San Diego

Very well put, but . . .
Looking4FitGFE 31 Reviews 1252 reads
1 / 25

Just for the guys that frequent these ladies. I always just leave 300 in an envelope for the session. Do you guys usually tip more, the same or just give the 260?  
I've recently seen a few of these ladies that seemed to give a little extra GFE service and am wondering if I should be leaving a bit more?

FoxCar71 27 Reviews 590 reads
2 / 25

I don't visit the K-girl agencies much anymore, but when I did, I never tipped. The variations in service you get at the agencies depend mostly on the personal preferences of the girl you're with. (If she likes to play in the shower, she will. If not, she won't, etc.)

If you find a K-girl whose service you really like, then see her again before she leaves town, or if she visits again. The better K-girls will remember you, and they appreciate returning clients

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 575 reads
3 / 25

...Below you can find the links to a couple of long discussions on the issue.  They should give you both sides of the argument as to whether to tip or not.

I think you are already giving enough of a tip.  The fact that you tip at all puts you in a very small minority of K-hobbyists.  Most K-clients don't tip at all.  The most important reason they see K-girls (in addition to good service) is the price point.  They're not going to tip because that would raise the price they're paying.

Looking4FitGFE 31 Reviews 372 reads
4 / 25

Thanks for the links. My dumbass didn't even know that there was a separate K-girl discussion board under the General Boards. I'll go do some research over on those boards.  
Thanks for the info!

Bic54 57 Reviews 387 reads
5 / 25

It's bad enough you're seeing women who are clearly being held against their I right everybody???

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 361 reads
6 / 25
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 551 reads
7 / 25

an earlier thread on this board from last week where he and I seemed to be of the minority opinion that agency Kgirls were NOT being trafficked.  The majority seemed to think they were being forced to be sex workers, but without the benefit of actually have seen some.  Lol

Epicurus61 314 reads
8 / 25

what's the point of tipping if their captors are just shaking them down for loose change after each session anyway?
Only tip the high-priced Courtesans because you know the money is going to the right place. I never tip at Burger King, but always at Mortons!  

Seriously, throw her a few sawbucks if you had a good time. You can afford it. It's not socialism if the government doesn't make you do it.

Bic54 57 Reviews 348 reads
9 / 25

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
an earlier thread on this board from last week where he and I seemed to be of the minority opinion that agency Kgirls were NOT being trafficked.  The majority seemed to think they were being forced to be sex workers, but without the benefit of actually have seen some.  Lol

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 312 reads
11 / 25

I have had a few that I didn't think deserved it, but I tipped anyway.  In the Kgirl world, its about having an excellent rep with the booker on how you treat the girls.  The girls come and go, but the booker is with you for the duration of your hobby career.  Tippers get priority.  I had one last week where he girl I booked was feeling sick, so was quitting early before my appointment time.  The booker said if I wanted this other girl, he would "move things around" to get me the same time I had with the first girl.  This was on 90 minutes notice, so yeah, tipping helps your reputation with the booker.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 220 reads
12 / 25
Looking4FitGFE 31 Reviews 244 reads
13 / 25

So how do you know what percentage of the tip goes to the provider and how much goes to the booker? If I always put three 100's in an envelope how does the booker know if I left a tip or not? Can't the girl keep all of the tip?
 When does the provider pay the booker, at the end of the night or after every appointment?  
Just wondering if I should put a little extra for the booker, but not sure how the booker would know.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 290 reads
14 / 25

is explained in the second link posted by BigP, above.  The girl gets everything above the amount that she owes to the org, which includes any tip left by the customer.  She pays the org at the end of each day based on how many customers she saw that day.  As long as the org gets their correct fee for providing the incall and the booker, they have no interest in how much the girl got.  The org, not the girl, pays the booker from its cut.  The bookers learn who the tippers are because the girls will tell them.  This allows the bookers to give priority to tippers because the girls, of course, would rather have a tipper during a certain hour than a non-tipper.  Some girls will give the booker a little bit of the tip for sending a new customer that is a tipper their way, but mostly the girl gets it all.  I have had a few bookers tell me that a certain girl has asked them to give me priority whenever I wanted to see that girl.  Other times, the bookers will give you priority anyway if they know you are a tipper.  

