San Diego

Very Well Said. EOM
incallman2 32 Reviews 236 reads


Ok, here is a question for all you guys and gals. When it comes to the rates you gals charge for your "Time" hehe! I totally understand you get what you pay for. AND, I am not one to complain about anyone getting what she needs to make a living, or for that matter, what she can. There is a big difference between the service provided for $100 vs. $300. I have been with providers that have provided a better service for $200 than some that charge $3-400. I have paid more than $300 only once and the service was no better than most at a lower rate.  

So, the question is, what is it the ladies that charge $400, $600 and more do that the ladies who charge less don't? I mean, seriously, I have been with some drop dead gorgeous women who were willing to do anything I wanted for $2-300. What more is there for the higher price? A better hotel? A nicer smile? I don't think so. So, what's the deal?

By the way, I'm not putting down any of you ladies that charge more. Like I said earlier, I won't complain about anyone getting what they can. Hey, $1,000 an hour? More power to you. But, what do you do better than the others?

Fact is I get more to caca on gents, than you are willing to pay for sex. $1-300 is bottom of the barrel.  Can you take those providers anywhere?  I highly doubt they can hold their own in any atmosphere, or a conversation.  The providers you have chosen fit your bill & needs.  Your obviously, only interested in fucking.  The providers you pick love to fuck too, so much they do it for the low.  Believe it, or not their are respectful gents who refuse to see ladies under $300.  Many men are not here for vanilla sex & I am glad to be fishing for chemistry!

No way am I, like anyone you have ever met before.

The providers whom I have met why I charge more.  When you see what is out there you know why you choose to stay at the level your most comfortable with.  Bottom line is always, "I have the pussy, so I make the rules!"

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 12:50:19 AM

Each provider sets her price on what the market will bear.  For example, how can Luis Vuitton sell a $3000 handbag or Rolex sell a $25,000 watch?  High end ladies, IMHO, should be Model Material or better. Many hobbyist here are too generous with their rating (again IMHO).  Second, there needs to be a connection so that the experience is memorable.  I mean someone that can carry a pleasant conversation and have fun.  I met a young lady once who was SO engaging and charming that I forgot she was sitting next to me completely nude (LOL).  I was so caught up in our conversation, that Mr. Woody went to sleep.  This is really hard since everyone is different.  

M. Patricia seems to be having a bad day.  Why get snarky with the guy? He only asked a question.  You say he has never met anyone like you.  Well, please add ME to that class as well!!!  You come off like a snobbish bore.  Or maybe you're having a bad day, in which case I hope things get better....

Peace brothers and sisters!!!

Thanks, Tommygun. I think you and Happycamper hit the nail on the head. Yes, I was just asking the question and I think Madame Patricia was having a bad day. Hell, I think she insulted most of us hobbyists and probably most of the providers, too with her attitude.

I went to a providers house a few nights ago for $300. She is beautiful, engaging, asked me ahead of time if I had any requests for attire, was generous with her time, enthusiastic, made sure I was happy and really seemed to enjoy her time with me. I also made a connection with this lady. What more could I want in a one hour encounter?

Now, If I wanted a lady to escort me to a party or some other function, I can see where a guy might want someone a little more sophisticated. But, having said that, I know several ladies on this site at 300 or less that would make excellent escort dates and do based on their reviews.

One last point - A very wise man once told me long ago "Every Lady is a woman but, not every woman is a Lady." Almost every provider I have had the pleasure to spend time with has been a lady. I do hope Madame Patricia is just having a bad day, other wise I am afraid she just falls into the category of a woman and at this stage of life will likely never be a lady.

Thanks for the input. I don't think the answer to my question is as much a service issue as it is about what the market will bear.

Sorry, but I also have the freedom to pick & choose, so I would not play with you.  Many providers who are $400-$600 an hour are rachet.  They provide on the period & act, like they did not know Aunt Flow was coming that is pathetic.  Guys do not do TER justice by writing honest reviews.  10/10 some of these, so called ladies I would not fuck with your dick.  1 provider was on a tv show & the professional male escort could not rise to the occassion to do her.

Lady is a word that used loosely around here.  When I post my opinion it weeds out the guys who I would never see.  I get business from posting on this forum because a few eccentric gents love & appreciate my candor.  I am here for shits & giggles.  

No bad days here boys.  Thanks for the laugh.  I scroll this board for pure entertainment.  If your searching for a deal, so are the majority & let's think at how much traffic these providers get daily...what # are you?  Special-no I think not, but they do post specials all the time.  Funny how providers listen to clients who have never sold pussy on how to market theirs...

Make it great day!  I am loving every MOMent!  lol Smile 4 me

I'm glad you can "caca on gents" for tons of money and still have a high opinion of yourself...really.  But I don't get how you think you're better than the rest of us

I've seen a number of ladies on both ends of the scale.  What I've come to recognize is that there are a number of differences between the two.  

First, has been their availability.  Those on the lower end tend to come and go.  Second has been their willingness to accommodate special attire requests; those outfits are not inexpensive.  Third has been the location.  Some have private residences, which helps create a more inviting atmosphere

I used to pay a lot of money for girls.  Then I discovered Tijuana.  $300 can get you an entire weekend with the most gorgeous women you've ever seen.  It's nice living 25 minutes from a sexual paradise.  

