San Francisco

any add that says "come, come, come and see us" would set off my BS radar EOM
lostronin 730 reads


Gentlemen, keep your eyes on the reviews and watch out for rip-offs. There are too many wonderful providers who deserve our attention and little green pieces of paper. And it's too expensive for us to have to learn 300 to 400 lessons, like this gentleman, who visited a new, unreviewed provider.

When you do come across the rip-off, or bait & switch, don't be afraid to walk away and please post a rip-off warning for us on the SF Board.

reviewuser2, Thanks for taking one for the team! You saved me some time and money.

Boy! I sure do hate getting ripped-off ...

I have learnt my lesson to stay away from these European chick who frequently advertise on Lovings, Cityvibe, and Eros.

Saw Mira's (aka Hilga) ad on Eros, and was simply taken in by her beauty.  Went to meet her with great expectations.  I would have been better off staying at home   Needless to say, got a lesson in "bait & switch".

[PS:  I have included a link to my review.]

-- Modified on 7/11/2002 2:10:32 PM

I hadn't seen that one yet! Wow, with so many great pictures posted on this and other ads, I would have thought she was for real.

Blue, you did take one for the team. That's another one I probably would've gone for. Do you think "her friend" really exists? I've had other European bait & switch artists tell me the same kind of story "the girl in the picture gets here next week." Yeah, right, I seriously doubt there is a girl from the picture.

"The doors open, come on in:" now that's a new trick I haven't heard before. She got you in the door so you're already semi-committed.

Thanks for the warning.


Mira sure does have some incredible pictures ... When the bait & switch took place, I took it in stride.  

Ms. bait & switch saw the disappointed written all over my face.  Initially, she insited that the pictures where hers.  I pointed out subtle which point she conceded that the pictures were of her friend.  

She assured me that her friend was real, and that she was delayed in NY enroute to SF.  She would be town in the next day or two -- a possible story.  She would contact me for us to have drinks, dinner & dessert -- I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Well! No such luck.  She did not call, or follow through as she had promised.   She flew done to LA to lay low. Seeing right through her scam, I decided to make the post.  That way others don't fall victim to her devilish scams.

Ms. bait & switch resides in Los Angeles.  She comes up to the SF bay area on holiday weekends.  She posted her ad on Eros sometime around July 2nd.  It's the same ad she had placed in May!  

I hope my review helps others from falling prey.

- blue thrills

-- Modified on 7/11/2002 6:11:50 PM

lostronin969 reads

I, too, would have gone for those photos. The pics are hot. However, usually with a cancelation fee, a driver is there to intimidate the poor guy. (I"m 6'3" and have a good deal of muscle so the two times this has happened to me the "driver" didn't want the fight; since I found TER never a problem), but if this was not the case why give her a dime? You strike me as great guy bluethrills,and I know you like to be out in front. Thank you so much for that, but this is almost too nice. Sorry you got took, and I'm not mocking here at all. But please just walk away next time, the $$ (I know you hate that riker) just encourages this behavior. IMHO LR

Which one of these emoticons is supposed to be anger? I picked the one with the ampersand.

Yes, I don't want these Rip-Off Bitches getting a dime out of us. I'd like to see them all put out of business by the fervent, faithful interaction of us gentlemen in places like TER. Bluethrills IS a nice guy, and we're not going to fault him for that. Also, this girl was particularly clever, it seems, in getting him into her Web of deceit.

TER is our best and only recourse for protecting ourselves and thwarting the plans of these unscrupulous.

I always walk away, no matter what, but then, I have a couple of degrees in Tae Kwon Do and Kempo. And as Robert DiNero says in the film, Ronin, "I never walk into a place I don't know how to walk out of."

I'm going to make a date with this duo, and check on their credentials: take a peek under the hood, as it were. I'll let everyone know what I discover - (though, as a moderator, I can't write reviews anymore.)

GirlCrazy914 reads

Bluethrills, I have seen a provider in LA that used the Mira photos several months ago.  Her name is Inga/Sarma/Lika/Elke.  According previous reviews, that provider also used the name Mira in LA.  She also went by the name Uta.  Check the following link.

The lady I saw is the person on the web as Elke with very light make-up.  She has a very similar look as that of Mira in SF that I can imagine those are pictures of her when she is much younger.

Obviously, the person you met is neither Inga or Elke.

Sorry, you have to take one for the team.

After analyzing the webmalls, I have drawn the following conclusions:

1/  Most ads of providers from Europe are fake.  The person advertising is NOT the person in the ad.

2/  Majority of these advertisers have phone numbers starting with 408 area code, and operate out of the San Jose area.  A handful have 415 numbers and have conference rooms in San Francisco.

3/  When their scam is exposed, they change the number.  However, the ad remains untouched, especially the pictures.

tastihotti4u1015 reads

thats why we love this board! it nullifies us good providers and lets hobbyists know who to see and not, and I for one love boards like these. I know if I were her, I would hate boards like these


Oops ... it just dawned on me that there is another SF based rip-off that you should stay clear off.  Her name is Claudia.  She advertises on numerous boards.  

This feeling/sentiment has been echoed by numerous TER members.

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