As far as showing your appreciation to the booker, they make a good income, so it is difficult to do anything meaningful on a per-appointment basis.  The best way to thank a booker is to book a two-hour session once a month or so, and to work with them in seeing other girls they may have if the one you asked for is not available at the time you requested.  Two hours is the same work for the booker, but twice the money.  At Christmas, for the bookers that I have used a lot during the year, I will give them something to show my appreciation by leaving a sealed envelope with one of their girls with the booker's name on it and I will tell the booker I left them a Christmas present with the girl.  Make sure its a girl that speaks some English and will understand the envelope is for the booker and not her.

Stern5565 4 Reviews 270 reads
15 / 25

I have always tipped to at least $300 when using this type of service (some that I have grown to know can get a bigger tip). The girls always seem to appreciate it and when you look on the website it encourages you to tip rather than bring flowers or other gifts. I have seen girls in these agencies come and go (many have told me the are going home for a bit) so I really don't think they are being held "against their will" as some on here seem to believe or want to portray. From what I get from dealing with the bookers is they are very much a "risk adverse" type of employer so they would not want to be in the position where they are at risk for something more than "pandering." All it would take would be one girl to "spill the beans" and these guys would be going away for a very long time. These girls likely send as much money as they can back home to make a life for them later on, which isn't much different, IMHO, that the American girls on here. They can make much more money in the hobby than they could have using traditional means. They may have to rely on a "service" for their bookings but they also don't have to try to find a location on their own (and make sure they can make enough to pay for it), market themselves and still make a profit. As with the non-agency girls on here you can have a great experience or a not so great one though I have generally found this service to be pretty consistent.

I go back and forth between one of the well known Asian agencies here in SD and independents though, of late, I have spent more time with the independents (though I am not a big time hobbyist). Scheduling is generally quite easy and in a spur of the moment scenario you can find an appointment to meet your rather immediate need.  I would say that the biggest reason for going with a local independent is because I generally don't have to worry about the language barrier.

Just my $0.02 worth.

GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 356 reads
16 / 25

Why does one tip?

When service is above and beyond the expectation.


Do you tip your doctor?
Do you tip your therapist?
Do you tip your trash man?
Do you tip your internet provider?

To contrast

Do you tip your waitress?
Do you tip your valet?
Do you tip your pizza delivery guy?
Do you tip your  


IMO tipping is to the discretion of self.

Some people see escorts like a waitress who is catering to you but has to giver back a portion to tip outs etc etc while others see escorts more as a therapist who is getting very well payed hourly as it is for a somewhat limited exertion while being self sustained without a boss or manager.  

Let me put it to you this way:
When I was with a massage agency I was tipped at a minimum of 70% of the time more than I am now. Even if it was just an extra 20 to even double my hourly at times. At the moment I can't recall the last time I was tipped in cash (it's not Amazon gift cards usually and I actually can recall now ML heehee missing you if yiou happen to be reading this and you are SO appreciated and guess what SL is back! Message me) *ahem* However... I am now receiving more gifts and treats than when I was being tipped cash. So it's really about you and what you're open to or willing to do to show your appreciation.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 262 reads
17 / 25

do you have any insights on WHY some hobbyists consider full service escorting to NOT be a "personal service" in the same manner as their massage therapist, barber, waitress, or shoe shiner?  To me, what you do is the MOST personal of all personal services.

HumpbertHumpbert 7 Reviews 307 reads
18 / 25

I have some pretty basic rules that I think many others follow but I may be way off on this one.  I almost never tip someone who is self-employed.  So Goldy - if you are self-employed I wouldn't tip you regardless of your service level.  On the contrary to people who are working for someone else - like you were in the agency situation or a K-girl or a waitress, valet, pizza guy, etc.  I think you get the picture.  For me I tip for good service and if the person is working for someone else.  I figure if someone is self-employed then the tip is built into the equation.  No disrespect intended here Gold but I don't think you can compare yourself (self-employed) who bills at $600/hr to a K-girl (working for someone else) who is billed at around $260/hr.  I am guessing that you already make around $400/hr after expenses MORE than the K-Girl.

