San Francisco

Mid life crisis? something to do with it, I guess.....
GoogleWasMyIdea 909 reads
1 / 12

Of course, the numbers don't say it all - individual chemistry is everything. But still, before you meet the numbers is a big part of what you have to go on.

I'd take the 8/10 any day.  

I find the difference between an 8 and a 10 in appearance is not that huge - an 8 is at least well turned out, OK looking, and clean. And I do tend to see people of a body type I like, but that's very available at the 8 level. Which means, for me looks melt into the background very fast.  

On the other hand, a 10 on performance is another world from an 8 or even a 9, it's a special world-rocking class. In fact, not only would I take 8/10 over 10/8, I'd probably take 8/10 over 9/9. To me, a 10 performance is just that big a deal. I'd also say that wile I've seen a handful of 10s for looks, of the dates whose memories I really treasure only one was with a looks 10, and that was mostly a bonus - I remember her for her performance.

Would love to know other people's thoughts and their experiences!

TectorGorch 17 Reviews 254 reads
2 / 12
jason89q 23 Reviews 249 reads
3 / 12
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 296 reads
4 / 12

most guys over 50.  Service always trumps looks.  Besides, when you're fifty, most 30-year-olds look pretty good anyway.  If I was the same age as the girls I'm doing, I might rely a little more on looks, as seems to be the priority among many of the younger guys.

mufflover2014 58 Reviews 258 reads
5 / 12

But finding a 10-10 is mind blowing

oargerela 110 Reviews 281 reads
6 / 12

My take on this.  Appearance vs Service which is more important. Maybe this is off topic but or reckless. I've been finding a good source of young new talents of providers lately from the other site that most even considered it a dicey places, and been successful so far. and with regards to 10/8 or 8/10 in the past a high service ratings is a given and always expected. NOW realized, in choosing, my preference has changed at my old age, my challenges has changed, I've been playing it safe all the time, using the reputable sites, but it had become routine, stale and boring knowing exactly what you want and what you're expecting, like been there, done that kind of thing. The sense of adventure is not quite exciting anymore, like pushing the envelope to the edge, taking a calculated risk, facing a new places of uncharted territory that has a potential of disaster or success, had become more appealing to me and convince myself which is a hobby is all about, "adventures". It sounds awful but looks like a classic midlife crisis, No longer looking for self satisfactions and shifting my gears into denial mode and looking for a collections of fresh young beauties, excites me more, reason that maybe at my old age my body can no longer perform as I was once or maybe I'm just a visual guy, beauty is more important to me, being with the most gorgeous dream lady around is a trophy. The things I usually do on my younger days.  



Posted By: GoogleWasMyIdea
Of course, the numbers don't say it all - individual chemistry is everything. But still, before you meet the numbers is a big part of what you have to go on.  
 I'd take the 8/10 any day.  
 I find the difference between an 8 and a 10 in appearance is not that huge - an 8 is at least well turned out, OK looking, and clean. And I do tend to see people of a body type I like, but that's very available at the 8 level. Which means, for me looks melt into the background very fast.  
 On the other hand, a 10 on performance is another world from an 8 or even a 9, it's a special world-rocking class. In fact, not only would I take 8/10 over 10/8, I'd probably take 8/10 over 9/9. To me, a 10 performance is just that big a deal. I'd also say that wile I've seen a handful of 10s for looks, of the dates whose memories I really treasure only one was with a looks 10, and that was mostly a bonus - I remember her for her performance.  
 Would love to know other people's thoughts and their experiences!

mojojo 1 Reviews 246 reads
7 / 12

Hell, I'd rather see a 7-10, a 6-10, or a 5-10 than a 10-8. In this little secret world, outstanding service is the key. There's an interesting fact about service. With great service a woman's beauty increases. I've seen many a 5, 6, 7, or 8 become absolutely gorgeous after knocking my socks off. I've also experienced the reverse.

2horses2many 271 reads
8 / 12

I just love being with the most beautiful ladies, hahaha...

wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 302 reads
9 / 12
oargerela 110 Reviews 298 reads
10 / 12

Looks always outrank services IMO. APPEARANCE is a must. My own personal preference, always shop for the top of the line in overall LOOKS and starts from there. I avoid anything LESS than 9, I can live with 8 with hesitations. My RULE, If it's not HOT, don't waste time, won't turn me on...NOT really looking for performance. I'm a visual animal looking for the most beautiful mate....

Baytenswitch 44 Reviews 282 reads
11 / 12

Because I'd be so enthralled that she was a 10, that I almost wouldn't care if she wasn't a PSE.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 254 reads
12 / 12

any combination of numbers.

i figure since these numbers are all given subjectively (one guy's 10 might be my 8) i'll just research anybody who ranks high enough to get the high numbers.

and even then, i have had some disappointing sessions from women rated highly.  ymmv.

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