San Diego

verbatium thoun
a12352 119 Reviews 1111 reads
1 / 8

I posted a review of Amanda Parker a few days ago.  Today I noticed  a new review of her, posted by a brand new user posting his first review on TER. Nothing unusual so far, but upon reading his review I cannot help but think that he essentially copied and pasted my review, changing just a few words here and there. I guess that's one way to get free two weeks of VIP membership.  

LeucadiaGuy 152 Reviews 140 reads
2 / 8

I've been seeing a lot of copy-cats and fake reviews.  There's even some tool that took an iteration of my screen name and started using it on other sites.  I get why they're doing it, but wtf?  No honor among thieves I guess.  I saw another review of a provider that was an absolute fake as I know the provider personally and she hasn't hosted in the location indicated by the reviewer in over 10 years.  I've reported them when I catch it but its really a he-said/she-said situation and I'm guessing the moderators have enough balls in the air.

Just lame.

pussylover760 26 Reviews 142 reads
3 / 8

what if I  have copied the review because  I have more or less same experience  

I care more about  telling the truth  than writing creativity

a12352 119 Reviews 140 reads
4 / 8

I will forgive you.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 137 reads
5 / 8

Same experience for different people. I love reading these posts fellas! Glad you guys can forgive & move on.  Writing a review must be difficult. I have friends who have never wrote me a review, and I am sure it's because they do not know how to share their experience by means of erotic fantasy.

LeucadiaGuy 152 Reviews 133 reads
6 / 8
LeucadiaGuy 152 Reviews 133 reads
7 / 8

There's a difference between a same or similar experience and simply copying and pasting.  One can't be in such a deficit of words to not come up with a few of their own.  Otherwise it just looks like one is simply posting a fake/repeat review for VIP days and possibly diluting a providers legitimacy.  Just my $0.02

a12352 119 Reviews 117 reads
8 / 8

Yes, that was the case here. Someone copied my review almost exactly word for word; and that was the person's one and only review. I has since been removed.

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