a guy likes.  They do offer the abillity to post daily ads, for a fee.  I find the person who runs the site doesn't take BS from either the ladies or gents.  I have heard via the grapevine of several ladies and gents who got kicked off, due to causing issues.

Some of the ladies I've talked with have an issue, as they want a ID for the ladies, to make sure they're not underage, and make sure the pictures generally match the pic on the ID.  I like that, but it scares some people off.

The gents can be OK'd by the ladies, so screening becomes easy for both parties.

Anyway, that's my GOTO location these days.

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.  
 Thanks so much!!  
 Zoey Zacquery xoxo

Yea, an ID isnt going to happen.  I think it's pretty ridiculous.  Then again, I think references are, too.  I think they give too much of a false sense of security.

what do you do when a gent wants to see you?   Any type of screening or are you more of a come as you are and I'll get a feel for you?

I've screened via references for 14 years.  I do not feel as though I get a false sense of security there.  I also see newbie clients who are willing to provide me with a small amount of information about themselves, but never ever will I see someone with out any type of reference / screening process...

Please let me know I am curiouser and curiouser as no references seems to be a very common thing in California.

$afety first for myself kind of girl,  


Posted By: subcharlotte
Yea, an ID isnt going to happen.  I think it's pretty ridiculous.  Then again, I think references are, too.  I think they give too much of a false sense of security.

That's right.  I go by what I feel.  They were doing reference checks in 2000?  Where was this?  As I recall, that would've been unheard of at that time. It doesn't matter, I guess. I don't see so many people that I can't get to know them myself anyway.  Once it becomes something I'm not having fun with, I'm out.

Posted By: Jazz Jewel
what do you do when a gent wants to see you?   Any type of screening or are you more of a come as you are and I'll get a feel for you?  
 I've screened via references for 14 years.  I do not feel as though I get a false sense of security there.  I also see newbie clients who are willing to provide me with a small amount of information about themselves, but never ever will I see someone with out any type of reference / screening process...  
 Please let me know I am curiouser and curiouser as no references seems to be a very common thing in California.  
 $afety first for myself kind of girl,  
Posted By: subcharlotte
Yea, an ID isnt going to happen.  I think it's pretty ridiculous.  Then again, I think references are, too.  I think they give too much of a false sense of security.
-- Modified on 9/13/2014 10:40:02 AM

No actually reference checks were being used in 2001.  

It was a bit more "loose" then, but yes they were.... at least in the areas I was working in then.  

Good for you luv :)  we all do things differently, I am glad to see that your way works for you...

Then again, when I was a practicing Dominatrix, I did not use references either as there was no fs involved.  


-- Modified on 9/13/2014 3:31:49 PM

I am a fs submissive.  It can be dangerous, but I like it.  I agree it takes all kinds.
BTW...I see I'm being inboxed possibly by other ladies regarding this subject...please use my email.  I do not have access to to my inbox here

shutin545 reads

speaking as a guy, tbp scares the hell out of me. maybe i could grab a number and scan it but they all seem fake.not sure i could ever go through with one of those. i like to play it safe.  

what i really want (to design!) is a site that puts the men on display. you post an ad with what you want and women reply to you privately. nothing is "in the record" and the women have a must greater shield, which is how it SHOULD be! i want you to read my ad detailing my fantasies and say "i can totally do that!"

MaliaMason865 reads

Ladies, I wil look at your websites for your email and get you a list of sites. :-)

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.  
 Thanks so much!!  
 Zoey Zacquery xoxo

try to advertise on TER Ad Board.

Absolutely.  This is the only place I'm putting ads at least for now.

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
try to advertise on TER Ad Board.

catlover665 reads

Did you use to go by Sherilyn?

are the only other two handles I have gone by and that was quite a while ago.  I cant wait to start sessioning again.  I'm so ready.

catlover985 reads

Just curious, how did you pick Charlotte Sometimes as your new handle?

There was a famous provider from that other site that started out as Charlotte Sometimes then changed her handle to Sherilyn because too many people confused her with a different Charlotte.

subcharlotte1071 reads

Its a popular song by the cure.  I have no idea who sherylin is, and nobody is going to mistake me for anyone else I don't think.  You can always still call me suzzi if you want....or meat hole or whatever floats your boat

Posted By: catlover
 Just curious, how did you pick Charlotte Sometimes as your new handle?  
 There was a famous provider from that other site that started out as Charlotte Sometimes then changed her handle to Sherilyn because too many people confused her with a different Charlotte.
-- Modified on 9/19/2014 8:51:30 AM

-- Modified on 9/19/2014 8:58:33 AM

-- Modified on 9/19/2014 8:59:39 AM

Harpman60891 reads

Their links are  acceptable to TER .


Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Hi ladies and gents.  I'm wondering what ad venues are most commonly used in SF currently?  Do I need to use Eros, or can I avoid it?  I would ask on the ladies only board, but I suspect that a lot of SF providers here are newer to TER and might not have access, so I thought I'd post here for the most current information.  
 Thanks so much!!  
 Zoey Zacquery xoxo
-- Modified on 9/16/2014 9:29:14 PM

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 9:31:10 PM

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