San Diego

We are not tired of TJ info!
OCSIR 219 Reviews 10002 reads

Remember, Pat, these boards are all about information. There is enough interest in TJ for it to be a legitimate topic on the San Diego board. I know that I check out the SD boards soley for the TJ info. I would suggest that you not click on TJ postings if you are not interested.

I assume the threat of something over this holiday is still real although I haven't heard too much lately.

scott1618013802 reads

Not me.  If you are afraid of this kind of thing, probably being in TJ is safer than being in the US.  I would worry more about going to TJ during the World Cup than during the 4th :)

Tha Navy has issued a TJ threat warning for possible threat to american citizens.

Frosty sendzzz


rb112451 reads

Not worried about the threat,,,can't let them stop you from doing what you want to. If you do,,then they win.  Less likely to go only because of the long line to get back into the US.


There are some great boards for discussion of activities in TJ. This one isn't.

I think this board has a different flavor due to the presence of providers and different points of view and experience with San Diego providers.

The only reason I can think of for posting how great a deal you got in TJ is if you need some sort of validation on what a great bargain hunter you are. I don't think any of us don't actually know that there's another country nearby.

If you want those pats on the back please go to the appropriate site and leave this board for its intended purpose.


Ben Dover12046 reads

I thought this board was for sharing info on where and who the best providers are.  In the case of TJ services and bars, I see it as NO DIFFERENT than getting info on Orange County, East County or anywhere else for that matter.

The TJ comments as I see it are meant to inform us of our options.  I have yet to see anything targeted as derogatory to the local providers.  Sure, if prices were cheaper stateside, and LE wasn' such a threat, there would be less cause to venture over to TJ.  

I for one don't mind paying a bit more for a fine SD lady to entertain me.  But I won't let myself feel extorted by the vast majority of providers charging L.A. or Las Vegas prices of $300 or $400 per hour as seems to be the trend these past six months.  What happened to all the decent ladies who were willing to develop long-term clientele?  At these prices sure most of us have to resort to "bargain hunting"!

GirlPointOfView12922 reads

This may have been brought up in the past and shot down, but is there any reason why we can't have a board just for TJ?  

I think it would be great and there would obviously be a great amount of support by TER members for it.  I understand that not too many girls in TJ have websites so haveing their own review section may not be such a good idea, but a message board for TJ may just solve everything that people fight about here.  And TER would certainly be a more "friendlier" and unbiased place to go for information than the websites mentioned in earlier threads.

Staff, what about it?  More space for advertising.... C'mon!

Oh and Ben sweetie, there have been many guys that do make derogatory comments towards SD providers (in general) in favor of the TJ providers.  It's uncalled for since none of the providers here try to slam the girls in TJ.  What are those guys so defensive about?

As I have maintained in the past, there is enough to go around.  It's no different then guys seeing us girls all over the U.S. and the world.  I certainly wouldn't turn down a guy visiting from New York out of respect for the girls up there!

TJ is a very interesting place to go.  Although sometimes scary, I'm thinking about going down there myself to try a provider (or two) and see what all the hubbub is about.  Think any of them would want to see me?  Maybe we can talk about it on the TJ board in the future......

To keep from bothering staff, I mentioned this issue.

A TJ board is under consideration.

PLEASE do not send emails to staff, nor post requests on the boards asking for a TJ board. Believe me, the interest in TJ has been noted.

Right now it's more of a question of workload maintaining TER and the impact additional boards create.

However, yes staff is aware that there would be interest.

Now there is a board that I would volunteer to help moderate!!!!

Remember, Pat, these boards are all about information. There is enough interest in TJ for it to be a legitimate topic on the San Diego board. I know that I check out the SD boards soley for the TJ info. I would suggest that you not click on TJ postings if you are not interested.

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