Posted By: incallman2
Ok, here is a question for all you guys and gals. When it comes to the rates you gals charge for your "Time" hehe! I totally understand you get what you pay for. AND, I am not one to complain about anyone getting what she needs to make a living, or for that matter, what she can. There is a big difference between the service provided for $100 vs. $300. I have been with providers that have provided a better service for $200 than some that charge $3-400. I have paid more than $300 only once and the service was no better than most at a lower rate.  
 So, the question is, what is it the ladies that charge $400, $600 and more do that the ladies who charge less don't? I mean, seriously, I have been with some drop dead gorgeous women who were willing to do anything I wanted for $2-300. What more is there for the higher price? A better hotel? A nicer smile? I don't think so. So, what's the deal?  
 By the way, I'm not putting down any of you ladies that charge more. Like I said earlier, I won't complain about anyone getting what they can. Hey, $1,000 an hour? More power to you. But, what do you do better than the others?

If I take a look at the ladies around me on the top 100 list for San Diego I'm one of the cheapest ones there.  

I'm embarrassed to say how low my rate was when I started.  My self-esteem was so low! The cheapest person I saw on craigist (at the time) was 150 per hour so my starting rate was 140 per hour!  I gradually increased my rate over the next year or two and each time I did I made more money. It never hurt me.  It always increased the amount of money I made.  

I could justify increasing my rates to 350 or $400 or I could even increase my rates to 500.  I tried increasing my rates to 350 per hour and even though it was totally reasonable for me to do so, I wasn't as busy as I wanted to be.  The total amount of money that I made in a month went down when I increased my rate to 350 per hour and that was the first time and increase in my rates ever decreased my income.

I've had friends of mine try increasing the rates and after a few days they get scared and lower them back down even though increasing them was totally justified in their cases also.  I didn't want to make the same mistake, so I left my rate at 350/H for 3 or 4 months and determined that for me, 300/H in San Diego was where I could make the most money.

When I travel to Chicago, and apparently New York is the same although I've only been there one time, i'm so busy that I need to increase my rates because it only makes sense.  Increasing my rates increases my income when I'm there.

Anyways, that's how I determined that my rate would be 300 per hour even though I could probably ask for more. I like being able to make the maximum amount of money and if I see more clients to be able to do that that's perfectly fine with me!  I love what I do

Hello Freya,  
What you so eloquently described is what we economist refer to as maximizing economic profit. Your revenue is always maximized when you set the first derivative of your revenue curve to intersect the first derivative your cost curve.

In other words marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.  

You remind me of people like Henry Ford. He did not have an economic background but he had a natural understanding of business.

Congrats Freya.

...when I set the first derivative of my revenue curve to intersect the first derivative my cost curve, in other words marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.  Right. That's what I meant.

Thank you for your input to this thread.  The business aspect of this industry fascinates me.  I find it very interesting learning how the ladies operate and run their businesses.  Some girls appear to blindly throw darts at the wall, while others, like yourself, seem to pay attention to data and trends.

Freya provides us with the best service imagineable while operating as a business at the same time. To top it off, she obviously enjoys herself and has a lot of fun. Some are in it only for the money and, unfortunately, some to pay for a habit. As a business woman, Freya is a true LADY! Those who read my post above will know what I mean. 😀

We used a whole bunch of unnecessary words to do it, but basically, I WANT to be busy and she DOESN'T want to be busy.

Am I right?

This post is in regards to your posts below. I didn't want it to get lost in the string of the other responses.  
You are a sad case. You disrespect your potential customers and other providers alike with what you post here. And what makes you think I have never met anyone like you? Truth is, I have met way too many people like you and that makes me appreciate others that much more. Are you even aware of how you are shooting yourself in the foot with your posts? You come across as an egotistical bitch that doesn't care about her clients.  
By the way, please excuse my tone. I am not trying to be mean or disrespectful to you. I'm just stating fact as evidenced by you posts. I think you should step back a moment and think. Ask yourself if maybe you are having a bad day ... or week? What could you possibly hope to gain by what you write? Seriously, if I had any thought of seeing you, what you wrote would have changed my mind in an instant.  
You say you are here for the chemistry. You said those that charge less than you can't provide what you do. Yayyyyy! I'm glad. Because the chemistry I've developed with other, more respectful, providers here has been wonderful. And chemistry is also why I'm here. I'm not here only for the "Fuck" as you so disrespectfully put it. I am here to get some of what is missing in my personal life. I'm not happy I have to pay for it. But to pay someone like you who obviously doesn't care .... well, that just adds insult to the original injury.  
I wish you the best, Patricia. I hope you can adjust your attitude and be happier with what you do. If you say you are happy and content with yourself as things are right now, you're lying to yourself.  
One last point - If you look at all the positive reviews I've written, especially the last two, let me just say, those LADIES are EVERYTHING you can only hope to imitate. That is, unless you can improve your attitude.  
To all you ladies out there - Thank you. I, and probably most all the guys, appreciate the services you provide. To all you guys - Keep the reviews as real as you can based on your experiences. They help us all with choices and also go a long way toward keeping us out of trouble

Providers charge what they feel comfortable charging. Some go with more volume and some are content with lesser volume. If they don't get clients to return then they will eventually end up with declining income and will have to adjust their rates. If that doesn't happen then they are providing a service commensurate with what they are charging.

I have seen providers who provide more than what they charge as well as those where you are not getting your money's worth. Reviews help you to decide though sometimes the reviews are inflated. You have to do your research.

With that said, if a provider is charging $200 or less I would be wary because that is very low considering the market. They likely are doing so for a reason. Personally, I tend to avoid those that don't charge what I consider to be a fair price for the services offered. Sometimes I will save up to see a provider who charges more than what I want to pay and so far I haven't been disappointed with them.

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