Hopefully that gives you some more insight.

GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 333 reads
19 / 25

Thanks for the "insight" but I never suggested anything other than to make your own choice with tipping. I only explained my experience that when I was with my agency I was tipped more often than when I transitioned to a broader dating pool.  

Do you tip your doctor or therapist? Typically no
Do you tip your hair stylist? Typically yes

This service type here falls somewhat under both so it's at ones own discretion on if they wish to tip regardless of rate/management/independence/etc.

I fail to see where I compared myself to anyone at all in my post. Sorry if you missed the point I was trying to make but I was only mentioning that I have seen a firsthand differences in tipping as an independent, from bring with an agency and from offering changes / rate changes.  

Thanks for sharing! Hopefully you understand my post more fully now.
Namaste, GK

HumpbertHumpbert 7 Reviews 268 reads
20 / 25

Well - comparing yourself ... The thread originated about K-girls so the presumption was that was the comparison.  Not really sure what else to tell you gold.  Best of luck to you in your "independent" service offerings.

Looking4FitGFE 31 Reviews 206 reads
21 / 25

Providers do provide the most "personal service" there is, but once you've experienced the type of personal service that the K girls offer, it's difficult to find anywhere else. I'd say 80 or 90 percent of the time my experience with K girls has been a 9/10 in service and that always deserves a tip. However, in my experience with independent providers that charge $500 or more, I'd say it's about 50 percent of the time that the service has been a 9/10.  
I just don't really see the benefit of seeing independent providers at practically double the cost of the K girls when the service is most likely to be subpar. That's why I think everyone who schedules with a K girl should be leaving a $40 or $50 tip.
Unfortunately for the Independent providers who charge as much as they do, they just don't seem to warrant a tip when it's usually talking for 20 min, 1 pop and done. With the K girls there's not much talking, but it's almost always 2 pops and non stop play time.
I haven't been with the independent provider who jumps your bones as soon as you get in the room and continues nonstop for the whole hour. That type of service is what warrants a tip

hiddenhills 143 Reviews 293 reads
22 / 25

Posted By: Looking4FitGFE
Providers do provide the most "personal service" there is, but once you've experienced the type of personal service that the K girls offer, it's difficult to find anywhere else. I'd say 80 or 90 percent of the time my experience with K girls has been a 9/10 in service and that always deserves a tip. However, in my experience with independent providers that charge $500 or more, I'd say it's about 50 percent of the time that the service has been a 9/10.  
 I just don't really see the benefit of seeing independent providers at practically double the cost of the K girls when the service is most likely to be subpar. That's why I think everyone who schedules with a K girl should be leaving a $40 or $50 tip.  
 Unfortunately for the Independent providers who charge as much as they do, they just don't seem to warrant a tip when it's usually talking for 20 min, 1 pop and done. With the K girls there's not much talking, but it's almost always 2 pops and non stop play time.  
 I haven't been with the independent provider who jumps your bones as soon as you get in the room and continues nonstop for the whole hour. That type of service is what warrants a tip.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 239 reads
23 / 25

This topic always brings out the non-tippers who don't like any of us tipping because they look bad by comparison.  There has been many a spirited discussion on various boards on the benefits of tipping, or the evils of tipping if you're a non-tipper.

fingerlicking00d 22 Reviews 272 reads
24 / 25

Never but I make it up with repeats.

Posted By: Looking4FitGFE
Just for the guys that frequent these ladies. I always just leave 300 in an envelope for the session. Do you guys usually tip more, the same or just give the 260?  
 I've recently seen a few of these ladies that seemed to give a little extra GFE service and am wondering if I should be leaving a bit more?

Rockynutz 92 Reviews 319 reads
25 / 25

I rarely tip K-girls, but try to do repeat visits which they love, as well giving them a good review

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